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    Your Elvenar Team

Release Notes version 1.15


I agree with the many who have commented on the extreme difficulty/impossibility of fighting with the new system, and how unfun this is.

However I want to mention another matter. With all the buildup and anticipation of the 'new battle system', I guess I took those words too literally, so I was quite taken aback when it arrived to see that the actual battle system is completely unchanged. What you revamped was the units, and all their characteristics.

I realize that from a technical standpoint changing the system itself would be a completely separate project. But since the point was supposed to be to make the battles earlier to understand, I guess I assumed the most obviously confusing aspect would be addressed, which is the inability to see the battlefield layout before deploying your troops. This is just plain silly.

Previously we all used the laborious workaround of throwing some infantry up there, surveying the battlefield and decided what to deploy, and then 'surrendering' and deploying for real. And the new units actually even make this trick worse, because you are no longer assured of your troops having the highest initiative, so if the enemy has archers you risk getting your survey troops whacked.

In case it's not obvious, here in order of preference is how this should be remedied:

1) Ideally the battlefield should already be visible when you get the window to deploy your troops.

2) Or, the troop deployment window should have a 'View Battlefield' button, which would show you the enemy deployment and terrain. This preliminary battlefield view would then in turn need a 'Deploy Troops' button to return to the deployment window.

3) At the very least if these are not (for now) feasible, the 'Surrender' button should be renamed 'Retreat', and the sound and visual package adjusted so you don't get told you've been defeated every time you survey the battlefield and redeploy. And the new unit initiatives should be adjusted so one of the player units (presumably now the archer) always has the first initiative, so at least we can still use this trick until a more sensible system is in place.
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Oh Wise One
Previously we all used the laborious workaround of throwing some infantry up there, surveying the battlefield and decided what to deploy, and then 'surrendering' and deploying for real. And the new units actually even make this trick worse, because you are no longer assured of your troops having the highest initiative, so if the enemy has archers you risk getting your survey troops whacked.

The new "scout" unit is archers although for elves there is an enemy (Bandit) with the same initiative so unsure who goes first. Crossbowman have initiative of 19 (elves is 18) which I understand is the highest of current units. Ranger has initiative of 20 (probably) but its a long wait to get those if you near the start.

Definitely agree with the preview for unit placement, really hope this gets on their radar to do something about it.


Oh Wise One
It was suggested on Beta for the battle pentagon to be available in-game and the battle preview got another plug at that time. Marindor saw the post and was going to pass along the information (unsure if they just meant the battle pentagon or the whole suggestion)


New chart- province enemy- call out errors .please
im in the wrong thread but I can'rt remember where I was putting this


I've been playing awhile, I'm near the end of the Research Tree of the Orc world and I'm considering quitting because the BATTLES are IMPOSSIBLE! The only reason I would stay because I have a great fellowship (and I still have lots of paid diamonds in this game).

It's totally unfair to suddenly change the battles to where we get zero chance at winning after going through all the research, upgrades, obtaining Ancient Wonders building And upgrading those buildings. After all that, my troops, squad size, and training time would get better and I was at point where I knew the battle strategy and had a good chance at winning at least half my battles. Now all of sudden, all that change. So it seems those Ancient Wonders pertaining to battles were useless? Even if I upgrade a squad size, or another Ancient Wonder, I still would have no chance at winning ANY battles.

The battles are very important in the game. I know we can't win them all, I'm fine with that (in fact I do negotiate probably about 1/3 of the battles) but I don't know how I can move forward in the game if I can't win any battle. I know the game is supposed to be challenging, but the change was very drastic.


It's totally unfair to suddenly change the battles to where we get zero chance at winning after going through all the research, upgrades, obtaining Ancient Wonders building And upgrading those buildings.

How many provinces have you unlocked? How many are needed to get to orcs chapter? That's right. Be happy that you managed to get so far before the changes.


New chart- province enemy
Is this for elves only? I don't see Priests or Paladins, I remember fighting Priests. The wiki is out of date but that does not show enemy priests, Am I loosing it?
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How many provinces have you unlocked? How many are needed to get to orcs chapter? That's right. Be happy that you managed to get so far before the changes.

I am happy that there was a good video game here to play before the changes. I am very sad that now there isn't much of a game left. No fighting...no expansions...no room to build a city....Yeah....it was a better game before the changes, a much worse shell of a game after.


I have a great idea of something the devs did not include and look forward to this in the future release
Change the KP bar at the top of the screen to only 5 hours from 10, just like you changed the Barracks training time down to a max of about 6 hours. To cap it off you can then just change the stupid delete button on spells and make it a plus. Buy a 20 KP/hour bar spell instantly, just one a day.
This will increase daily revenue...


