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    Your Elvenar Team

Top of the Spire.


Well-Known Member
I really like this idea. I always wish there were other figures up there, as each new fs member arrives...it would be fun to see that little room get more and more crowded and possibly an incentive for others to try to get there.
@Harte last year a forum moderator and a few members got together and hammered out a format and process for suggestions to get from here to the developer's desks. This is a great idea and I'd love to see it developed to the point where it has a chance of being seen and considered by someone with power to implement.
Here is a link to the forum guide about the proper format for a suggestion. If it is to have a chance, it will need to follow those guidelines. I hope you pursue this, it has my vote!


Chef, Scroll-Keeper, and Buddy Fan Club Member
I have often wished that I could see the others who made it up to the top with me. (I've wished I could see the ones at the "boss doors" too, but that's another matter.) It would certainly give incentive to all the ones lower to join the group. The lounge idea would be fantastic. I could imagine an old barkeep, such as the one at the Prancing Pony, asking what our pleasure is, and there being a choice of Elven brew or Orc Ale or whatever. Of course, I'm running away with my imagination now. A few scenes in a row would be perfect and then we could all just stand up there drinking at the bar. Everyone knows Elvenar has the best artists. They should utilize this resource! :)