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    Your Elvenar Team

News Player Movement is coming to US!!



Dear Humans and Elves,

Many of us know the problem exists, though some may encounter it a bit more than others: a lack of neighbors on the world map. After months of development, we are now able to offer you a solution on the US server! We will begin moving players on our world maps Monday, October 10th!!

Of course this is not something that is very easy, as your place on the world map decides e.g. your boosted goods, and we have the Tournaments as well, which also depend on your location on the world map. So, with all that (and more!) in mind, we will make moving on the world map possible.

So, how will this work?

First of all, we have added a new setting that makes it possible for you to choose if you want to be moved or not (this is already available now). By default this will be ON (because we believe it is always better to be moved, since having neighbors is very important in Elvenar). But, should you wish to remain where you are, you of course have that option. Do note that it is very likely that you find yourself in an empty area should you turn the setting off, since your neighbors will likely be moved. So please keep that in mind when considering to turn off this feature.


If the setting is ON for your account, it will be possible that you are moved. It is not a guarantee, however. The system will check the following:
  1. player activity (if you are inactive, you will not get priority to be moved)
  2. if there is a space on the world map available (the world map is a repeating pattern, so there has to be a space available that matches the one you are already in)
Of course, we will only move players towards the map's center. This will make sure that all players will be moved towards the same general direction. Also, any progress you have made on your account will of course be saved and will be moved with you, including your progress on the world map (scouted provinces, etc.).

We hope everyone will be as excited as we are that we can finally begin to address this issue in all of our game worlds here!

In case of any questions or comments we invite you to post in the discussion thread!
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Dear Humans and Elves,

We would like to let you all know that we will be doing the second round of player movement on Tuesday, November 15th. If you would like to be moved, please make sure your movement setting is checked, and vise versa if you do not wish to be moved.

Unfortunately, we are not sure of the time this will take place, but will keep you updated throughout the process. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact support.

Kind regards,
Your Elvenar Team