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Warning window when accepting 0 and 1 star trades


Well-Known Member
Add a warning popup window when accepting 0 and 1 star trades.
Note: For 2 and 3 star trades, leave it as is with no warning window.

*Make it so that players can accept trades faster without having to worry about accidently accepting an "unfair" trade.
*There seems to be a bug (or maybe lag) that makes the screen jump so players accidently accept trades they didn't mean to. This would make is so at least they wouldn't be accepting a 0 or 1 star trade in such a scenario.
*Helpful for newer players so they can learn the concept of fair and unfair trades.
*Extra click if you wanted to accept the 0 or 1 star trade anyways.
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They could be taking advantage of a bug in the app that causes the trader window to "jump" 2 spaces when you select a trade one up from the bottom. If you're clicking real fast you can miss that the list has shifted by 1 additional trade.

Sir Bently

It is becoming a big problem it's just not new players but it's also older players I told my fellowship not to accept those kind of trades, it's not only unfair to a fellowship but it's unfair to them. It's stealing and I think Inno should do something about it, it's supposed to be wrong a is frowned on
it plainly states that in the game rules. What needs to happen is warn the player
Could they be ugly trades set up within a Fellowship? I've had fellows help me by asking for ugly trades where they can unload excess goods, and it helped me gain goods before I could fend for myself. I see a lot of bad trades as well, but always hope it's a fellowship thing.


What I'm referencing has nothing to do with fair/unfair. Those are in the eye of the beholder. What I'm talking about is a bug in the app where the trading window shifts and could bring up a trade into position to be selected if you are going too fast (or half asleep at times like me). I will try and get screen shots together of what happens an open a bug report. This is what I think the player I referenced in my image is trying to exploit. It could also be there are players that like to trade all their goods and receiving next to nothing in return. We all play the game in different ways.

Those trades could also be what I see as the unintended consequence of the great migration where T1/T2 is much harder to find in the trader as a lot of active cities (which are higher level cities) have been grouped together and they have long since upgraded this and that to T3 or above. There are times my trader window is full of trades (nice 3 star ones) but they all want T1/T2 and are offering T3. I just started a new city in another world and I see pretty much the same thing in that trader.
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Well-Known Member
Larger players in FS's sometimes encourage smaller players to post hugely lopsided 0-star trades that the larger player intends to accept. The idea is for the smaller player to use the extra goods for the tournament, thus benefitting both. There are also situations where a 1-star trade is fair (supply and demand). The worst scenario is when a player puts up several 0 or 1-star trades that sit in the trader for weeks. Finally, there are trades where the fee makes it 1-star. In all those cases, it's annoying for everyone else to have to tip-toe around these trades.


Well-Known Member
@Sir Bently ,
please refrain from messaging me , if I cannot reply.
Please go get the rule you say there is about not trading
1:8 -> 8:1 ... ediquitte is different than game rules....

Maybee when I don't see 90% of all trades at 1* cause they aren't
discovered, I'll stop posting trades with a +15% bump for me !!
Smaller players than I, I can see asking for 1:1.5-2 trades... they aren't
yet @ 700% boost , like I am...... or Like YOU are !!!

Deleted User - 593524

I just ignore unfair trades unless it is a new player. Not sure why it is such a big deal to some players.


Chef, Scroll-Keeper, and Buddy Fan Club Member
Could they be ugly trades set up within a Fellowship? I've had fellows help me by asking for ugly trades where they can unload excess goods, and it helped me gain goods before I could fend for myself. I see a lot of bad trades as well, but always hope it's a fellowship thing.
They could be that only if they don't stay up more than 5 minutes. When prearranged, both sides agree to pick up the trades immediately, at least in my experience. Those trades that sit there for hours are not the result of in-fellowship agreements, in my opinion.


Chef, Scroll-Keeper, and Buddy Fan Club Member
I just ignore unfair trades unless it is a new player. Not sure why it is such a big deal to some players.
The reason it's a big deal is because when you spend a lot of time helping your neighborhood players, you inevitably come up against that bug that makes the screen jump and you misclick. If you don't take 100 trades at once from neighbors, you may not experience it, but I for one like to help the people around me, and it's never a fun thing to realize you've just been gouged because of the screen jump. Some of these zero and one star players count on that.


Well-Known Member
I altered the wording so it can (hopefully) go up for a vote.

Here is the Original Post:
"There's always one villain that's constantly posting unfair trades. Maybe he thinks his goods are somehow superior or hoping an innocent victim will accidently fall into his trap. At any rate, these 0 and 1 star trades lurk at the bottom of the trade window, cluttering it up and festering. On many occasion, out of the goodness of their heart, a player decided to take the 22 fair trades that a smaller player put up. But alas, they clicked 23 times instead of the 22 and ended up feeling like they stepped in doggie doodoo! This scenario is so sad, I can't even... BUT, what if there were a way to avoid this tragedy? Is it possible a simple warning window could magically come to the rescue and save our hero? Please make it so!"


Scroll-Keeper, Keys to the Gems
I agree with Defiant, I think more discussion is needed in order to find the right solution.


Well-Known Member
Would prefer to be able to hide over a warning. I accept way too many to be hampered with extra pop-up screens and this measure would probably stop me from helping the baby cities. It is already a pain that you can accept 2000 goods traded for them in 20-50 posts... I can't imagine making that worse with this measure.


Unfair trades have the purpose of helping smaller cities to perform magic with little cost to big players. It depends on the fellowship attitude but imo its helpfull often both to the new player and the fellowship, if you funnel 5-10k t1 and 2 goods to a ch3 player, and they make it to the top of the spire. then those goods gave a very good return. To both the fellowship and the new player, since that amount of goods would barely have any effect on the big players supply.


Active Member
*There seems to be a bug (or maybe lag) that makes the screen jump so players accidently accept trades they didn't mean to. This would make is so at least they wouldn't be accepting a 0 or 1 star trade in such a scenario

If just to avoid that "jumping bug" I'm in favor; no other reason matters but this one does. Having an extra click of "are you sure?" When I am, is no problem. Having that hesitation when I'd be stumped with a trade I hadn't intended, especially a this early stage of my game (Chapter 2) would avoid a big hurt; alternatively, I'm the only one little enough in trades I see to accept any of those huge amounts, and am relying on my FS and neighbors to take me up on the little trades I have to offer as yet, so...