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    Your Elvenar Team

Province Expansions in Late Chapters


Eater of Crawfish
I just entered the "Team Spirit" chapter and noticed that I can no longer achieve a province expansion. I still have plenty of room for expansions in my city, but I only see two Research expansions (available) in this chapter and that's not enough. Is their a way to get/earn an expansion other than purchasing it with diamonds? I hate to sound cheap (ok I'm cheap) but the cost in diamonds for an expansion is just too much for me. Any feedback is welcome. Thanks.



Oh Wise One
The total number of expansions is equal to all current research, scouting, and premium expansions. There is no overlap. So if you show no more research expansions or scouting expansions, then you will not be able to get any more except by buying premium expansions until they decide to make the grid larger.

The total is 57 from research, 66 from province scouting, and 45 from Premium purchases for a total of 168. If you don't have any of those available and you want to use them, then you have to wait for them to add more in the future with new chapters.


Eater of Crawfish
The total number of expansions is equal to all current research, scouting, and premium expansions. There is no overlap. So if you show no more research expansions or scouting expansions, then you will not be able to get any more except by buying premium expansions until they decide to make the grid larger.

The total is 57 from research, 66 from province scouting, and 45 from Premium purchases for a total of 168. If you don't have any of those available and you want to use them, then you have to wait for them to add more in the future with new chapters.
Thank you, this was helpful as I was not aware of the expansion allocation limits. Guess I need to get me a part-time job so I can afford some expansions :(


Oh Wise One
Thank you, this was helpful as I was not aware of the expansion allocation limits. Guess I need to get me a part-time job so I can afford some expansions :(
Doing the spire regularly, in a busy group most of whom do the spire, can be a steady source of diamonds (200-300 per week isn't too tough). Also crafting as much as you can in the magic Academy (which probably means doing a lot of tournaments for extra runes) can yield another 500 a month or more depending on how flush you are with CCs and fragments.


Doing the spire regularly, in a busy group most of whom do the spire, can be a steady source of diamonds (200-300 per week isn't too tough). Also crafting as much as you can in the magic Academy (which probably means doing a lot of tournaments for extra runes) can yield another 500 a month or more depending on how flush you are with CCs and fragments.
And if you are in a very small Fellowship where after exhausting everything written and watching scores of u-tubes and winding up with the same bad luck equals loss of precious supplies and coin. Oh my!

Enevhar Aldarion

Oh Wise One
It went without saying that you can only get 200- 300 diamonds a week in a gold spire fellowship.

Silver spire FS will get you a little over 125 per week and bronze FS rewards a little over 50 per week.

If you win zero extra from chests, then it is 50 for bronze, 75 for silver, or 125 total, and 150 for gold, or 275 total.


Oh Wise One
And if you are in a very small Fellowship where after exhausting everything written and watching scores of u-tubes and winding up with the same bad luck equals loss of precious supplies and coin. Oh my!
Yes. but to be clear, being in a small fellowship is a choice. Small fellowships can look for other small fellowships to become larger ones. And negotiating the spire vs fighting it is also a choice.

The OP is seeking ways to obtain more expansions without buying diamonds.


Tetris Master
I cater to the top of the spire each week and I'm in a Gold Spire fellowship. I've kept track of all diamonds won and used since 8th June 2022.
In 341 days I have won 37,014 diamonds, avg 109 a day, so ~763 a week. That is from spire gold (275 a week), Spire chests, Genie's won in spire, Goddess of Wishes, Daily Gift (mobile), Magic Academy, Chapter quest prizes. I have used 13,511 on fourth rounds in Spire, more so previously, less so now (I'm down to 4-7 rounds each week).

I am saving the diamonds to use in the 20% expansion sale on Black Friday or Cyber Monday in November to minimise costs of expansions.


Eater of Crawfish
Yes. but to be clear, being in a small fellowship is a choice. Small fellowships can look for other small fellowships to become larger ones. And negotiating the spire vs fighting it is also a choice.

The OP is seeking ways to obtain more expansions without buying diamonds.
I should have responded to your post earlier Ashrem: My fellowship hits Gold in spire every week and we get between 14 to 16 chests every week. It would currently take 5,400 diamonds to purchase a premium expansion. I usually fight my way to the top of the spire in one or two days and only wind up negotiating 3 or 4 times. I really like the 5 hour time reductions, the CC's and the diamonds. But 275 diamonds to me is squat compared to 5,400. I am completely in awe that Iamthouth has managed to accumulate over 37K in diamonds. My luck just doesn't seem to be in the diamond winning area. Regardless, I love this game and I have no one to blame but myself for using up all my province expansions. I need 520 provinces to enter my current chapter and I have completed 630. (I love fighting in tournaments, provinces and Spire.) I'll just have to find a way to purchase some diamonds. Every so often I receive a 50% and sometimes even a 100% boost in purchasing and in the future I will take advantage of those. Other solutions may also present themselves, but I feel that I have received all the information that I was looking for in this post.

All the best, XLW


Well-Known Member
I should have responded to your post earlier Ashrem: My fellowship hits Gold in spire every week and we get between 14 to 16 chests every week. It would currently take 5,400 diamonds to purchase a premium expansion. I usually fight my way to the top of the spire in one or two days and only wind up negotiating 3 or 4 times. I really like the 5 hour time reductions, the CC's and the diamonds. But 275 diamonds to me is squat compared to 5,400. I am completely in awe that Iamthouth has managed to accumulate over 37K in diamonds. My luck just doesn't seem to be in the diamond winning area. Regardless, I love this game and I have no one to blame but myself for using up all my province expansions. I need 520 provinces to enter my current chapter and I have completed 630. (I love fighting in tournaments, provinces and Spire.) I'll just have to find a way to purchase some diamonds. Every so often I receive a 50% and sometimes even a 100% boost in purchasing and in the future I will take advantage of those. Other solutions may also present themselves, but I feel that I have received all the information that I was looking for in this post.

All the best, XLW
Sometimes you get lucky and get an offer for 200% more diamonds. Those are the only ones I consider.


Chef - loquacious Old Dog
I cater to the top of the spire each week and I'm in a Gold Spire fellowship. I've kept track of all diamonds won and used since 8th June 2022.
In 341 days I have won 37,014 diamonds, avg 109 a day, so ~763 a week. That is from spire gold (275 a week), Spire chests, Genie's won in spire, Goddess of Wishes, Daily Gift (mobile), Magic Academy, Chapter quest prizes. I have used 13,511 on fourth rounds in Spire, more so previously, less so now (I'm down to 4-7 rounds each week).

I am saving the diamonds to use in the 20% expansion sale on Black Friday or Cyber Monday in November to minimise costs of expansions.
Yep. I haven't bought diamonds in about 4 years. I purchased several premium expansions with the diamonds I've earned in the game. 2 of them a few days ago. My fs is Silver and I Craft like crazy, and I top the Spire each week. That gives me genies. Putting out 6 genies gave me about 6,000 diamonds. So you don't have to buy diamonds, you just have to play a full and robust game where you are here a lot, participate in all the events, FA's, Spire, Tournament and Crafting. Diamonds don't rain down like an Amazon monsoon, but more like a late spring shower, but they do come.



Chef - loquacious Old Dog
My problem is believing I'll be around long enough to actually take advantage of them. I have 14 genies and 25 wishing wells sitting around
I kind of know the feeling. I have another 5 genies but am reluctant to put them out because they take space I need for the guest race. So I'll finish this guest race, put in all my expiring buildings, wait three months while I do other things, and then clear them out before I actually start the next guest race. For me it means parking my city for a few months, but the diamonds are worth the time.
