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    Your Elvenar Team

Please explain why zero-star trades are banned, or not allowed, in some fellowships.


New Member
I use 0-start trade offers to set aside goods I'll need later in upcoming Technologies. I wouldn't dream that anyone would accept a raw deal.
But I got the boot from my fellowship because the ArchMage didn't like scrolling through useless offers.
Is there a fellowship out there which is operated by an open mind?


Mathematician par Excellence
I got the boot from my fellowship because the ArchMage didn't like scrolling through useless offers.
Looks like the answer to your post title is right there.
Several players like to help out by logging in several times per day and taking all of our fellow's trades really quickly by just power-clicking.
Hitting your 0-star trade by accident would be annoying and so would having to carefully avoid it.

Honestly, it doesn't even sound like you need this so why not just stop doing it? Do you have to withdraw your rent money and keep that in a separate jar every month too? and another jar for every meal? and every utility bill?
Budgeting isn't that hard.


Well-Known Member
It seems like in doing this you are asking your fellowship members to do the mental work of ignoring your unfair trades so that you don't have to do the mental work of remembering you need to have a certain number of resources available. This could be especially problematic for smaller members of your fellowship if your trades are the only ones they have sufficient quantity for so they keep showing up at the top of their trade offers.

Many fellowship members like Soggy also take trades from other fellowship members to help them out even if they are not strictly fair. Should they have to remember that this is your system and that you are not really looking for those goods?

I can understand why this is convenient for you, but do you recognize that what is beneficial for you could be unhelpful to others? There are other ways to accomplish what you are after, such as having a spreadsheet or even a sticky note (virtual or otherwise) on your phone or computer monitor.

I am not saying you are terrible; clearly this is a choice about how to play, but I wonder if you have considered this with an open mind to others' perspectives about how the behavior affects them. So far you've received feedback from at least one fellowship that indicates they don't like this tactic.


Buddy Fan Club member
In my Ch16 city my trader is 110 pages long. I choose to be in FS's that only allow 2* or better trades and either don't allow or discourage cross tier trades. I have a huge inventory of regular goods and like to go into the trader, sort for FS trades only and click through everything there until they're all gone. I don't want to have to determine the 'value' of every trade before accepting it.
That said, I will absolutely take zero star cross tier trades from an FS member who has a specific and pressing need. I also have a conversation with that player to make sure they know what they need to do to become self sufficient. I'm not interested in being teammates with players who depend on me to produce goods for them. I prefer team players who contribute to the overall trading health of our FS by producing enough of their boosted goods to trade 1:1 within the same tier. I find it difficult to keep my own goods balanced if I try to do too much to subsidize others especially across tiers. I'm here to enjoy the game, not struggle needlessly.


New Member
There are people who don't look at the trade before accepting it? I select what trades I want and don't want.
Why would the developers make lopsided trades possible if they didn't want folks to use them?
I guess it bothers some people and I still don't understand why.


Well-Known Member
I guess it bothers some people and I still don't understand why.

From what you are saying, you are posting trades for goods that you don't intend to trade and expecting others to do the mental work of evaluating whether or not you really want to trade that good. You are asking others to do free work for your benefit without giving them anything in return. They don't like that.

Looking at it from another perspective, perhaps you really enjoy garlic and eat lots of garlic every day. It's your perfect right to do that, but other people might choose not to hang out with you.


New Member
There are 2 members in my fellowship who will take 0-star trades on purpose because it's still a better deal than the Wholesaler.


Well-Known Member
So it's 'work' to skip over the 0-star trades.

work noun
  1. 1.
    activity involving mental or physical effort done in order to achieve a purpose or result
There are 2 members in my fellowship who will take 0-star trades on purpose because it's still a better deal than the Wholesaler.

If people are taking the trades for goods that you are "storing" then this practice is not only annoying for others but also not very effective.

Enevhar Aldarion

Oh Wise One
Why are you even setting them aside like that? There is no storage limit and the nine normal goods do not disappear over time or anything. That will not happen until you are in chapter 12 and with different goods.

And fellowships do not have rules against these trades because they are in the way or anything. Zero-star trades are at the end of the list of all other trades. Fellowships are against these because many people who post them are doing it to take advantage of other players who do not know better or who accidentally click on the trade and take it when they did not want it.

Sir Squirrel

Artist EXTRAORDINAIRE and Buddy Fan Club member
There are 2 members in my fellowship who will take 0-star trades on purpose because it's still a better deal than the Wholesaler.
Ok so them members would take your 0 star trades that you are saving for future researches and you wouldn't have them goods on hand when you need them (this is what you said in your first post which is counter productive and I highly doubt that is why you are doing it). So your next post (the one I quoted) doesn't jive with your previous post of using the trades to save goods you need, so I can only assume you are posting these 0 star trades to get ahead on goods at the expense of your other FS members. You are in fact making them do all the work of producing extra goods just to give them to you at a discount. I will accept some 0 star trades from newer players in my FS to help them get the goods needed to build their own manufactories so that they can get their production going and start to be a productive member of the FS. Any member that I thought was doing this sort of thing for their own gain and taking advantage of others in my FS would get the boot as well. You really need to build only your boosted goods manufactories and trade for the others at a fair price or you will be seen as taking advantage of others and will have a really hard time finding a good FS to be in and to find players that will take them trades. The only reason players are taking your trades at the moment is you are a small city and they are trying to help you out, but if you keep doing this players will stop taking any of your trades at all.
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Well-Known Member
Why would the developers make lopsided trades possible if they didn't want folks to use them?
Lots of things are possible, but that doesn't mean players like those methods. Lots of people don't like regular 0- star trades, so they make that a rule for membership in their group. Just like in the real world, people create clubs with all sorts of membership criteria. They're entitled to determine rules for their group, just as you're entitled to find or found a group that suits your style better.

This is a recurring forum debate, and I don't think there's a black- and- white "right" answer, only different perspectives on how the game "should" be. But the majority clearly favors "fair trades" so you've got to either work with that or find a group that doesn't care.

Deleted User - 849192770

I use 0-start trade offers to set aside goods I'll need later in upcoming Technologies
just write it down on a piece of paper it works like magic (if you need help remember to look at the paper put PAPER in your city name)


Scroll-Keeper, Keys to the Gems
You've asked us to explain why and then criticized some of the most helpful members here on this Forum when they have explained the rationale. You are arguing with us. Many recruiters check and read the Forum and yet .. here you are ... showing them why you may be trouble for them.
Happy Gaming

Crow Last Elf

Well-Known Member
Do you play on the app version? When scrolling through trades, it is too easy to accept a trade I didn't intend to.

Edit: I see that you replied to several fs looking for members. If you add a short explanation of why you post zero star trades and what else you will bring to the fs as a player, I think you'll have better luck finding a fs. There are many fs who promote "play the way you want to".
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