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what do you do when you run out of space on your city?

LilWolf De Lioncourt

Well-Known Member
Forgive me if I've asked this question before but can't remember if I asked it or not*lol*:eek: but I was wondering even tho i'm not even Close but what do you do when You've run out of space on Your city and can't build anymore on it?:eek: do you start all over again on another City? Anyways Thanks for taking the time to answer my question:D:cool::) "LilWolf"


Well-Known Member
Do you mean at the very end when you have filled all the expansions that are available? No, you do not start over. There are plans (maybe, we think, it has been suggested) that there will be additional expansions added to the city layout. Then you grow. There will be other chapters (chapter 15 maybe soon and more). You tear down what you no longer need, guest races, in order to create space for what comes next. You upgrade, rearrange, add, delete and continue. Or, you quit and start a new city, if that is what you want to do.

If you mean, when it is full now as you currently are, then you have a lot of expansions in the tech tree to gain, and more from clearing provinces on the world map. Keep growing now to be where you need to be later.