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    Your Elvenar Team

The soul-gobbling Chapter 15

hvariidh gwendrot

Well-Known Member
i didn't build vaults, and took out the guest production bldgs as soon as i could, used PP enchantments and speed ups and built the snot out of sent factories and traded the goods for the quests .. i do have extra room though but doing it this way seems easy enough
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Enevhar Aldarion

Oh Wise One
i didn't build and vaults, and took out the guest production bldgs as soon as i could, used PP enchantments and speed ups and built the snot out of sent factories and traded the goods for the quests .. i do have extra room though but doing it this way seems easy enough

I try to do all the quests the first time I do a chapter, so I built a Vault for that, but after that, it all went away. lol


Well-Known Member
Now that I'm half-way through this murderous chapter.....I have learned some very important things. Some of them too late so I have useless ch15 goods just sitting there that never will get used.

1. Craft/win as many Portal Profits as you can (e'thing below is assuming you have PPs)

2. You don't need a whole s--tload of Academies. I only built 2 and was able to place 9 (3 of each) "outbuildings" around them (don't NEED any more than 3 of each)

3. **Look CAREFULLY ahead in the tech tree to see the point where the boxes stop demanding "outbuilding" goods

4. **When you get to that point, GET RID OF everything but the Portal

5. Under NO circumstances actually build the Vault. It's needless. (I'm amazed at folks building several of 'em (?) (You DO need to finish its box in the tech tree to move through the tree....but do not build it) (...and, ya, you'll have a dead-in-the-water quest just sitting there, but so what?)

6. Not completely certain of this - but so far it seems as if the only sentient goods demanded are soap, shrooms, and bismuth (I never know which number "Tier" things are...)(I know they tell you, but, for me it just doesn't 'stick' in my mind)('cuz I couldn't care less)

Well - that's my two cents. And I'm sure that all points have already been mentioned in prior posts. But, just in case......


Tetris Master
You're right that I don't have enough portal profits to get the needed manifest and collections (I have enough for 41K of each, but chapter needs 211K each own race and 134K opposite race). It seems easier now that I've got lvl 4 portal and lvl 4 vaults.

I've planned out the whole chapter requirements so won't be producing anything excess, and will delete buildings as I don't need them.

Deleted User - 4263769

This is a very sad commentary for the game! Do I even want to get to these chapters?
You don't, it makes you suffer and wonder why you are even playing. Right now all I am focusing on is production of supplies so I can trade and help my fellows out by taking their trades.
I also started a new city because I still want to play the game but I don't want to be so annoyed by high numbers of supplies that is require to complete each research. Oh, and the scouting times are INSANE, everything is off the roof!


Well-Known Member
My main (arendyll) will open 16 and that is all its going to do, nothing after the 3* frog is really worth the effort or increase in Spire and Tourney.
On my Elcy account I am just completing the final tech on Constructs and will likely only go as far as the 3* frogs and then stop. My Wifes accounts will probably stop at Constructs


Active Member
OK. So. I clawed and scratched and heaved myself through Constructs (truly thought that I never would in my own lifetime).

NOW. CHAPTER FIFTEEN. I'm desperate for any advice that anyone has about this monster.

I'm drowning here. Heroically got a Council and Two Academies. Managed to actually finish the 300,000+ sentient goods Atelier (I may have this number wrong - Maybe it was 3 MILLION). NOW, they want ANOTHER 30,000+ (or 30 million) of The. Same. Sentient. Goods. to actually build the da-n thing.

(I've been topped out of capped goods for months now. Council upgrade 'way far down the tree (have PPs just rotting away in my stash). These are from my first stab at this chapter - then sold it (the Council) to get space for the FA.)

1. Is it even worth doing? If not, then how do you get pop w/out the residence upgrades?
2. I read somewhere that 'they' were going to reduce the requirements for this chapter. Did they? Were they actually HIGHER than they are now?
3. Any advice that you have to give would be extremely gratefully accepted.

Wait til you get to ch 17. You can get pop from other awarded bldg too then level them


Active Member
Now that I'm half-way through this murderous chapter.....I have learned some very important things. Some of them too late so I have useless ch15 goods just sitting there that never will get used.

1. Craft/win as many Portal Profits as you can (e'thing below is assuming you have PPs)

2. You don't need a whole s--tload of Academies. I only built 2 and was able to place 9 (3 of each) "outbuildings" around them (don't NEED any more than 3 of each)

3. **Look CAREFULLY ahead in the tech tree to see the point where the boxes stop demanding "outbuilding" goods

4. **When you get to that point, GET RID OF everything but the Portal

5. Under NO circumstances actually build the Vault. It's needless. (I'm amazed at folks building several of 'em (?) (You DO need to finish its box in the tech tree to move through the tree....but do not build it) (...and, ya, you'll have a dead-in-the-water quest just sitting there, but so what?)

6. Not completely certain of this - but so far it seems as if the only sentient goods demanded are soap, shrooms, and bismuth (I never know which number "Tier" things are...)(I know they tell you, but, for me it just doesn't 'stick' in my mind)('cuz I couldn't care less)

Well - that's my two cents. And I'm sure that all points have already been mentioned in prior posts. But, just in case......
Re: Notorious Chap 15 - tech tree
Why can't I upgrade residences after completing the second residence upgrade branch in TT? Screen says I have to wait for chap 16 ... wha-at?! Then why is this branch in chap 15? Will this be true for second MH TT branch, as well? Nothing in Wiki or Elven Gems.


