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Wholesaler Reset?


I saw in the forums that that wholesaler is supposed to reset every 24 hours and that there is supposed to be a countdown hourglass in the wholesaler window.

However, I do not see any hourglass in my wholesaler window and the cost keeps going up every day and never "resets". If I recall corrected, it initially cost 8000 coins, then 10k, then 12, etc. and is now up to 24k (I kept checking every day to see if it reset back to 8k and pushing the button once to see what it would do, haha stupid of me but now I'm up to 24k for purchases)

Am I misunderstanding something? Looking in the wrong place? What is it supposed to reset to?


I have a count down timer showing on the wholesaler window. Check to see if you have one.



Of course, I found the hourglass after I posted this. Reset for me is in 3 hours and I'll check then if it "reset" to 8k or ??


Oh Wise One
It's going to reset to 400 times the number it offers. So if your offer is for "20" it would be 8k, but if you upgraded the main hall and the offer is now 30, then it would "reset" to 12k. If you are upgrading your main hall a lot (as many of us do in the early stages) it will be a different reset value every time.

It should reset to 400 x [whatever number it offers you].