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Removal of the $19.99 Diamond purchase Option


Buddy Fan Club member
Hey did this get fixed?
Yes, they added the $19.99 option back. I now have 2 tabs for diamond purchases. The first tab has a single diamond and has 5 options: 4.99, 9.99, 19.99, 49.99, & 79.99. The 2nd tab has 3 diamonds and has 3 options: 129.99, 149.99, 199.99.

But they changed my buying habits while it was gone, lol! I used to just buy the 19.99 package when I was out of patience, averaging about once/month from April-June. I opened the diamond tab many times when the 19.99 was gone, but was not going to take the 9.99 option and continued to hesitate over the 49.99 one. After a couple months of no purchases, got a +80% more diamonds and bought the 79.99 package. That was about 2 months ago. Still have a couple expansions from that expenditure. Then last week, a +100% offer popped up and while I noticed the 19.99 was back, went ahead and bought the 49.99 one. So, since I primarily spend diamonds on expansions, definitely won't buy any more this year. In fairies now, still have 2 expansions I skipped here to go back and get as well as 18 more provinces to explore, so however many expansions that gets me. I can see these diamonds lasting until Easter unless something really unforeseen happens (like I spend them all buying my way out of the ugly Orcs buildings, lol!)


FYI: nothing to do with server, they are "test marketing" these on random players across servers. I currently have 2 tabs of diamond offers, others in my FS no longer have 10 or 20 as options it is 5, 100, and up. very frustrating for someone who has NEVER spent more than 10 in a purchase and now 10 is gone and so is 20.
As for me, here are my current screens:
2017.11.25.Diamond1.JPG 2017.11.25.Diamond2.JPG