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    Your Elvenar Team

Release Notes version 1.37


Active Member
Still love the game even with the small issues :). Looking forward to the new challenges for our fellowship! Thank you for keeping us informed.


Platinum Leaf -FB
What about the continued problem with Notifications? When a ticket is submitted, you reply that it's a known issue, but is it getting fixed in this update? Notifications are necessary - especially for Fellowship leaders!

I am told this has been fixed!
Perhaps a hotfix?
I did not see an Announcement


FS Adventures... can I just quote myself from the FS Tournament thread?

my gut feeling is it's the framework for FS events and better more unreachable prizes. I really want to be wrong about that.

but if all this new business, now tied into the FS, evolves into game centric with say something as simple as sometimes the top prize is an awesome cultural building,



Hi all, I have made an addition to the release notes for version 1.37:
  • The Great Festivity of Mendaci is not displayed properly when player is in Chapter 10.


Mathematician par Excellence
Thanks for making me feel old; I watched it on broadcast television ... before internet ... before cable ... yeah, but at least it was in color.
My first thought was "How'd they get GI Joe on the internet? Did someone digitize the VHS tapes from my parents basement?"


Thanks for making me feel old; I watched it on broadcast television ... before internet ... before cable ... yeah, but at least it was in color.

Nope I was referring to the Joe Cartoon interactive videos on the net like "Frog in a Blender"


Well-Known Member
I think the release notes should have been written as two different posts. But putting the fellowship adventures in the release notes it implied it was coming when the 1.37 was updated.

When I saw the notice for the fellowship awards I read it many times and I said to my fellowship either it is coming with the upgrade, or they've communicated very poorly. The fellowship adventures really had nothing to do with the release notes.


Fellowship Adventures....
I just don't like to do team work right now, after I left FV2. It reminds me about it. And also why the things went wrong

Maybe I need just new kind of things to do, not to look into past but look into future and take some confort of it.
Because I believe there is something good to look for...


Fellowship Adventures....
I just don't like to do team work right now, after I left FV2. It reminds me about it

Indeed, my continuing gripe for several months has been how much they are emulating other games. I for one really enjoyed the differences ( read independence). I quit another game after running a top guild for yrs (and spending many dollars, happily for a long time) when they figured out that people spent more to help their friends than help themselves and slowly updated everything towards encouraging that.

It seems just seems wrong to me to essentially try to frustrate people into buying their way out of other peoples shortcomings, I was content to buy my way out of my own. I keep thinking I will quit this game soon also, but so much time into it... and the foundation is still intriguing. I just really wish they had chosen a better direction to evolve than into the same plastic mass produced game of a thousand faces giving you ever more ways to get drug down by others that are such centric parts you can't ignore them and remain functional.

Note: I realize that may make me sound like an a$$, but it's quite the opposite, I love helping people, just not at great cost to my own game and/or Credit Card. Given the choices offered in what this game is becoming I would rather not help anyone nor bother trying to buy my way out of it, which makes the game not worth playing.


Still waiting for mouse over culture as promised 6 months ago...:rolleyes: