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    Your Elvenar Team

This game is about to die with the upcoming AW changes

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I've played other games that died very quickly, like 2/3 of the players leave in a matter of weeks (see Dragon Champions, Star Wars hero collector game for examples). This AW change is going to be an epic disaster.

For starters, player bases can't stand to be lied to. Inno is absolutely lying to us about the reasoning. This is NOT to help newer player, that is such an insane claim I can't believe they actually attempted it. The SF, CC, and RR costs are VERY unreasonable. New players do NOT have these resources.

Older cities, like myself, are not going to spends 1000s of RRs to upgrade AWs.

I find it astonishing that Inno doesn't understand the player base here. This game is overwhelmingly older aged people or middle aged people who don't have a lot of time (like me). The game is easy, that is why people play. The type of person that likes expensive grinding ISNT GOING TO DO IT IN THIS GAME. This game is easy, people play because they accomplish stuff with very little effort. I realize you think you have just designed some amazing unique experience, but you haven't. I thought INNO was self aware about this, but apparently they are not. They accidently stumbled into the easy game formula without realizing it.

Monetizing this game would be very easy. Put in a diamond/cash shop to buy building skins, city managers (for like $5/month) that let you schedule settlement productions and collections so you don't have to log in every few hours, custom in game avatars, global chat usage tokens (for FS recruiting), artifact exchange at the cost of diamonds...... none of this is P2W and would raise way more money than what you think will be raised by putting AWs behind a paywall.

So stupid, so incredibly stupid. Sorry I've got nothing nice to say right now about the design and dev teams. They are about to ruin the game, and I hope they are held accountable and lose their jobs. They think they will rush this out and take a mile, weather the complaints, and then give back inches and everyone will shut up.....I guess we will see, but like I said I've seen games go from thriving to ghosttowns really quickly.

Disagree if you want, it won't take long to prove me right or wrong. Many top players will leave, the ones holding fellowships together. Newer players will leave as they realize the unreasonable costs of continued play. It will spiral from there.
Yes, Inno should've kept it simple and not make it impossible to upgrade the AWs. It's all nice and fine that they changed the benefits of an AW to be more balanced but if one can't upgrade an AW because the cost is impossible the benefits can never be realized. That goes for all player levels. After all, who has massive amounts for Fragments, CC's, RR's, or Blueprints laying around. At this point it will take years to upgrade any AW to level 35
Do we have any moles in discord who are reporting back here to the forum? Personally, I wouldn't touch discord with a ten-foot pole...but do want to see the proposed AW changes.
Discord is full of negativ feedback right now. I mean thousands of negative messages regarding these changes. The mods are trying their best but everyone is just very upset


New Member
I haven't been on the forums in so, so long (also not on Discord tho) but I came here just to complain about this and see what else is being said about it. They've made a lot of questionable changes over the years that I've just rolled with because they eventually worked out or I found ways to make it work for my city. This is just ridiculous. Make it "easier" to upgrade by requiring the hardest resources to acquire and huge amounts of them at that?! Supremely stupid! I'm legit angry about this and my "it's just a game" mantra is not cutting it.


This change means absolutely no solo players, you must be in a FS so forget about relaxing with a quiet game if that's your choice. You cannot move forward without a FS and I don't know how new players are supposed to move forward. Young cities can't play the Spire for frags, it eats too many goods and it seems this change might only be absorbed by huge cities, maybe. I don't know how high the costs are for huge cities.


Active Member
The *only* benefit to this change for new players is that they won't be spending relics on AW upgrades any more, which means they'll find it easier to max out the production bonus. I say this because there were times where I held off on upgrading an AW because the number of relics required would drop my production one level.

The requirement for spell fragments is awful - even though crafting is unlocked in Ch III, a new player's only way to get fragments (other than a few small quest rewards) is by creating instants and disenchanting them. In practice, they'll have to wait until they unlock the Spire.

