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What determines the number of provinces for a FS


Well-Known Member
I have 4 cities in 4 worlds. One of the cities only has four provinces. Others have 8.

What determines the number of provinces?

Enevhar Aldarion

Oh Wise One
Purely how many you have scouted and completed and what you boost combination is. Each of the nine possible boost combinations for a city has a different arrangement of provinces around it and unlock different numbers of each type as they go through the rings. Basically, 9 cities, one of each boost combo, with the exact same number of completed provinces, will most of the time have different numbers of available provinces for each of the nine tournaments.


Well-Known Member
If you play on the browser (as opposed to mobile) you can click the little honeycomb icon at the bottom of the map. That will show you your available unscouted provinces (as well as scouted but incomplete provinces). I use that before a tournament to ensure that any provinces of the right type within my desired rings have been completed before the tournament starts. So for example, last weekend I scouted and cleared an additional 3 crystal provinces. This weekend I'm clearing scrolls provinces.

It means that I'm doing some of the provinces out of order (not in an exact ring), but I don't go more than 2 rings out. I will pay a little bit more in catering costs to complete province encounters perhaps, but I get a lot of goodies from having 7 provinces open for a tournament instead of 5, so I think it's worth it. (Especially for my boost week, which is crystal, so yay!)

I rarely scout and complete provinces except for event quests or to clear them for tournaments or to complete the minimum for the next chapter (and ideally all three at once, and if I can get a repeating complete a province quest in there as well, that's even better). So I'm not in danger of overscouting even if I am scouting a little unevenly.

This thread has some useful information about the pattern in which provinces of different types are laid out on the map. https://us.forum.elvenar.com/index.php?threads/is-relic-placement-random.24997/
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Well-Known Member
If you play on the browser (as opposed to mobile) you can click the little honeycomb icon at the bottom of the map. That will show you your available unscouted provinces (as well as scouted but incomplete provinces). I use that before a tournament to ensure that any provinces of the right type within my desired rings have been completed before the tournament starts. So for example, last weekend I scouted and cleared an additional 3 crystal provinces. This weekend I'm clearing scrolls provinces.

It means that I'm doing some of the provinces out of order (not in an exact ring), but I don't go more than 2 rings out. I will pay a little bit more in catering costs to complete province encounters perhaps, but I get a lot of goodies from having 7 provinces open for a tournament instead of 5, so I think it's worth it. (Especially for my boost week, which is crystal, so yay!)

I rarely scout and complete provinces except for event quests or to clear them for tournaments or to complete the minimum for the next chapter (and ideally all three at once, and if I can get a repeating complete a province quest in there as well, that's even better). So I'm not in danger of overscouting even if I am scouting a little unevenly.

This thread has some useful information about the pattern in which provinces of different types are laid out on the map. https://us.forum.elvenar.com/index.php?threads/is-relic-placement-random.24997/
They seriously need a "love" button. This is so helpful! Thank you.