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Warning window when accepting 0 and 1 star trades


Chef - loquacious Old Dog
It is becoming a big problem it's just not new players but it's also older players I told my fellowship not to accept those kind of trades, it's not only unfair to a fellowship but it's unfair to them. It's stealing and I think Inno should do something about it, it's supposed to be wrong a is frowned on
it plainly states that in the game rules. What needs to happen is warn the player

I know we've already started voting but I'd like to ask, "why is it unfair," and "who's frowning?" As far as I know you've been missinformed if you think Inno frowns upon 0 and 1 star trades. They do say they are not a good value -- but that's for you to decide, not Inno, as I've said elsewhere. So who is frowning? I'm not, that's for sure. And of course, "how is it stealing when the buyer clicks on the purchase knowing all he/she needs to know to decide if it's worth it or not?

As for miss-clicks, I can certainly agree they are a bit of a problem. I take, on average, about 300-400 trades at once as I clear between 20 and 40 pages of my neighbors trades. This is after I've cleared my fs trades via the filter). That's a lot of pages daily. So I click rapidly, and ever so often, I missclick. Knowing this, I have an option. I can slow down and avoid the misclicks, or I can continue and take the chance. I usually take the chance exactly because, like so many, I LIKE helping. And if part of the cost of helping is making a choice between helping more slowly or more quickly, I do the quickly. Missclicks are just part of my calculation of the value of what I'm doing. Blaming the poster for my own choice doesn't seem a good solution to me.



Well-Known Member
As for miss-clicks, I can certainly agree they are a bit of a problem. I take, on average, about 300-400 trades at once as I clear between 20 and 40 pages of my neighbors trades. This is after I've cleared my fs trades via the filter). That's a lot of pages daily. So I click rapidly, and ever so often, I missclick. Knowing this, I have an option. I can slow down and avoid the misclicks, or I can continue and take the chance. I usually take the chance exactly because, like so many, I LIKE helping. And if part of the cost of helping is making a choice between helping more slowly or more quickly, I do the quickly. Missclicks are just part of my calculation of the value of what I'm doing. Blaming the poster for my own choice doesn't seem a good solution to me.


If this suggestion is implemented, you would get a warning window on 0 and 1 star trades (and only on those trades). So you would be able to accept the 2 and 3 star trades even faster without worrying about the misclicks.
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Well-Known Member
Would prefer to be able to hide over a warning. I accept way too many to be hampered with extra pop-up screens and this measure would probably stop me from helping the baby cities. It is already a pain that you can accept 2000 goods traded for them in 20-50 posts... I can't imagine making that worse with this measure.
Are you saying you accept lots of 0 and 1 star trades to help baby cities? Those are the only trades affected by this proposal; no popup window on 2 and 3 star trades.


Well-Known Member
i "want" to vote yes for this but dont believe it's the best solution. i'd much rather just have the ability to filter them out of view.
I also would prefer the ability to filter them out of view. But based on past experience with people trying to push it, I doubt INNO will go along with it, so that's why I made this "compromise" proposal.


Chef - loquacious Old Dog
If this suggestion is implemented, you would get a warning window on 0 and 1 star trades (and only on those trades). So you would be able to accept the 2 and 3 star trades even faster without worrying about the misclicks.

Good answer, but falls just a bit short of convincing to me. Here's the thing. I take most 0 and 1 star trades as most, but not all of what I see, are from small players for small amounts. If I have to stop and press "sure, go ahead, it's okay" every 0 and 1 star trade, the overall effect might make the overall trading more time consuming. But it's hard to say. In my opinion and circumstances it would be a wash at best, I'm guessing.

On the other hand, Inno isn't coding this game just for me, is it? Maybe more people would benefit with it, maybe not. Either way, I'm okay because I just adjust to the game as it changes.



New Member
I altered the wording so it can (hopefully) go up for a vote.

Here is the Original Post:
"There's always one villain that's constantly posting unfair trades. Maybe he thinks his goods are somehow superior or hoping an innocent victim will accidently fall into his trap. At any rate, these 0 and 1 star trades lurk at the bottom of the trade window, cluttering it up and festering. On many occasion, out of the goodness of their heart, a player decided to take the 22 fair trades that a smaller player put up. But alas, they clicked 23 times instead of the 22 and ended up feeling like they stepped in doggie doodoo! This scenario is so sad, I can't even... BUT, what if there were a way to avoid this tragedy? Is it possible a simple warning window could magically come to the rescue and save our hero? Please make it so!"
I have done that a lot when taken trades and when I message the player i was told they like to make a profit from some one and rip players off. They said if some one is desperate they will take them.


