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    Your Elvenar Team

Removal of the $19.99 Diamond purchase Option


Depends on the server market you're in. us5 has the $19.99 offer. The offers change from time to time. This is what one of my cities has right now:

diamond prompt.png
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Buddy Fan Club member
I give up! Tried to put in a screen shot, too big and I don't have time to mess with it; running on generator power till they repair the power lines out here. I no longer have the 4.99 or 19.99 offers. mine are 9.99, 49.99, 79.99, etc. There's a big 'most popular' banner across the 79.99 one.:rolleyes:

I'm on us5 and I used to see the same one as Azkaban until a few weeks (?maybe 2 months?) ago. Not a fan of this change.


Mathematician par Excellence
I find it hard to believe that $80 is the most popular.
Doesn't a single $80 purchase of diamonds cost more than the most expensive computer/Ps4/XB1 game?

A quick $10 or $20 seems like it is in line with most players budgets, but by paying $80 you are deciding that you are ok with this being the absolute most expensive game there is.

Don't get me wrong, I really like Elvenar, but I just don't think it deserves to be the most expensive game.


the awards got so bad, they had to create new ones that players could not compare to game items. notice old halloween items on maps? because most event awards are not better than we had back then, now they do not even bother giving real buildings. too worried about keeping everything on a constant downward spiral. Except for Diamonds, by raising the minimum amounts you can buy, and escalating the amounts needed for same bonus, they have just raised the price of diamonds. so i am seeing a degrading of product along with an increase in fee's. i went to buy $20 yesterday and ended up not buying anything. went looking for a new game and all these type games have the same feedbacks. nothing but rip-offs for more and more money. It was funny to see so many declare that thier dev's only think of ways to squeeze more money, then you had your sheep trolling them for being honest and fighting for the game.. Americans are brainwashed well, to fight for thier slave owners.


Well-Known Member
I'm on US1 and still have the $19.99 package with the 'most popular" banner over it

i'm guessing they r testing the new idea on some servers


Oh Wise One
The extreme pressure this game puts on people to buy diamonds - it isn't a lack of perfection - it's greed.
The game doesn't put any pressure on us, we put that pressure on ourselves. There is absolutely nothing about playing the game that requires us to go fast. If you take your time, diamonds are completely unnecessary.
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