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    Your Elvenar Team

Welcome to the Battle Help Forum


Dear Humans and Elves (and others),

We have had multiple requests for a forum area to discuss battles so today we have added one for you.

This sections is for Help and Guides on Battle from other players and we hope this makes the information easier to find for everyone!

Kind Regards,
Your Elvenar Team


Active Member
thank you for adding this, I do not need help fighting, have done that plenty of times, thank you very much.
Here are the requests I have:
Speed up the fights...(you have increased the fighting time from 15 to 90 minutes per province with new updates)
Match the strength of the troops:
you now have 10 of the fighters, where we still have 5 with same amount of battle ground troops ( add more options to our troops)
The negotiations costs in provinces are horrendous even for the players with a lots of resources, lower the cost of the negotiations so that lower level players can keep up.
I certainly hope that the Elvenar team can raise to the occasion and actually hear what we have to say, and make the adjustments needed to keep us satisfied.
Best regards
Phoenix Power, Arendyll
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thank you for adding this, I do not need help fighting, have done that plenty of times, thank you very much.
i would just like to bring the following to the attention of someone here at INNO GAMES:
Why can INNO GAMES not just modify their new battle system to at least make the battling a little more fair:
perhaps reducing the difficulty a little?
reducing the enormous amounts of goods now required to negotiate? they have gone through the roof since the updates.
adjust the rebalancing? some of us feel that now it's worse than before the rebalancing ow appears to be even more unbalanced.
Elven players feel they have been sent up the creek without a paddle and are finding it increasingly difficult when faced with Human race enemies that far outweigh their own forces. you seem to have gone from one extreme to the next on this one.
All battles should be winnable to a certain point not have the odds stacked in the enemies favour 4:1 in the tournaments at least give new and old players a chance at fighting.
now with the new changes to the auto battle system its actually more like an auto slaughter system i know that i now loose around 80% of my forces regardless of the set up or types i use where as before it would be around 25% losses with the same forces.
why have the different special effects been "tweaked" so much on some of our units and only half as much or actually increased on the enemy forces?
why are we fighting units that are miles ahead of our own on the research tree in the tournaments let alone in the provinces i get your explanation about is being way too advanced and all but is it necessary to have the same units in the tournaments?
Players are jumping the sinking ship and new ones see what they are in for and head for the hills
im sure that INNO GAMES had not intended to have this effect on players old or new but it would seem that this has been done in the process and more will leave unless you address some of these issues instead of burying your heads in the sand and ignoring your customers and putting it into the too hard basket or warning and/or banning members for speaking out is not the way either we are not being nasty or vindictive we are merely trying to have our voices heard on some of the issues and let you all know how some or most of us are feeling and that we do have a voice and what is the point in having a forum and discussion if your told what you can and cant discuss here?
Kind regards


A neighbors view on the battle changes. A picture is worth a thousand words.
This one is new,

game over.jpg


  • game over.jpg
    game over.jpg
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That's nothing, Elvenar is full of very old dead players, This one is still on the map.
Winyandor rank 13505

Shut down 2.jpg
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When the battle changes came into place I was a tad advanced and was needing a squad upgrade.. when the changes came about I had to switch over to purely negotiations. my squad size had more or less doubled to 410 but the enemy's size was often 1,100+. At that level one hit from a mage will kill a normally robust Paladin. So I need 2 squad size upgrades to be effective again (i think). So I am working my way towards that and doing a little test fighting in the tournaments to see who is who and what will do well against various troop types.
So far I have found that a slightly smaller Paladin is a more than equal match for an Orc General (which is a new troop type to me). The dogs still work fairly well on light range fighters particularly mages.. Anybody got any other matchup advice?


There needs to be some equity between the 'enemy' troops and those that you can put in the field. The squad sizes need to be adjusted so that they are more balanced. for example: I just had to withdraw from an encounter where I fielded 5 squads of mortars against 2 squads of mortars. The enemy squad strength was 48. My squad strength was 15. After 4 rounds I had to surrender because I was getting my butt whipped. I believe that there should be a reasonable chance of success. As it stand now, there is not much fun in engaging in encounters.


There needs to be some equity between the 'enemy' troops and those that you can put in the field. The squad sizes need to be adjusted so that they are more balanced. for example: I just had to withdraw from an encounter where I fielded 5 squads of mortars against 2 squads of mortars. The enemy squad strength was 48. My squad strength was 15. After 4 rounds I had to surrender because I was getting my butt whipped. I believe that there should be a reasonable chance of success. As it stand now, there is not much fun in engaging in encounters.
Those mortars are pretty nasty and hard to counter in chapter 1, one squad size upgrade on your end and your light melee units should be able to take them. Right now you are outnumbered 15:19.2 or 1:1.28. In the higher chapters better troop types would let you counter this pretty easily, but in lower chapters the mortars and those freaking nasty dogs are tough.


Active Member
Here is a little bit of advice, however, it really does not help much if you are lower level player and odds are not in your favor to begin with.
Sorry I can't help any further, but INNO does not care what level player you are..Which is why they really have to go back and rethink the fight battle system.


