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    Your Elvenar Team

Unfavorable trading environment

Yogi Dave

Well-Known Member
Due to the conditions of Trading at the Sentient tier 3 level I have decided to stop playing this game.
You've been a member of the forum since Nov. of '17 and this is your 1st post? That you are quitting?

The game requires a lot of sentient tier 3 goods that one can not manufacture at a rate to stay ahead of the decay rate
I presume you are talking about chapter 15. In that chapter, I found 3 AWs to be invaluable: ETC for spelling my S3 factories. Timewarp for giving an added boost to the S good factories. Simia Sapiens (which I call SimSap because is sounds fun) for its decay rate reduction of S goods. These plus an FS that works well together to shuffle goods between those who need them made the chapter and game enjoyable.

I guess people who stay in this game turn greedy.
Not that I've seen. Some people have always been greedy or miserly. I don't think being in the game for a long time causes that. But you are welcome to believe that is the case. Your choice.

If there are no good trades available, I never have trouble getting my own trades picked up.
Same here. If I need to balance I gladly take 2 or 3 star trades, even cross-tier ones now that they are truly fair. Generally, when I place a trade it gives a bonus of 10% to the taker. That gets my trades taken very fast and makes the other person happy too.

Now, I do have a personal peeve about people who place a trade giving 1 or 2 extra goods to make their trade show as 3 star, Even 1% seems like a pretty cheap, (sleazy even?) way to get your trade above those giving honest 2 star trades. But I don't think of that as greedy. Just a player's choice.