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Scroll Keepers needed


Forum Moderator
Elvenar Team
Hello everyone,

In order to facilitate the creation of the "Sorcerer's Scrolls of Knowledge," we will need some "Scroll-Keepers" who will take
ownership of a section of similar or related links for each sub-section such as Tutorials, information, Battle, Spire, Tournament
and the like. Comments will be turned off so it will be just the links and a description.

Each volunteer will be identified by a Forum title "Scroll-Keeper"

The duties will include:

Collecting and posting the proper and appropriate links and maintaining them if needed.
Providing a concise overview of the link and its purpose.
Fielding and responding to member questions as needed (link related of course).
And other duties as we develop this out with your assistance.

Are you the Scroll-Keeper type? If so post your desire below and if you have a preferred area.

Thank you,


Chef - Scroll-Keeper - Chandelier Swinger - EAA
Hello everyone,

In order to facilitate the creation of the "Sorcerer's Scrolls of Knowledge," we will need some "Scroll-Keepers" who will take
ownership of a section of similar or related links for each sub-section such as Tutorials, information, Battle, Spire, Tournament
and the like. Comments will be turned off so it will be just the links and a description.

Each volunteer will be identified by a Forum title "Scroll-Keeper"

The duties will include:

Collecting and posting the proper and appropriate links and maintaining them if needed.
Providing a concise overview of the link and its purpose.
Fielding and responding to member questions as needed (link related of course).
And other duties as we develop this out with your assistance.

Are you the Scroll-Keeper type? If so post your desire below and if you have a preferred area.

Thank you,
me me me !! I have no preference. If you can use my help put me anywhere


Can't commit right now but there ought to be a (very important) scroll for "resource management". After all, this is the soul of a successful game. Ought to include all of the goods up through sentients (ascendants only come to those sufficiently experienced), seeds, mana, orcs, supplies, coins, and, of course, KP.


Chef - Scroll-Keeper - Chandelier Swinger - EAA
Can't commit right now but there ought to be a (very important) scroll for "resource management". After all, this is the soul of a successful game. Ought to include all of the goods up through sentients (ascendants only come to those sufficiently experienced), orcs, supplies, coins, and, of course, KP.
A lot of good can come from this, but it will take time and patience. It can truly be the only place a player would have to go to become more knowledgeable. But people have to be committed to it , own it , and keep it updated. That way we don’t have to go from site to site only to find out it’s no longer updated.


Forum Moderator
Elvenar Team
Eesh. A boatload of work for little reward - tempting.
Honestly all the main work is front loaded, once you have the Link and descriptions setup all that is needed is to edit and add any new content.
Some message work if there are problems. By having several Scroll-Keepers the work can be distributed out. I would bet many of you have the links already this just provides a collection and distribution point for members.

The Fairy

Scroll-Keeper, Buddy Fan Club Member
I may be able to help if it is mostly some initial work. I could maybe make a list of links for the different chapters / guest races. Chapter 1-5 could be links to tutorials to get started with the game if you want that included in the chapter list?


Chef, Scroll-Keeper, Buddy's #1 Fan
Each volunteer will be identified by a Forum title "Scroll-Keeper"
I would lean Battle but…what if we are already a Chef? I mean, I had to eat nuclear popcorn for that one and my chef’s hat is not even broken in yet. Do we become a “Scroll-Keeper Chef” and get to collect recipes? I’d have to confer with my friend Buddy to see if we want to play librarians or chefs. I don’t know that many people that played pretend librarians growing up, but I haven’t known @MaidenFair for that long.


Chef - Scroll-Keeper - Chandelier Swinger - EAA
I would lean Battle but…what if we are already a Chef? I mean, I had to eat nuclear popcorn for that one and my chef’s hat is not even broken in yet. Do we become a “Scroll-Keeper Chef” and get to collect recipes? I’d have to confer with my friend Buddy to see if we want to play librarians or chefs. I don’t know that many people that played pretend librarians growing up, but I haven’t known @MaidenFair for that long.
Check it out @crackie…. You can still be a Chef with multitasking abilities as a Scroll Keeper ~ I think it would look rather becoming on you !!!!
Besides…. I don’t give up easily :p


Forum Moderator
Elvenar Team
As an example
Guest Races Overview here is an overview of what Guest Races
Chapter 6 Dwarves here you will find a tutorial to help you get started with the Guest Race Dwarves.

All the links for a specific type would be included in a single post with a Tag to identify its category. The collection and preparation of the single post would be most of the initial work I assume. Collaborating with the fellow Keepers up front to organize and determine the proper placement into the category might involve some work but most should fit into a single category naturally, some might be in more than one. Many will be links to a specific location for information or direction. As an example Elvenarchitect provides multiple items in multiple categories or the Spire Wizard as just for the Spire while Idavis for other information.

Once posted its really about maintaining any changes or additions and fielding any questions that might arise.

I hope I have provided some additional detail to answer the question of what is required, if not please let me know?

Thank you,


Chef - Head Philologist
I don’t know that many people that played pretend librarians growing up, but I haven’t known @MaidenFair for that long.
:oops: Have you been spying on me?! How did you know...never mind. I'm too afraid to ask. :p I now have a strange urge to rewrite all my recipes by hand onto scrolls... (Random fact of the day: where I live you need a MASTER'S degree to be a librarian. Not a research, special-collections librarian, just a shelve-the-books, check-people-out librarian!)

I absolutely love this idea. Thanks for getting it started, @Astram and @helya (and @muffy. for the idea)!