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    Your Elvenar Team


  1. Wholesaler Reset?

    I saw in the forums that that wholesaler is supposed to reset every 24 hours and that there is supposed to be a countdown hourglass in the wholesaler window. However, I do not see any hourglass in my wholesaler window and the cost keeps going up every day and never "resets". If I recall...
  2. Dear "Wholesaler",

    Dear "Wholesaler" and Trader, I don't understand. I thought we had a good relationship. I'm a frequent customer and never once protested your rates, even when you got all the markup profits when undiscovered cities accepted my trades. I found it unfair but didn't complain since you're a...
  3. Hey devs, I have a new problem solving chart for you

  4. Jackluyt

    New EPL tutorial video on YouTube - complete Chapter One in one day!

    Hi! I just uploaded this wonderful video by Ainsley Williams to our new YouTube Elvenar Channel: It was made several months ago, and illustrates the use of several smart pieces of Gameplay! :) Two issues popped into my head while uploading: 1. Ainsley makes lots of use of the Wholesaler...
  5. Trade or buy Dwarven / Fairy / Orc goods

    Dear Elvenar Team, It would help players a lot, especially if they are only half way through Dwarves or Fairies in the Knowledge Tree, if we could trade for or buy granite, copper etc. You would not need to create an extra Trader (Dwarven Trader, Fairy Trader) for trading for those things...