Well-Known Member
can you also ask that we get a

[_] - Don't show this again

option ????
I'd vote yes if the suggestion is amended such that we get a confirmation dialog like above, additionally with the option to toggle it on/off in the settings, sorta like how diamonds is currently handled. As a blanket always-on sort of thing? I'd rather not have to jump through hoops to help people out. I also like to not think too hard about it instead of having the game constantly question my motivations like I'm some sort of bad guy

Also, like diamonds, the moment the shock wears off, it's a few more button pushes rather than just a self-beratement of "git gud, scrub"


Well-Known Member
To make the matter worse, sometimes the 1* or 0* still show even if you have clicked the No Fee option.


I notified the support awhile ago but it still happens!


Well-Known Member
To make the matter worse, sometimes the 1* or 0* still show even if you have clicked the No Fee option.

View attachment 12302

I notified the support awhile ago but it still happens!

Well, yeah. Works as intended. Removes trades for which there's a trader fee associated with it. Wished the web version could get that feature too.

It just so happens that a lot of trades are 1 or 0 star because of the fee. Which does nothing if the reason for the star rating is because of the player.


Well-Known Member
Isn't it suppose to filter the No * or 1* trades?
Nope. It simply filters out any trades that has a trader fee, regardless of its actual star rating. e.g. It could be a 8:1 (pre-fee) 3-star rated trade, but it will not appear if there is a trader fee on it with that filter enabled.

I've personally seen trades that were 3 star, even after the trader fee was applied (no BTG). Not to the extent listed in the example above, but by golly I've seen people try to overcome the Grinch highway robbers out-of-area trader and give a super deal.


I cannot tell you how much I hate this idea. I take a lot of 0 and 1 star trades. And now I get a popup for each one? I bet it never gets implemented The better feature is an option to not show those trades.

I see your point and its valid, but also valid is that we have scammers on our server posting ridiculous requests hoping someone will accept. I have accidently accepted some of these before and lost a LOT of goods. I try to clear pending trades for FS and neighbors, and it stinks having to be careful of obvious scams. These request are not FS members helping each other, they stay open until someone accidently accepts or their time expires. I guess I would prefer the warning, but you make a good point it will be annoying at times too.


Oh Wise One
Voted no, if this was in it needs to be done as a filter or as a setting under advanced options/confirm. This also fails to take into account the effect of the blooming trader wonder with a bonus to reduce the trader fee which makes fair trades appear as 1 star trades.

The original post is all that gets looked at feels underdeveloped as an idea.

Deleted User - 593524

The reason it's a big deal is because when you spend a lot of time helping your neighborhood players, you inevitably come up against that bug that makes the screen jump and you misclick. If you don't take 100 trades at once from neighbors, you may not experience it, but I for one like to help the people around me, and it's never a fun thing to realize you've just been gouged because of the screen jump. Some of these zero and one star players count on that.

I have never seen that bug. Maybe fixing that bug should be the priority.

Deleted User - 593524

I know we've already started voting but I'd like to ask, "why is it unfair," and "who's frowning?" As far as I know you've been missinformed if you think Inno frowns upon 0 and 1 star trades. They do say they are not a good value -- but that's for you to decide, not Inno, as I've said elsewhere. So who is frowning? I'm not, that's for sure. And of course, "how is it stealing when the buyer clicks on the purchase knowing all he/she needs to know to decide if it's worth it or not?

As for miss-clicks, I can certainly agree they are a bit of a problem. I take, on average, about 300-400 trades at once as I clear between 20 and 40 pages of my neighbors trades. This is after I've cleared my fs trades via the filter). That's a lot of pages daily. So I click rapidly, and ever so often, I missclick. Knowing this, I have an option. I can slow down and avoid the misclicks, or I can continue and take the chance. I usually take the chance exactly because, like so many, I LIKE helping. And if part of the cost of helping is making a choice between helping more slowly or more quickly, I do the quickly. Missclicks are just part of my calculation of the value of what I'm doing. Blaming the poster for my own choice doesn't seem a good solution to me.


Great response and I agree


Chef, Scroll-Keeper, and Buddy Fan Club Member
If this suggestion is implemented, you would get a warning window on 0 and 1 star trades (and only on those trades). So you would be able to accept the 2 and 3 star trades even faster without worrying about the misclicks.
Good point.