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thank you for adding this, I do not need help fighting, have done that plenty of times, thank you very much.
Here are the requests I have:
Speed up the fights...(you have increased the fighting time from 15 to 90 minutes per province with new updates)
Match the strength of the troops:
you now have 10 of the fighters, where we still have 5 with same amount of battle ground troops ( add more options to our troops)
The negotiations costs in provinces are horrendous even for the players with a lots of resources, lower the cost of the negotiations so that lower level players can keep up.
I certainly hope that the Elvenar team can raise to the occasion and actually hear what we have to say, and make the adjustments needed to keep us satisfied.
Best regards
Phoenix Power, Arendyll
I agree with you 100% . I can't win a battle to save my soul! Our fighters are 1/3 their strength, and we're out numbered 2 to 1. That...doesn't even make sense! I'm wondering if the person that made up this battle tactic , was even thinking about what they did? It's been this way for way too long. Something tells me, their not going to fix this at all. People are only going to wait so long before they give up, and quit playing.
Best Regards,


Here is a little bit of advice, however, it really does not help much if you are lower level player and odds are not in your favor to begin with.
Sorry I can't help any further, but INNO does not care what level player you are..Which is why they really have to go back and rethink the fight battle system.
Thank you for this! It actually works! I am actually winning a couple of battles with this. Thank you again!


I have only been playing a couple weeks and have a lot to learn about the game. I managed to win a couple battles the first day or two but am zero for everything since. I am so outnumber and outgunned I have completely quit playing this phase of the game. I see 'Squad Upgrade 5' looming in the tree ahead. Maybe things get better then. For the time being I just negotiate when I have the resources, which is getting more and more difficult. Having to collect more for each new province is slowing the game down quite a bit. I am enjoying the game when I get to play but more and more it is just wait and collect for days and then play for a bit. Any advice or suggestions about how to add battles back into the game is appreciated.


I have only been playing a couple weeks and have a lot to learn about the game. I managed to win a couple battles the first day or two but am zero for everything since. I am so outnumber and outgunned I have completely quit playing this phase of the game. I see 'Squad Upgrade 5' looming in the tree ahead. Maybe things get better then. For the time being I just negotiate when I have the resources, which is getting more and more difficult. Having to collect more for each new province is slowing the game down quite a bit. I am enjoying the game when I get to play but more and more it is just wait and collect for days and then play for a bit. Any advice or suggestions about how to add battles back into the game is appreciated.
Sorry to say but there really is no help. Everyone has been complaining about this issue for months, me as one of them. They kept saying they were going to put a fix to this, but all they did was make it worse. Apparently their happy with it this way because they've been making lots of money. A lot of people have just quit playing the game all together because of this issue. Some people have put out all kinds of charts that are suppose to help to figure out what character your suppose to put in your battles against certain enemies to be able to win. But you have to be a rocket scientist to figure it out. lol. And in the long run,,, they don't work. So we save and trade goods to get thru the negotiations. It's boring and no fun. Best of luck!


If you are facing larger squads on the battlefield than you have, you will have to unlock more squadsize upgrades in your research tree until you are on equal ground. Squad size upgrades grow at an exponential rate. Your initial squad size is 6 and increases with every new squad size technology. The increase is 3 times the squad size technology. So if you have researched squad size 1 and 2 your squad size would be 6 + (1 x 3) + (2 x 3) = 15. By following this example, you can determine how large you can make your squads per chapter.

If you stay within the province count for the next chapter, the scout will reduce the squads faced in provinces, making battles winnable. If you scout outside your advanced scout technology, you will face troop sizes much greater than you can research.

Tip: mouse-over the chest for your next chapter to get an idea of where you should be to make battles winnable.


When the new combat system came in I could win nothing, and based on the standard I was not ahead in provinces.
I dropped it and went to negotiation
I ran into the battle guide and redeveloped my combat
I was able to win some battles with it. I do not think I could win an entire province Some of the enemy sizes were likely impossible with what I could field
I do lose a significant amount of men in the process even when winning

So here is the kicker after looking at this again.
Even though I can now win I will still go back to negotiation
It takes me days to build up my troops and at the larger squad sizes with an excessive use of my supplies that hinders my other devleopments i am looking at
I can clean out a province after 3 hours of manufacturing goods sometimes with a little trading.
I am now going over the stated number of provinces and yes there are increased costs but nowhere near what i takes to cobble together an army
I can see which way the game has been balanced and will go with the flow


Here is a little bit of advice, however, it really does not help much if you are lower level player and odds are not in your favor to begin with.
Sorry I can't help any further, but INNO does not care what level player you are..Which is why they really have to go back and rethink the fight battle system.
Hi is there any other way to post this? I can neither see it, nor open it. Thanks :)


My name is Starbuck1701
I have been somewhat successful in some battles since the change. However, it is knowing whom you pick a fight with. I might win between 0-3 in some provences, but most of the time I have to negotiate, which sucks up my resources for continued growth. Current I have a Challange to win 5 battles, however, I have only won 3 in the last 3 weeks.
Therefore, I would like the moderators to chat up the production design team and ask them to modify the current battle programming. This will actually make more money for the game by keeping the games customers happy. In the words of retail, " a happy customer is a repeat customer and a repeat customer will tell their friends".


My name is Starbuck1701
I have been somewhat successful in some battles since the change. However, it is knowing whom you pick a fight with. I might win between 0-3 in some provences, but most of the time I have to negotiate, which sucks up my resources for continued growth. Current I have a Challange to win 5 battles, however, I have only won 3 in the last 3 weeks.
Therefore, I would like the moderators to chat up the production design team and ask them to modify the current battle programming. This will actually make more money for the game by keeping the games customers happy. In the words of retail, " a happy customer is a repeat customer and a repeat customer will tell their friends".
I have given up long ago on battling period. At the start of the game winning battles was easy. It quickly became impossible, as the squads were always out numbered. It puts a big ugly dent in the game.