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    Your Elvenar Team

They shot the tournament feature in the foot


Well-Known Member
MUST comment on the huge change to the Tournaments! Understand that the new way is a boon to newbies. A big one.

However, for those of us who are veteran players, it sucks. There's now NO incentive to do "push" tourneys where a FS works together to get higher than 10 chests. I know that now I only start with 18 chests on the first day and from then on only hit the ones with relics that I need. And I don't ever have the chance to really stock up on relics that I desperately need. So, that changes my entire city growth. NOT FAIR. Others are apparently doing the same thing cuz I see that our usually tourney high-level FS is now just down to only 6 or 7 chests.


Oh Wise One
This sounds more like an FS problem than an Inno problem.
First off, what kind of "veteran" plays for relics? For the last couple years I thought of tournys mostly as a KP farm.
And just last week my FS did a nineteen chest push. Because we like doing challenges together. Not one person in my FS has said they are no longer interested in tournaments because of the relics change.

Deleted User - 593524

This sounds more like an FS problem than an Inno problem.
First off, what kind of "veteran" plays for relics? For the last couple years I thought of tournys mostly as a KP farm.
And just last week my FS did a nineteen chest push. Because we like doing challenges together. Not one person in my FS has said they are no longer interested in tournaments because of the relics change.

You're right and we are the same way. So what if it helps new players get a better selection of relics. The KP makes up for it us veteran players

Deborah M

Oh Wise One
I'm a veteran player and I haven't had a clue how many relics I have for a very long time. It just hasn't been a cause for concern since I can't remember how far back. That is without even being a tournament star. From my standpoint, if this change helps the newer players to be able to utilize the MA more then it's great! Maybe that will help the stall & quit cycle. As far as I'm concerned, if they don't take away from my game play then have at it.

From my perspective, I had my fellowship set for open joining for a long time. I had to change to applications because the constant cycle of new players who were gung ho for a little while and then got stuck and quit became very disheartening. That is in a FS that will do anything in our power to help new cities.
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Well-Known Member
So, do y'all not craft stuff any more? I lovelove those MMs & CCs and they take a steady source of very particular relics. AND, as I said before, I DO think it's a very good thing for newbies.


Well-Known Member
So instead of fixing the tournament so difficulty increase is more gradual and we do more provinces they give us silly buildings that give relics now.


Well-Known Member
For me, the problem with constantly crafting stuff is that most of what's being offered for crafting doesn't fit my play-style. So I'm either cluttering up my Instants and Summonings tabs with a dozen pages' worth of items...or I have an increasingly preposterous amount of relics and spell fragments. I've chosen the latter, because I don't feel like spending 5+ minutes just clicking "Show Next Page" over and over again.


Chef - loquacious Old Dog
You should hear the things I stopped myself from saying

When you said this I heard a stream of things "I stopped myself from saying" run through my brain. So I guess I might have heard the things you stopped yourself from saying because I have had to stop myself from saying them as well.



Chef, Scroll-Keeper, and Buddy Fan Club Member
I rarely visit, much less write in, the forum. Man, you guys are vicious. Am UN-encouraged to offer my thoughts from now on.
satchmo, I hope you don't leave. I guess ya gotta be thick skinned to survive here, but there are gems of wisdom that I wouldn't have learned if I'd gotten mad and left. And besides, we need a wide range of voices, both yours and Muck's, in order to have a diverse and great group. I love it here. Keep sharing your thoughts ... and so what if someone thinks they're stupid? Pfft. People think my ideas are stupid sometimes, but I'm still here. :)


Well-Known Member
I rarely visit, much less write in, the forum. Man, you guys are vicious. Am UN-encouraged to offer my thoughts from now on.

For my own part, viciousness was not my intent, and I'm sincerely sorry if anything I said was hurtful to you. And you're absolutely correct about the new relic distribution being good news for novice players: I remember the grim days of having to pass up on crafting Item X because I was running short on Relic Y.


New Member
I guess I'm not a advanced enough I liked it before the random relics, I would stock up on the relics I needed and also help with chests when it wasn't the relics I needed. When I'm out of my stockpile I see nothing but a lot of waiting again to craft the items I want. Just my opinion.


Well-Known Member
For me, the problem with constantly crafting stuff is that most of what's being offered for crafting doesn't fit my play-style. So I'm either cluttering up my Instants and Summonings tabs with a dozen pages' worth of items...or I have an increasingly preposterous amount of relics and spell fragments. I've chosen the latter, because I don't feel like spending 5+ minutes just clicking "Show Next Page" over and over again.

Keep the buildings in inventory that you're only allowed to have once. That way they won't keep popping up for crafting > better chance to get something you actually want. ;)

I keep crafting 24/7 no matter what, just to collect the VV :p often use speeders if there are stuff to craft I want.
You can't have too many Pet Food or troop boosters :D

Lemon Wren

Well-Known Member
I'm neither a complete novice nor a veteran. I love the tournies and do them for the RR's and blueprints in addition to the KP.

What changed about relics? Can someone please explain?


What changed about relics? Can someone please explain?
They're talking about the redistribution of relics that was implemented back in September. From the announcement:
Instead of only getting relics from the specific tournament type, the first province will give relics of the same type as the tournament, and the next province will give the next relic type in the typical relic order, etc. so that there will be a more even distribution of all relic types in every Tournament.
You can read the full announcement here.
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New Member
I'm neither a complete novice nor a veteran. I love the tournies and do them for the RR's and blueprints in addition to the KP.

What changed about relics? Can someone please explain?
Each Tournament hand one type of relic you could get and would change every week. Ex: one week silk relic, next week Gem relics and so on. that way you could build up the relics you need for crafting and still go after chests.