Mathematician par Excellence
Re: Notorious Chap 15 - tech tree
Why can't I upgrade residences after completing the second residence upgrade branch in TT? Screen says I have to wait for chap 16 ... wha-at?! Then why is this branch in chap 15? Will this be true for second MH TT branch, as well? Nothing in Wiki or Elven Gems.
Magic residences only have 1 upgrade per chapter which usually unlocks the moment you enter the chapter.
Those techs are for regular residences which basically get 1/2 an upgrade twice in the chapter.


Active Member
Meh ... okay, thanks. Bummer. Why didn't I know this?!
What's happened to Elven Gems? They've quit updating the site it seems.. Were you part of that?


Scroll-Keeper, Keys to the Gems
Meh ... okay, thanks. Bummer. Why didn't I know this?!
What's happened to Elven Gems? They've quit updating the site it seems.. Were you part of that?
Hi Valtitude
The issue with Gems isn't so easy. The owner of the site retired from play due to IRL considerations, so we are down a designer / content uploader. There are teams working updates for the chapters, but we gather information and it changes constantly. Chapter 1 has been tweaked many times. The battle guy has also IRL issues so that whole area has been left fallow.

The rest of the crew has focused on events with some work on new chapter content, and a couple of interesting areas. But there are events every 5 to 6 weeks, new chapters twice a year, and the overall design to sort. The new FA format took a lot of man hours. It's a battle to keep up as we are, never mind get out front.

That said, thanks everyone for your continued support, it means a lot.
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Dew Spinner

Well-Known Member
Hi Valtitude
The issue with Gems isn't so easy. The owner of the site retired from play due to IRL considerations, so we are down a designer / content uploader. There are teams working updates for the chapters, but we gather information and it changes constantly. Chapter 1 has been tweaked many times. The battle guy has also IRL issues so that whole area has been left fallow.

The rest of the crew has focused on events with some work on new chapter content, and a couple of interesting areas. But there are events every 5 to 6 weeks, new chapters twice a year, and the overall design to sort. The new FA format took a lot of man hours. It's a battle to keep up as we are, never mind get out front.

That said, thanks everyone for your continued support, it means a lot.
Is the owner of the site still raking in the money for all the ads while not playing or helping with the site? That's not really cool, I hope he/she is splitting the revenue with the people actually doing the work!


Active Member
Hi Valtitude
The issue with Gems isn't so easy. The owner of the site retired from play due to IRL considerations, so we are down a designer / content uploader. There are teams working updates for the chapters, but we gather information and it changes constantly. Chapter 1 has been tweaked many times. The battle guy has also IRL issues so that whole area has been left fallow.

The rest of the crew has focused on events with some work on new chapter content, and a couple of interesting areas. But there are events every 5 to 6 weeks, new chapters twice a year, and the overall design to sort. The new FA format took a lot of man hours. It's a battle to keep up as we are, never mind get out front.

That said, thanks everyone for your continued support, it means a lot.
I completely understand. I thought something like this must have happened. It is a lot of work to keep up with game changes and the only rewards are whatever satisfaction one gets thru helping others.
Have to ask, did anyone approach Inno for collaboration in the Elven Gems effort? Optomist on my right shoulder, thinks Inno might help. Experienced pessimist on my left shoulder laughs heartily.
Thank you for your efforts.


Active Member
This is a very sad commentary for the game! Do I even want to get to these chapters?
I am in Chapter 15 and am seriously debating whether or not I will continue the game....I am thinking I may well want to create a new player and play again through chapter 14 and stop again. Right now, Chapter 15 is grueling and the game has lost most of the "fun" aspect....at least for me. If chapter 15 is grueling, I cannot imagine how horrid chapters 16 onward are!!!! Yikes!!!! I also left my Fellowship which broke my heart because the chapter was just killing me and I needed the respite from that god-awful chapter. Now I am playing solo / part-time.....this way I don't disappoint any FS members, and I am taking some of the stress off of myself. The chapter just is not fun. Sorry. It is sad....but, I may have to say goodbye to Salator for good.

Dew Spinner

Well-Known Member
I am in Chapter 15 and am seriously debating whether or not I will continue the game....I am thinking I may well want to create a new player and play again through chapter 14 and stop again. Right now, Chapter 15 is grueling and the game has lost most of the "fun" aspect....at least for me. If chapter 15 is grueling, I cannot imagine how horrid chapters 16 onward are!!!! Yikes!!!! I also left my Fellowship which broke my heart because the chapter was just killing me and I needed the respite from that god-awful chapter. Now I am playing solo / part-time.....this way I don't disappoint any FS members, and I am taking some of the stress off of myself. The chapter just is not fun. Sorry. It is sad....but, I may have to say goodbye to Salator for good.
Sorry to hear you are thinking of quitting, but I am seeing this same sentiment from quite a few players! I am not looking forward to getting to that chapter but my only reprieve is that I am planning on parking in chapter 15 or the very beginning of chapter 16, so if it takes forever for me to get through it, it's ok for me.


Scroll-Keeper, Keys to the Gems
@Salator I understand entirely. I have fellows that hate each chapter as it comes now. It must be hard to go solo. I too spend more time in my other cities.

hvariidh gwendrot

Well-Known Member
time for counter point .. i made it through ch 15 relatively quickly by overproducing goods and focusing on the needs to advance tech tree and am enjoying advancing in ch 16, now a 2nd city has been advancing through ch 15 on winy .. i don't see why all the anguish