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    Your Elvenar Team

Rune Recyler!!!! PLEASE


The 37 Crystal Lighthouse runes I have are pointless. Getting no dwarven rollercoaster runes at all but getting three Tome of Secrets runes even though I've already filled the ring is maddening!!

Give us some way to grind up the useless runes and recycle them into shards. Even if it's something like a 3:1 rune to shard trade-off it's still better than sitting with a pile of crap that you can't do anything with. I'm not suggesting a universal rune. But when you added all the new AWs you so badly diluted my ability to get the runes I need that it has become all but impossible for me to build what I want because I'm already at rings 10 and 11. It can take me over a week to complete a province because of how badly my troops get slaughtered.

With 8 AWs needing a total of 9 runes each, and not even counting the fact that 100% of the runes do not remain runes (i.e., they get sharded), it means I need 72 weeks to be able to be guaranteed to build them all. The fact that I would never actually build all 8 is irrelevant bc the fact remains that it is possible that I might not get all 9 runes for the rollercoaster until week 72. And now you're adding even more AWs! If I can't recycle the runes I don't want to turn them into shards to use to make runes I do want, then I have no incentive whatsoever to put any real time or effort into province battling: The 8KP for finishing a province don't really amount to much, and the quest reward for completing a province is a pittance. The relics are irrelevant to me at this point because I'm already at 500% production in my manufactories. I don't need them to produce even more because I can't barter due to the orc roadblock.

If you're not going to give us a recycler, at least have the decency not to award us runes for rings we've already filled.


I think the easiest solution would be to have runes shatter into shard for wonders you've already built. Then when you upgrade the wonder to needing more runes to continue upgrading the runes stop shattering so you can use them for that wonder again. At least that way, you are always able to forge runes for the wonders you want to build.


Mathematician par Excellence
Yep. Try to insert a rune into a wonder you've completed (built or not) and the rune shatters. 10:1 is better than nothing.

A MUCH better solution is to make a balancing pass over the existing wonders. I love new content as much as the next player, but a little effort put into what's already broken goes a long way. I'm looking at you Tomb of Secrets.... more than 4 years to get back the KP spent upgrading you?
Fail less please.


I feel this is either something for the magic academy, or for a new magical research building.
Runes should be able to be broken in 3 shards there. There would of course be a cost to that, but in my main world I now have something like 70 runes for the Lighthouse, but still not a single one for the thrones of high men. 54 runes for the martial monastery that are useless.
The whole 'random' giving of runes is flawed, since I only seem to get more runes of the wonders I already have built and none at all for the ones I have yet to build.
But I already posted a new idea to link runes to provinces so that players at least have a decent chance to get the runes they need instead of this endless gathering of runes one can't possibly use.


The LAST thing we need is another freaking building. If they want to put it in the magic academy, I have no issue with that. But, seriously, the whole problem with buildings is not being able to get runes. If you need more runes to build the building to get the runes, it's pointless.


That would be a good thing to add to the trader. rune shards! the 2 for 1. the game gets one and the player gets one.


The answer from the devs is no. Either you buy your way through the wonders or you will wait a long time trying to collect runes. You have a choice....spend money or barely be able to play.

About the only way around this is to keep building and destroying the early wonders that you get tons of runes for and then use the broken shards. I have built and destroyed the crystal lighthouse 3 times now.
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About the only way around this is to keep building and destroying the early wonders that you get tons of runes for and then use the broken shards. I have built and destroyed the crystal lighthouse 3 times now.

When was the last time you did this BK? When I hover the $ over my lighthouse, all it shows is that I'm going to lose points, and not get anything back. I know I'm going to lose the KP ( :oops::oops::(), but it's not clear whether you're saying you get anything back when you sell the LH or that you just have to suck up the loss of everything just for the sake of trying to get the shards.


I suck up the loss of everything just for the sake of trying to get the shards. Otherwise, I would never be able to build anything else. I have been trying since the day they came out to build a prosperity towers on beta and I still haven't been able to do it, and yet, I have 69 crystal lighthouse runes over there because I build the CL....it doesn't do me that much good. So, here, on Arendyll, I build the CL then tear it down and yes, I lose everything it cost me to build it. That is the price of not being a diamond buyer I guess. The game is barely playable without spending money. But, I am still trying to find ways to do it.


I think I'm just pretty resigned that I'm never going to get the rollercoaster. I need 6 runes. Even if I demolished my CL and tried to rebuild it, the most I could get would be 33 shards, which I not only wouldn't get, but wouldn't get me more than half way there. So be it. I've paid my fair share of diamonds; but, as I've said before, since they feel like ignoring the requests of paying players is a good business model, then it's no different than if I were a non-buying player so I might as well be the latter. I just spent down all but about 80 diamonds. And I'll spend the rest off maybe on troops or to speed something up. But the needle's not going to go back up unless and until I see useful changes. With the addition of even more AWs, it will be impossible to build any of them more than once every few months. I'll have finished my city and been long gone by then.


a really good idea! I think I will go sell my tomb of secrets :)

I sold mine. I bought it and built it with diamonds because I was dumb and did not know it was worthless. lol. I had seen it on other cities and it is a really cool looking building. So I bought it and paid diamonds to build and place it. and then realized... boy did I just screw up!! smiles... and I sold it ... yes.. it was hard to lose 1 kp every 24 hours.. but I managed to not end it all and continue playing. grins... however, I did not get the runes back. I would have to collect runes and shards again to rebuild and replace it should I ever totally lose my mind and decide have that AW would be a good thing.

