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Warning window when accepting 0 and 1 star trades


Chef, Scroll-Keeper, and Buddy Fan Club Member
I have never seen that bug. Maybe fixing that bug should be the priority.
Are you sure you aren't AJ, lol? I think he's the only one who hasn't mentioned that bug at one time or another on this forum. I know a lot of people have mentioned it.


Well-Known Member
Are you sure you aren't AJ, lol? I think he's the only one who hasn't mentioned that bug at one time or another on this forum. I know a lot of people have mentioned it.
It's not a bug because people can post 0 and 1 star trades and if they are close to you or in your FS there's no fee. Since they have this feature, it should be relatively easy to change it to hide 0 and 1 star trades instead, make it available on PC, and make it an option that can be toggled permanently.


Beloved Ex-Team Member
this one is too close to forward. Feel free to continue the discussion and amend your idea for another try.


Well-Known Member
I feel as if this suggestion could've been made more palatable if there was mention of a way to disable the warning. Because if I was going to be subjected to a new [insert noun]-tax, I'd want a way to opt out and make my own mistakes in a live-fast-die-young way


Well-Known Member
When you have a fully upgraded trader I've seen pics where
there are checkboxes for "FS" "basic" "sentient" "ascended" goods.
We already have a way to filter by type of good within each of those.

Why not just add a filter for all 4 types of "star" .... ( ie - 0,1,2,3 )
No warning need'd, no opt out need'd, easy-peasy .....
( K.I.S.S. principle (( keep it simple, stupid )) )


Well-Known Member
this one is too close to forward. Feel free to continue the discussion and amend your idea for another try.

How about I change it to the following?

On Mobile, there is an option in the trader to only show "No Fee" trades.

I propose this option be added to PC AND modified to "only show 2 and 3 star trades". This way, selecting the option will help prevent the accidental acceptance of "unfair" trades. Simultaneously, it will allow the player to see "fee" trades that are actually 2 or 3 star trades. If possible, it should be further modified so that the option preference persists between logins.