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    Your Elvenar Team

When Art Fails to Intersect Life - An Exercise in Nitpickery




Beta screen.jpg

Post edited, Live image replaced with one that matches the Beta image dimensions.
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@Ashrem : I'm happy that I'm not the only one being nitpicky about the perspective (or lack thereof!) in the new background. It feels really off to me. I love water, but this is just not right... and having my marble factories and/or breeding grounds (depending on the city) hanging over the edge of the cliff is very disorienting for me. :p

(and for some reason the new background is making my cities feel claustrophobia inducing... don't ask me to explain that one since it makes no sense to me. You'd think with all the water around, it would feel expansive, rather than the opposite! :confused: )


lol Shimmerfly: I think we are all Soggy in one or another :p.
I like the new city background, at least from a certain perspective. I don't like hanging off the western cliff (now that is a portend of prophetic proportions) nor the weird, eye-numbing, fuzzy, semi-floating AW satellite buildings on the northern edge.


Well-Known Member
I zoomed out and saw the sea turtle there. Yes, the perspective is crazy. They didn't change the whole background for events while i've been playing which, granted, isn't too long. However, I hope the background reverts back at some point because this one is just....odd. But I think `disorienting` is the best word anyone has used so far.


Could the artist realign the building grid in Arendyll 1 expansion (5x5) southeast. My scroll manufactory is nearly in the water on the beach. You have all this room to the south but the grid is hanging off the cliff to the north and in the water to the left. What's with that? I liked the original background, it was very adventurous and grid fit the background surroundings fine.


You are zoomed out way further on your beta picture

I can see it if I zoom out far enough on my main..

WOW!!! That was AWESOME!!!!

Unfortunately, my computer immediately crashed right after I was able to get it to zoom out far enough... :confused:

You know the disclaimer "Don't try this at home!"? My disclaimer is "Don't try this with Chrome!" (or at least not on an underpowered laptop with Chrome :p)

(but it was still very awesome while it lasted...)

Sir Squirrel

Artist EXTRAORDINAIRE and Buddy Fan Club member
Lol Sheianna, do you have the animations turned off? I do, but I have a very good desktop computer too though!

Loki not to be nitpicking (wait this thread is about nitpickary :p) , but if you take a closer look at the first two pictures you posted the hut and shells are way bigger in one then the other, so you must have at least scrolled in a bit. But I do see how the grid is way to the left though!
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Loki not to be nitpicking (wait this thread is about nitpickary :p) , but if you take a closer look at the first two pictures you posted the hut and shells are way bigger in one then the other, so you must have at least scrolled in a bit.

This has nothing to do with either my browser settings or game settings, or my mouse. It is the way I had edited the original Live image. I have edited that post so that there should not be any more confusion. Click on the images to get the full-sized versions. ;)

However, I hope the background reverts back at some point because this one is just....odd.

Odd, perhaps, but if this is the only way that they can open up the city grid to allow for more expansions, I doubt that they will.
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Chef - loquacious Old Dog
Fortunately most of us, as I've said in another thread, will stop noticing the background within a day or two. We live in expectation and what we expect to be there we ignore because we no need to pay attention to it. Thus, the background will fade into the background of our awareness and we'll only notice the problems again when they are fixed, and thus, no longer problems. Lucky us!
