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    Your Elvenar Team

Recruitment to Elvenar team messages

  • Thread starter DeletedUser3966
  • Start date


It seems to me when coding can be put in place that we see "special offers" only 1 time if we decline to take the opportunity there could be some kind of coding put into place so we don't see this recruitment to become a part of the "Elvenar team" over and over again for days every time we log in to play. Frankly by the time I get through seeing it for the 4-5th time in a day, I almost don't want to play anymore until the thing goes away.


Have all your cities open at once so you don't have to keep seeing the message. I kinda understand why the pop-up every time you open. It has to be hard to recruit people for a part time job that doesn't pay any money.


I agree with Kaylee that it is crazy to try to recruit people to work for free. At the very least they should be paid in diamonds. But, I think real money would be much better. I guess we will see what happens. If no one wants to do the job for free, they will have to pay people.


I have done it. Not here, for another game. It is a thankless job. gah. Game mods have to have thick skin and tons of patience. they get caught in the middle between players and the developer liaison. I put in a year. will never do it again. I had to train for it and spend an hour weekly on a conference call to go over things. You have to be so careful what you say and how you say it and spend so much time explaining things and reading things that it severely limits your play time. Even for diamonds I would not do it. lol


:rolleyes: unfortunately we always have to plan for upcoming events which aren't active yet and additional hiring is necessary. I do wish the pop up wasn't so inconvenient as well but we don't have a 'mark as read' feature available in game yet.

Hopefully that will come one day, along with quite a few other things on the wish list :)


:rolleyes: unfortunately we always have to plan for upcoming events which aren't active yet and additional hiring is necessary. I do wish the pop up wasn't so inconvenient as well but we don't have a 'mark as read' feature available in game yet.

Hopefully that will come one day, along with quite a few other things on the wish list :)

The number one thing I would like to see is you guys getting paid! :) In cash. With real money. :)


Hopefully that will come one day, along with quite a few other things on the wish list

Frankly, I'm irritated at this point with a message I've already read and am not an idiot for you to have to repeat it to me. It's insulting! I suggest you post your needs in a this forum for those who are interested to find it and click the link to your application and volunteer job description. I don't like you shoving the message down my throat every time I log on. I have to refresh my game and it is a display of your inability to program adequately, which I'm sure is not the case.


Hey! Not cool, Finearfin. Aelfwine is one of the best moderators we have around here. Programming is done by the devs and they work for Inno. Aelfwine is an unpaid volunteer not a developer. It takes a fraction of a second to ignore that message. No one has "shoved" anything down your throat. If you are having trouble with the game and needing to refresh then by all means complain to Inno and the devs, but don't attack Aelf!


Well you do need to remember Aelfwine is answering here and has contact with the Devs... Though it is not 100% her fault when one answers for Devs they do tend to take the heat also..... Even if it is not really their fault....

That's like saying it's okay to bash the secretary because she says her boss is out of the office when you know they are there. She is doing what she is told and she takes the heat....

I am not saying it is okay.. But having Been a Game and Forum mod in the past I am just stating the simple Facts.... Not trying to Offend anyone but I have been around many games... It is the way things always work out... No it is not really fair but happens....

true. and it is the reason why I will never do it again. Forum mods put up with so much crap. Some deserve it as they get on a bit of an ego trip but most are wonderful people that truly love the game and helping people. And they do not get paid. Also they really do not have access to the Developers.. there is a liaison that is a buffer between 2. That is a paid position. The mods tell the liaison and the liaison will tell the Devs IF it is something they know the Devs are open to hearing.
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Just to clarify, my inclusion of AElfwine's line was to include the "wish list" portion. Obviously she is not in programming. In no way was my frustration for her but for the programmed omission of a boolean indicator to determine if the message had been viewed by a player or not. All interactions in this game have triggers to see if for example, a diamond has been consumed or not; if a knowledge point has been allocated or not. In like manner, programmers could have added that on the message to not repeat. To have a wish list of things and to continue to pile more is as bad as trash that doesn't get taken out and piles up. There is a whole announcements section on the website before you continue to the game, why was that not used? This whole forum has an announcement section, why was that not considered? If you go now, it states that there is nothing new...needing more mods is news, that needs to be announced there. https://us0.elvenar.com/web/news

As to AElfwine, my sincere apologies if you thought I directed this to you, that was not my intention. I appreciate your work and we new players depend on your contributions.

As to developers...use your tools in place and don't be lazy. We love and need your work!


