When the Cauldron came out, I had around 70 million in each of the nine standard goods, so I spent about 20 million of each on leveling up the potion boosts. Having the Settlement Goods boost at level 81 when chapter 21 was added really helped me get through it faster.
So did I. I have all effects up at lvl 65 or above, with 2 at lvl 85. But those effects may be the next target at some point as I'll have to do something with these goods.
You mean something like this?
I do somewhere between 8.000 and 9.000 points in the tourney every week. Mostly on autofight as I don't have a lot of time, and I don't really enjoy the grinding.
I'd wait till they were all at 100mill just for the fun of it
That's probably what I am going for now, just for the fun of it with a goal of 5 million of each of the sentient and each of the ascended goods...one needs to have a goal, right? At least before using them on the cauldron or neighbours or something like that.
Wow!!! That is some goods. I don't know what to tell you. You can negotiate the heck out of the Spire and Tournament. You can offer up some really nice 1 star trades to your fellowship (or me - Just kidding). You could also buy a couple bushel baskets of KP's.
Anybody else out here know how to get rid of some goods?
No real reason to buy KPs for me except event-quests. I'm almost (but not quite) ashamed to say I now have close to 30.000 KPs in instants for AWs laying around and am running out of AWs I want to place or upgrade further, so I'm basically just hoarding them and working on the chap 21 AWs for now (though the need for RR-spells there will be a bottleneck).
As for offering goods; if you happen to be on Elcysandir and in my area just drop me a line.
And I never offer 2-star trades. I always offer a 5% or 10% discount on every offer I place on the market (depending on the amounts), just because I don't like waiting and that makes my trades being taken real fast.
For any newer players and/or smaller cities on US-Elcysandir who are in my area;
I do tend to look at my map every once in a while and look for some active new cities to offer them a bunch of goods to make their game a bit smoother.
But if you are in my area (remember MY explored map will be larger than most) so I may be able to trade with you even if I seem out of your range, just drop me a PM in-game.
Within my FS people know they can ask whenever they need something. And when players struggle with tourney or Spire or need something to finish a tech or an upgrade as well.
Isn't Chapter 21 the end of chapters? Is there something next to save up for?
Chap 22 is being worked on (for those with the cauldron maxed out to the end of chap 21 you can see there already is a spot reserved for a new effect again).
Maybe there will be more after that.
But for me I like to stockpile for 2 main reasons (though there are others);
- to be able to help my FS member to exchange anything for anything when really needed
- to be able to teleport factories to make room for (extra) guestrace buildings to speed along a chapter without having to worry about running out of goods.
( - and additionally because I am a hoarder, I like being prepared.)