I am curious how the Net Zero KP swap method works. I think I have e.g. seen
@SoggyShorts mention it?
As I understand it then you mostly put KP in your own wonders and then you ask your fellows to donate KP corresponding to the values of the chests. So if there are 3 chests worth 15, 10 and 5 KP then you ask 3 fellows to donate 15, 10 and 5 KP. So the owner of the wonder gets all the KP in the chests, and the fellows get the runes (and thereby mainly donate to help the owner as most will just get the same amount of KP back that they donate).
I think I can see that this would work great in the ideal case, but I have a lot of questions. I think I know the answers to some of them, but would like to check if I have understood it correctly!
1. When do you ask fellows to donate KP? I assume it should be shortly before you complete it yourself: as the only reward for the fellows are the runes, so they should get their KP back fast.
2. Do you post a new thread for each wonder or do you post all wonders in the same thread?
3. How much info do you list in the message? Do you list all the rewards such that everyone can see which chests there are?
4. I assume fellows should reply to the message that they will donate before they donate to avoid double donations where 2 members donate at the same time?
5. What do you do when 2 members donate at the same time and 1 member thereby donates more than they get back? Does the owner then donate to that members wonder? But then the owner needs to donate the difference plus the value of the chest that the owner gets back?
6. If a stranger jumps in and bumps members then I guess the owner needs to compensate the bumped members as described in 5?
7. If strangers have already donated to the wonder do you then just bump them down until they don't earn KP (but maybe runes)? Or do you try to bump them further down? I guess that would be cumbersome if the owner then needs to compensate those members?
8. If a member has donated less than a chest is worth (e.g. 3 KP), what do you then do? Do you ask that member to donate more (e.g. 2 KP), or do you just bump that member, or does the owner loose 2 KP if that member doesn't donate more?
9. What do you do if there are less KP left in the wonder than the chests are worth?
10. Is it cumbersome to move from KP Swap Threads/Shout Outs to Net Zero?
11. Any other problems I have not thought of?