Fineafrin, you know what else this game has besides and announcement section? A place to take your ideas and suggestions, so I suggest you take your complaining there and form it into a helpful suggestion for next time. :)


I suggest you take your complaining there

Thank you for the suggestion. This thread in its entirety is a complaint from the initial post to the mod's response up to my and your reaction thereof. In hindsight, mod could have closed this thread and routed it there. That, however, was not done. But I appreciate the notice.


It wasn't clear because Finearfin used words such as "you" and "yours" after quoting Aelf's post. But, now that has been cleared up completely. I'm glad Aelf wasn't being attacked. :) Thank you so much for clearing it up! I'm sorry if I sounded harsh. I just know how hard Aelf works.

Regarding the forums....I don't think it is 25% that come here, I think it is more like 2%. Most players don't even know how to get their password for the forums. And you never know, maybe no one would want to do it the first time they saw the message, or the second time, but eventually they decided they did want to. It might take a bit of prodding. It is a very much needed position, but I sure do wish Inno paid these people for it!

Hugs Finearfin! Sorry for the misunderstanding!


Since my pop up is no longer appearing, perhaps its safe to address these posts -

How come is it when we Close a Diamonds offer it stays Closed????? But we Close this and it Keeps popping up???? Seems the same type of Coding could be used......

Individual servers do not have the same ability to code as do the main offices in Germany where global offers are generated. Community Managers are required to live in the country where their server is located... soo...

Also they really do not have access to the Developers.

This is true, as my job is to get the feedback and suggestions on the forum to them, as well as bugs and whatever else needs forwarded and a long list of other stuff as well

This whole forum has an announcement section, why was that not considered? If you go now, it states that there is nothing new...needing more mods is news, that needs to be announced there. https://us0.elvenar.com/web/news

This is actually not an option as that space is no longer controlled at server level

Regarding the forums....I don't think it is 25% that come here, I think it is more like 2%

It's actually closer to 0.2% at the moment

You will all be happy to know that it should be at least another couple months until we need to post that again , so please feel free to revive this discussion when my next annoying pop up that can not be avoided appears :)


Thank you so much for your response Aelfwine. We do appreciate you very much!!


It's actually closer to 0.2% at the moment
I find that very easy to believe, actually. With people getting warned/ignored when they point out problems with this game, I honestly can't imagine why there are even this many people on the forums. When the developers add game elements which cannot be discussed on the forums because they violate the terms of the forums, people are warned for pointing out that they violate the conditions of the forums.

I still want someone to explain to me why the developers can put something into a game when the game's forum isn't allowed to discuss it. It's like saying people aren't allowed to talk about fruit for whatever reason because fruit is offensive and then having apples added to the game. By adding apples to the game, it becomes impossible to talk about the game without talking about the apples... but apples are fruit.

I have no interest in being a member of the moderating team because I see you as being between a very hard rock and a very hard place, punishing people who point out these things because you have to, and by the same token, being unable to take this feedback to the devs because it's something that is ban worthy. There are some art elements I want to point out as being... erm. Not pg 13 appropriate...... but I don't want to get banned for pointing out that they're not pg 13 appropriate, because I know someone else did.

And that is sad, because it is something that the devs should perhaps be aware of. But it's automatically stifled behind the curtain of "even if we add it to the game you aren't allowed to talk about it without being banned". It shouldn't be possible for someone who is protesting the fact that something looks or sounds questionable to be banned for mentioning the fact that something looks or sounds questionable. Unless the devs are the emperor, the questionableness of the content is clothing, and we are the citizens, and we're expected to pretend the emperor has clothes for the sake of not acknowledging that the emperor isn't wearing clothes.

... I hope it's clear that my frustration isn't with you, specifically, but with the system which punishes the people who have the misfortune of not realizing they aren't allowed to protest being shown questionable things, and hope you're able to transmit these comments to people who would actually benefit from the whole "you cannot talk about fruit on the forum here is fruit in the game you're still not allowed to talk about fruit on the forum" argument.
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I agree with every word Caana said. Standing ovation!

For example, I just saw a level 19 magic dust. So did a friend of mine. If I repeated what my friend said I would be banned from this forum. I simply cannot describe them without getting into highly inappropriate material and yet, the artist had no trouble getting that pornographic design past the sensors. And it is true players were warned they would be banned for discussing the words used in the Wiki.

But the biggest issue is that we are 100% ignored on everything we say. Nothing ever changes. Nothing gets tweaked. We get zero thanks for providing feedback and no dev ever responds to us.

So, as recently asked by a mod in the beta forum that I am not allowed to quote "why do we even have a forum?"

I like chatting, so if that's what all we are doing here, then fine, let's just say so. But please stop insulting us by asking for "feedback". Nothing we say has ever had any positive effect on our game experience.