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    Your Elvenar Team

Recruitment - Closed. Thx

Empress Yume

New Member
Evening greetings,
The recruiting tab needs to be completely overhauled. Two sections or tabs should be used. One for fellowships looking for members to place their advertisement and another section for individuals or those who want to merge with another fellowship to request placement in an active fellowship.
There should be space for folks to place a brief message as well so that when we are searching for new members, we can see based on their words if they would be a good fit.
Add the ability to send messages to individuals to further allow us to ask questions, interview them to ensure if they will work out well.
The current setup has those who are no longer playing, those who want to remain solo and an extremely low amount of folks who may want a fellowship. But it’s mostly made up of inactive gamers. (Advertising the game would help tremendously and bring in new members).
Thank you for reviewing this request which would make it so much easier to keep full fellowships.
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Well-Known Member
Hi, @Empress Yume ! Are you playing on mobile? I agree, it is very difficult to recruit and manage a fellowship on the mobile app version of the game.

If you have access to a PC, you may want to try that way. You can search for players and visit their cities to try and guess at activity. It is also easy to message an individual applicant or send an invitation.

You can also use elvenstats.com to help with recruitment, since it has an interface that shows when it suspects someone is inactive.

All that being said, finding good and active players is hard work even with all the tools one needs. If you would like this suggestion to equate to an actual change in game mechanics, you will want to read the message explaining the correct format and process for suggestions found here. You may want to include more specific information, or even a screenshot to help illustrate changes you would like to see.

Empress Yume

New Member
Evening Niteshade,
Recruiting shouldn’t require going outside of the game to see who’s active. It’s a tedious process and I’m on mobile. I’ve looked on ElvenStats before but it’s better if those who are active, post their requests instead of a dead list of names.
I’m just giving a general layout of what is needed. I’ll leave that up to the Elvenar to decide how best to code and set up the tabs. Thx & enjoy.


Buddy Fan Club member
I agree there should be much better recruitment tools in the game.
I’ll leave that up to the Elvenar to decide how best to code and set up the tabs.
But if you do that, no one who has the ability to implement this suggestion will ever see it.
This is a primarily player driven forum with volunteer moderators. For years, there was no path to the devs from this forum. Beta forum was the only forum with a path. Here, we were all just tossing around stuff with each other that no one with the power to implement ever even looked at. This has only been a possibility since March 2020. Our dedicated volunteer moderators worked really hard to get Inno staff to agree to even look at a suggestion from here. The requirements listed in the link: Ideas and Suggestions Forum Guide are the requirements the devs set up. Once an idea has been fully fleshed out to comply with all their restrictions and reached a vote level where it can be forwarded, the only thing they will look at is the original post. They won't look at any of the discussion. They also will not respond to us with any thoughts they may have on these ideas; it is strictly a one-way path of communication. On the rare occasion the mods hear anything back, they let us know, but so far that has been "not what you wanted to hear, but..." It's far from an ideal situation for us, but most of us are just thankful there's any path to get ideas seen at all.

Empress Yume

New Member
Some games set up an official account via Discord. Great way to step up tabs on a server for recruitment, game updates, etc... The maps we have also have lots of inactive and solo players making it a unless way to recruit.
As for what the Devs will or won’t read, it’s in their best interest of the longevity of Elvenar to read both the initial post and responses as well. A game is worthless without a strong player base. It’s not uncommon for players to leave a game when simple matters can be improved and implemented. Recruiting shouldn’t be this difficult.

Empress Yume

New Member
Evening greetings,
The recruiting tab needs to be completely overhauled. Two sections or tabs should be used. One for fellowships looking for members to place their advertisement and another section for individuals or those who want to merge with another fellowship to request placement in an active fellowship.
There should be space for folks to place a brief message as well so that when we are searching for new members, we can see based on their words if they would be a good fit.
Add the ability to send messages to individuals to further allow us to ask questions, interview them to ensure if they will work out well.
The current setup has those who are no longer playing, those who want to remain solo and an extremely low amount of folks who may want a fellowship. But it’s mostly made up of inactive gamers. (Advertising the game would help tremendously and bring in new members).
Thank you for reviewing this request which would make it so much easier to keep full fellowships.
Pros: Easier to recruit those who want to be in a fellowship
Those who want to remain solo, won’t be pestered
Easier way to communicate, interview potential new members
Less time consuming since many of us r busy folks
Allows new members to communicate with new fellowship
Easier to replace members that aren’t up to par

Cons: None since the list is primarily inactive including map

hvariidh gwendrot

Well-Known Member
i agree those fellowship seeking and member seeking tab need to be better organized and a good cleaning but she actually gave you the best tool there is to recruit other than sitting on those posts and digging around on those tabs (elvenstats.com) and you can create conversations with people from forums or contact them in game .. it isn't easy to recruit, then you have players like me who recruit for my fellowship and others like me recruiting for their, till your idea gets implemented >if ever< busy or not you gotta get in there and scrum .. 25 members who will play stay and enjoy the game don't just fall like mana from the heavens, it's more like digging for truffles

Empress Yume

New Member
i agree those fellowship seeking and member seeking tab need to be better organized and a good cleaning but she actually gave you the best tool there is to recruit other than sitting on those posts and digging around on those tabs (elvenstats.com) and you can create conversations with people from forums or contact them in game .. it isn't easy to recruit, then you have players like me who recruit for my fellowship and others like me recruiting for their, till your idea gets implemented >if ever< busy or not you gotta get in there and scrum .. 25 members who will play stay and enjoy the game don't just fall like mana from the heavens, it's more like digging for truffles
I’m fully aware of various sites. But no game I’ve ever dealt with has such a serious issue of recruiting and that many inactive. I’m not new to leading guilds and recruitment, just so you are aware. You make it seem as though I don’t know the way of it as far as recruiting.

hvariidh gwendrot

Well-Known Member
doesn't matter what experience you have elsewhere, it's here you are and just saying you have to play the cards you get dealt and those are the cards you got .. if you don't want to use the tools the two very helpful players gave you earlier that's a choice


Buddy Fan Club member
Have a great evening folks. Please close this post. I see my point has been missed.
Enjoy and Happy Gaming.
That's really too bad Empress. Since everyone who has responded to you here is just a player, we have no more ability than you do to close this post.
Some of the most interesting ideas I've seen have come from players who were new to the forum (and maybe less jaded than some of us regulars lol!). In my opinion, this is a needed feature. I'm sad you don't have the time/energy/whatever to modify it to conform to requirements that were foisted upon us all. It does require a great deal of time to babysit these things, incorporate all the feedback into the original idea, polish it up, get it to a vote and hopefully garner enough positive votes to finally see it get forwarded to someone who has the power to at least look into implementation. Especially knowing you will most likely not get any feedback.
Here's an example of an idea that finally was able to be forwarded:
This player put forth the original idea in a thread in April (that's linked in the 2nd post in this final version) They had 16 pages of input there, closed that thread, started this one with a much clearer concept of what was needed, got it to a vote and got it forwarded after the voting period ended in August. It took 4 months! Not many players have that kind of time/energy and I'm really grateful to those that do.
Wishing you well, and happy gaming to you, too!