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Opening a Chest and things that go bump in the night


Can someone confirm a fear? After jumping through hoops and spending days strategizing, building up resources and finally having enough to open this chest, alas, I cannot. It appears that I am one undefeated province away from my goal. I actually don't want to see you say 'yep', but I'm stuck and guess I just need to hear it. I'm laughing/crying at the same time.

Please see the attachment and thanks! :)

Now I'm really confused. I just defeated a province and thought it was a done deal to open the chest and now the province number changed. What am I missing?


  • Open chest.png
    Open chest.png
    166.8 KB · Views: 118
  • Chest 2.png
    Chest 2.png
    130.9 KB · Views: 122
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I think you have it backwards. The first number (32) is your actual provinces and the second (30) is the number needed, so you already had enough to open the chest that is why you had the green checkmark. Don't know why you can't open the chest. Have you completed all the technologies leading up to the chest?


I think you have it backwards. The first number (32) is your actual provinces and the second (30) is the number needed, so you already had enough to open the chest that is why you had the green checkmark. Don't know why you can't open the chest. Have you completed all the technologies leading up to the chest?

I thought that too, at first. But when it increased and incremented I had no clue what was going on . Yes, all other technologies have been 'opened' but I have not activated one of them. If that's the problem then it would not explain why I was able to move on previously completing all technologies but not 'activating' one of them.

Thank you.

You're right. That is it. No checkmark next to one. Sigh...Ok thank you. :)
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