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    Your Elvenar Team

Thinking and Resolving


Chef, Scroll-Keeper, and Buddy Fan Club Member
In an ideal world then, each musician would play in a small, sound-proof box, whatever they wished to play. The audience would wear special headphones where they could switch from one player to the next until they found something they liked. Unfortunately, an orchestra is a group of players working to produce an orchestrated sound. Those sounds are written down by the one who created the orchestral piece and then interpreted by the one actually conducting the performance. In other words, it's a group thing and when you are working with a group to get anything of note done (pun intended) you have to agree on the tune.

I've always wondered what the difference in appearance would be between a person who is represented by the quote, and a person who isn't. How does one say one needs to learn without saying one needs to learn? And what would you do if you did have "overwhelming, stupendous knowledge," keep it to yourself? Assuming the "self-effacement" is just for appearance's sake, focuses on the motivations, not the act, and motivations are a tricky thing. How does one climb into a person's mind and see what they sometimes can't see themselves ("subconsciously?") And If that person is convinced they are actually being genuine, what would the difference be in a subconscious expression of a disingenuous and genuine expression?

In the long run such musing (there's that "muse" again) are choosing to put a "bad face" (my second pun -- aren't you lucky!) on the persons self-effacement. In other words, it could, as easily, be a genuine expression.

Putting the most positive interpretation on what another says does two things. It avoids taking insult where insult was not intended, and it forces the speaker who did intend an insult to be much more clear.

I sometimes say things a bit harsher than is my original intent. After re-reading I see that it was so in this case, and I regret it. It may be hard to like a know-it-all, but it is even harder to like a boor. Mea Culpa.


Chef - loquacious Old Dog
I could boss the world if you only let me have a big enough hammer. If I had that I suspect that, eventually, I'd find ruling the world pretty lonely as I'd be the only one left. Then I'd have to use the hammer on myself as I sometimes don't take even my own orders.



I'll have a Tom Collins, please.
a witty P and P joke based on a previous post (a pic of Mr Collins I believe),
A Tom Collins is simple summer cocktail made with Dry Gin, Lemon Juice, Simple Syrup, and Club Soda.
The back story is fascinating. In London, in the 1870's, there was a running joke:

A: Do you know Tom Collins?​
B: No, why?​
A: He's been telling outrageous lies about you.​
B: Such as??​
A: He said that <You're having an affair with Mrs. Thomas>​

Or some other "Outrageous Lie" that you just made up, attributed of course to Tom Collins.

Mean and Subtle, but Funny.
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