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Unused production Item in FA

Should unused items and the once we have in storage being used for the pit rounds?

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Active Member
Once we get to the pit in the FA, items that we don't need anymore are still being produced and useless as well as the once we have in storage. My suggestion is to just including them to be used when working the pit rounds otherwise, the work we did before is being wasted!


Well-Known Member
I rather that once in the pit the badges that are no longer needed can no longer be produced. I fear that if we add badges to the pit its going to just get more complicated with planning and the number of different badges required overall. I believe it was @Ashrem that had an idea in a different thread about what to do with the excess badges.


Oh Wise One
HI StrongJean, the mods have a specific process for Suggestions, where there is discussion then a mod adds a poll at the end. If you want this to have a shot at being implemented, you should remove the poll and take a look at the Forum Guide. If you just want it for fun, you might want to ask the mods to move it into the General discussion forum by tagging a mod (the @ followed by their name will send them a note. I'd try Xelenia or you could call Nighguest if you prefer.


Active Member
I rather that once in the pit the badges that are no longer needed can no longer be produced. I fear that if we add badges to the pit its going to just get more complicated with planning and the number of different badges required overall. I believe it was @Ashrem that had an idea in a different thread about what to do with the excess badges.

I believe, that is even a better idea :)


Well-Known Member
I agree with @Ashrem . The suggestion is not clearly outlined in the format that is requested in this part of the Forum, and I am not clear on the options and ramifications of each.

Now, onto my opinions as part of the discussion. I personally feel that the FA needs a makeover from top to bottom, or be scrapped in favor of something else that is actually an enjoyable team-building event. Making an improvement that would limit having so many extra badges would be much better, in my opinion, than adding things to an already cumbersome process.


Set Designer
Putting up a poll works well in the General Discussions forum, where you are getting a feel for what ideas are generally supported. Here in the Ideas and Suggestions forum, ideas are being presented in a format that can be forwarded to the developers.


Well-Known Member
There should never be unused Badges once you hit the Pit....
I had never done 1, but having 3 only, repeating, was 9 badges .....
I believe there's a much betyter way to run the Pit, is there another
active suggestion discussion on this issue ???

I voted yes, and here's my take since this I guess isn't to the "voting" stage ....
Just relating to the Pit :
As you hit the deadlines.... 48hr, 24hr, 9hr, 3hr, 1hr .... anything that you can
no longer start into production, will not be ask'd for if a current section is finished.
When it gets to under an hour, Just accept any 9 badges per segment....

This will make that last hour a scramble to rally your Fellowship to all be on....
and untill that last bell sounds use up badges as fast as you can...... AND...
those 5 min productions, are going to make/break those top 20 spots.....:cool:


Chef, Scroll-Keeper, and Buddy Fan Club Member
I like the idea a lot, StrongJean. Original posts with polls should be clear and easy to read, so that everyone will understand what they are endorsing, (I've been an editor for too long, lol) but the idea itself has a great deal of merit and I voted yes. I would love to see this make it to an actual approved poll.