How many provinces have you unlocked? How many are needed to get to orcs chapter? That's right. Be happy that you managed to get so far before the changes.
Wow, "be happy?". I thought I was responding to the Elvenar's team about our feedback. I got that far because all the time, work, and money invested in the game. The battles are very integral to the game. Getting through the Research Tree, doing all those upgrades, and those Ancient Wonders were supposed to help with battles. My main reason for not being "happy" because the game makers all of sudden made a drastic change to our battle experience, and made it worse, and btw, they did say it was supposed to be better for us. They didn't just make it a little more challenging, they made to where it was impossible. But I'm glad You are happy with it


Is this for elves only? I don't see Priests or Paladins, I remember fighting Priests. The wiki is out of date but that does not show enemy priests, Am I loosing it?
Those ar ethe armies you face out in provinces. You face the priests in tournaments


I still don't really like how they decided everyone was too far ahead of where they should be, but I will note that the encounters I was winning before the update often did have more than double my army size. What really changed is that damage isn't as lopsided as it used to be. Under similar circumstances, my light melee units used to do 1.4x their squad size in damage and now only do about a quarter of that.
What that essentially means is that battles are now more than just "Who got the first volley in?"

Getting that first volley still feels good, but I no longer feel the need to scramble my forces to the corners of the map to avoid letting a single enemy archer attack on the first round. They hit my own archers and I'm almost fine with it.

That said... I despise that Archers now have the highest initiation and are thus the primary target because of how the AI works. On the flip side, I am completely on board with Cannoneers no longer one-shotting entire squads from across the map.

dikke ikke

Well-Known Member
I understand the frustration of the long time players that have 300+ provinces conquered, they had nothing else to do while they were waiting for a new guest race to arrive. I started playing this year in February, they started around 1 year more early. In February there was only 1 guest race, Dwarves, during the 9 months I am playing I have seen many new things being added to the game like the Magic Academy, minimum number of provinces to be conquered before going to the next level, Fairies as a new guest Race Tournaments, Events, Orcs as a new guest race, Orcs being needed to negotioate above ring 10. So most of these 300* province players were conquering provinces while waiting for the next guest races because they were at the end of their tech three before a new guest race arrived. Now fighting is made impossible for them, I don't know how about negotiating. I don't know if tournaments are also made impossible for them, I hope not. 300+ province players now can only wait for the next guest race, woodelves, but can not fight if they want extra expansions on top of what is in the tech three, if they want more free space they will have to reorganize part or whole their city so then the game becomes a city building game again for a short while.


I understand the frustration of the long time players that have 300+ provinces conquered, they had nothing else to do while they were waiting for a new guest race to arrive. I started playing this year in February, they started around 1 year more early. In February there was only 1 guest race, Dwarves, during the 9 months I am playing I have seen many new things being added to the game like the Magic Academy, minimum number of provinces to be conquered before going to the next level, Fairies as a new guest Race Tournaments, Events, Orcs as a new guest race, Orcs being needed to negotioate above ring 10. So most of these 300* province players were conquering provinces while waiting for the next guest races because they were at the end of their tech three before a new guest race arrived. Now fighting is made impossible for them, I don't know how about negotiating. I don't know if tournaments are also made impossible for them, I hope not. 300+ province players now can only wait for the next guest race, woodelves, but can not fight if they want extra expansions on top of what is in the tech three, if they want more free space they will have to reorganize part or whole their city so then the game becomes a city building game again for a short while.

This is definitely true, but I just wanted to add that I've been playing a year-ish, and while not quite at 300 provinces (around 220, I think), some of us weren't waiting around for a new guest race so much as we felt interested in scouting to get towards neighbors that we could trade with & visit. And, I had no reason to believe scouting or fighting and negotiating provinces would become an issue, because I got rewarded for continually doing it - I earned KPs, relics (which became necessary for Spells), and then Runes were introduced to be won, which were necessary for a huge amount of AWs. And back then, with no tournaments, fighting or negotiating in provinces was the way to occupy your time in this game once you had collected goods & supplies and then reset them for another cycle.

No disagreement whatsoever with your post & I wholeheartedly support it - I just wanted to clarify that I started at a time & I guess have been playing at a rate where I've so far never been WAITING for a guest race, yet I still face the same issues as those longer-term players who have been twiddling their thumbs when they finish the Tech Tree.
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btw.....are people aware that with scouting times being what they are, as an advanced player, I might get a whopping 5 expansions in a full YEAR if I play every single day. That is moving too fast???? The longer you stay, the more slow this game gets.