Sir Squirrel

Artist EXTRAORDINAIRE and Buddy Fan Club member
Ok I agree that a recycler for the extra runes would be a good idea, but not one person has mentioned the fact that you get a rune for being the top helper on another players wonder. As you sit waiting for granite, fairy dust, or orc's and your kps build up, use them to help and get the rune for that wonder. You can help on any wonder in the world you are in. You can go to the rankings page an visit anyone and help on there wonder, you are not restricted to your fellowship or discovered neighbors.


1 rune for being one of the top donators to a wonder is not what I would want to do with my KP, unless it's in our fellowship. It can take anywhere between 50-150 kp sometimes more to be the top donator. Then if you are, you got to wait until that wonder upgrades for your 1 rune. Then you have another 8 more to collect. Plus the high chance of about 1/3 of your runes shattering means that you'll need another 6-10 on top of that.

So on the lower end of that, are you willing to spend between 800-2000 kp just for your chance at building the wonder you want?? I would bet money that you would say no.


I do not want a rune recycler. I would like to see the rune/shard feature FIXED. There is absolutely nothing random about receiving more than 1/n (n being number of AWs you are eligible for) each time you complete a province. Rune or shard, it does not matter. On more than one land I have an AW I am not interested in building. Well, at this point, I could build one of them, have 2 runes left over, plus a bunch of broken shards. I have received runes/shards for this specific AW about 60-70 percent of the time over the last 10-20 (haven't counted) provinces completed.

Please, put the random back at RANDOM. More than 2 in a row for the same AW is not random, and it is unfair. If I did not need land to put houses on I would not bother with gconquering provinces. Those who have enough (or all of) the land have little incentive to complete provinces if they do not have a chance to build any AW they want. I view this as a bug. I have heard of people building the AW, tearing it down, and then sometimes (not always) starting to receive different runes. I am not going to waste resources doing that. If you can't fix the issue, allow us to trade our runes in for land credits. Or, how about allowing us to swap runes/shards with FS members?

@kayleegrrl I agree. I no longer participate in any rune sharing in any FS. I help lower level members when it is clear they could really benefit from a boost in an existing AW. Other than that, only when the mood strikes.


Mathematician par Excellence
More than 2 in a row for the same AW is not random
To be fair, depending on how man y AW you have unlocked, getting 3 in a row of the same rune isn't improbable.
You wouldn't start counting until you got one, so ignoring the first "roll" What are the chances you'd get the same AW rune 2 more times consecutively? assuming you are in Dwarf chapter; 1/36, or about a 3% chance. Sucks, but not impossible.
We also need to account for our own memory biases. Buttered bread doesn't always land butter-side down, it just seems that way because we tend to remember things that caused an emotion.
Ignoring that, even if you could provide a very detailed list of the all of the runes you have received it would still be anecdotal evidence. Such a small sample size wouldn't prove anything.
It is possible that Inno has weighted each wonder differently so that the chances are not equal, but why? It would be far easier to program an equal chance.


This certainly doesn't look fair to me. 5 in a row for a wonder I'll never build.


To be fair, I have gotten some runes for other wonders. 6 of them...


I did build the Abyss and then stopped clearing provinces and just used my hourly KP to unlock Ancient Wonders of Tempest. After that, I started clearing provinces again. I was able to clear enough to forge a rune for the Needles, but that also means that I was able to complete the Tomb circle and get 5 more on top of that. Taken into account the 10 extra Tomb runes that were shattered to forge a new one and the fact that I still needed 3 Tomb runes when I unlocked the Tempest wonders tells me that the game favors the first set of wonders or just favors the Tomb.

Run all the numbers that you want to Soggy Shorts, this is clearly a system that is broken and favors certain wonders over others.


Mathematician par Excellence
As I said, it could be that INNO has weighted the wonders so that you have a higher % chance for some than others.... I just don't see a reason why they would. My own personal bias is from years of playing (and helping develop) games that use a random number generator. Even when seeing the code with my own eyes I've seen terrible loot drops over and over again.
That being said, I've been trying to wrack my brain for a reason as to why INNO would make the crappier AW more heavily weighted, and maybe I've got it:
Remember the last event? It looked like you could get the 2nd and 3rd prizes until you did some quick math and found out it's impossible... so how do you get the Venar's Rocks III (or a good wonder)? Diamonds.