The CC requirement is about the same as fragments. New players are going to find it very hard to upgrade wonders until they unlock the Spire. They won't have access to an upgraded sea-serpent to get extra CCs from tourney rewards.

And in both the above cases, more accurately, not just unlock the Spire but get to the point where they can do the first couple of levels consistently (because fragments and ccs are not guaranteed rewards).

The RR requirement - that will force players to join a FS (for the tourney) or spend diamonds.

It's a horrid change.


Well-Known Member
I've played other games that died very quickly, like 2/3 of the players leave in a matter of weeks (see Dragon Champions, Star Wars hero collector game for examples). This AW change is going to be an epic disaster.

For starters, player bases can't stand to be lied to. Inno is absolutely lying to us about the reasoning. This is NOT to help newer player, that is such an insane claim I can't believe they actually attempted it. The SF, CC, and RR costs are VERY unreasonable. New players do NOT have these resources.

Older cities, like myself, are not going to spends 1000s of RRs to upgrade AWs.

I find it astonishing that Inno doesn't understand the player base here. This game is overwhelmingly older aged people or middle aged people who don't have a lot of time (like me). The game is easy, that is why people play. The type of person that likes expensive grinding ISNT GOING TO DO IT IN THIS GAME. This game is easy, people play because they accomplish stuff with very little effort. I realize you think you have just designed some amazing unique experience, but you haven't. I thought INNO was self aware about this, but apparently they are not. They accidently stumbled into the easy game formula without realizing it.

Monetizing this game would be very easy. Put in a diamond/cash shop to buy building skins, city managers (for like $5/month) that let you schedule settlement productions and collections so you don't have to log in every few hours, custom in game avatars, global chat usage tokens (for FS recruiting), artifact exchange at the cost of diamonds...... none of this is P2W and would raise way more money than what you think will be raised by putting AWs behind a paywall.

So stupid, so incredibly stupid. Sorry I've got nothing nice to say right now about the design and dev teams. They are about to ruin the game, and I hope they are held accountable and lose their jobs. They think they will rush this out and take a mile, weather the complaints, and then give back inches and everyone will shut up.....I guess we will see, but like I said I've seen games go from thriving to ghosttowns really quickly.

Disagree if you want, it won't take long to prove me right or wrong. Many top players will leave, the ones holding fellowships together. Newer players will leave as they realize the unreasonable costs of continued play. It will spiral from there.

You are being over dramatic. I have been playing Elvenar since 2016 and I like these changes. If players want to quit let them. This game was never going to be a speed game and these challenges just add to that. Yes we need more SF and RR's but until that happens you have to decide on where to spend them. May take longer but in time it will work out. I hear Candyland is free to download


Well-Known Member
Here in Europe, we just received an 'exclusive' offer for the items that we need to upgrade the AWs.
But do not blame Inno.
It is the owner, Modern Time Group, that has transformed Elvenar to a Pay to Play ga

Sure you can pay or enjoy the challenges and not pay. Your choice.


Well-Known Member
Yes, Inno should've kept it simple and not make it impossible to upgrade the AWs. It's all nice and fine that they changed the benefits of an AW to be more balanced but if one can't upgrade an AW because the cost is impossible the benefits can never be realized. That goes for all player levels. After all, who has massive amounts for Fragments, CC's, RR's, or Blueprints laying around. At this point it will take years to upgrade any AW to level 35

No it won't. Try planning for your upgrades. Don't spend your RR's until the rune phase of your AW's. Lol, it will not take years


Well-Known Member
Of course they are going to make RR's easier to get, they are going to be on sale always like diamonds. This is just a money grab. The writing is on the wall for this game. It's not making enough money and that is plain as day to see.

Had my first buy blueprints offer today!


It's not just rune phases where combining catalysts and spell fragments are required. I produce catalysts almost non-stop and will need almost all of them to upgrade what I've got currently collecting kp. This is a terrible idea.
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