Karon Donahue · 0:07 I keep on having to negotiate rather than do battle because either I'm not able to have a large enough fighting force, or my units are too weak. It's frustrating. So; for now I don't fight at all, I just build. I just worked through the treasure chest and see that I'll be able to get Golems before long. I hope that changes things.
Catherine Wilson · 0:00 I dont understand how you can say that it is something we can get used to..... its literally impossible even if you took away the random generated terrain which might end up being a bit unfair, or the auto fight system losing more troops than the manual fight......the big elephant in the room no one seems to be able to address is that the enemy squad sizes are 4 TIMES STRONGER with generally much harder squad types already in play. It is impossible and quite frankly it is just so that we spend more resources on negotiating and therefore may end up buying diamonds. Be honest. You made this move so that you can make some more money. Thats fine, but don't make it impossible ! Take the ratio down to 1:2 at least then we might have a chance at fighting. At the moment I have never won a battle since the new system was in place, even when pitting full Paladin troops against light melee units. There are so many that they are impossible to win against. Take the squad sizes down !!!
Helen Bach · 0:46 My troops are getting slaughtered
Sylvia Veronica Mastenbroek · 0:24 i stil cant work the battle system out i stil keep losing, i used to win but now almost get slaughterd ever time i try to do a province.
Cécile LP · 23:39
Translated from French
Frankly, it's a bad decision for the that this change in the fighting. He comes too early and demotivates already the few players motivated and active, in any case this is what I found after conversations with other players of the French community.
Babas Angran · 0:00
Translated from French
Since their update, almost anyone can make of the fighting, the only chance forward and negotiate, really not a good update except for those who was already in a very high level, on a world those who are like me at the level 3, the whole map are inactive, he abandons the fur and extent, we're not ready in advance
Virginia Banks · 28:52 I'm seriously thinking on cutting back on my armories and building up my boosted good manufacturies even more than they are so I can negotiate and trade faster and better. Battles seem very un-winnable. I love the game but it might be time to re-think how I play.
Christophe Massucco ·
automatically translated.
Stop playing the autistic and pretend that your redesign is a success... you don't have much managed to piss off a large number of players! The changes have been poorly thought: if you had really thought about it, the fact that the ai does not adjust to your new combat system should have to alert you on the fact that trying to erase some imbalances (which could be necessary, I Admit it), you were intrinsically rendered the fighting more complex. What is more, their implementation has been abysmal, the fact is deficient of tests or a not taking into account the results of tests, and planning for the least random (why spread this disaster on 2 months? ). Finally your communication, ignoring real problems and pretending that everything was fine in the best of all possible worlds, is simply stupid... stop to the policy of the ostrich!
Deni Hill · 0:33 Nope, it got too complicated and hard so I stopped fighting.
Michaela Gray · 0:00 Even if I were to understand the enemy, I can't win against troops twice as big as mine and more of them. Wasn't hard to figure out either! Manual or Auto, it does not matter, it's a no win situation and frustrating, not any fun. Takes hours to build a troop and it's gone trying to win just 1 Encounter, that's just not fair. Changing the rules to our disadvantage in the middle of a game is very bad taste to say it politely. How about coming up with something positive,so we can all enjoy playing again???
Neil Murphy · 0:00 its impossible too win ive tried everything
Paul Holtman · 4:05 i have top level troops across the board, human, used to be at least battle in tournaments if i took the time, thru tour province spot 8 thru 8 rounds, now i cant even get past round 5, and i have top level troops.
Simone Giraldo · 0:00 i can't understand why so many like here. Still battle are not possible, and today i found a new strong enemy (a goblin) is put as a defender of a province against my soldiers, and note i'm 15 province less than requested to unlock next level.
Colin Freeth · 11:28 why have you spoilt the game by making the battle system so hard. you have taken the enjoyment out of the game. Is was fairly well balanced before, now its just a waste of time.
Gilles Hemon · 0:04 The fighting became really too hard and even in my case impossible,, I think I quit the game as auitres colleagues elsewhere if you don't do anything at this level!!
Ivy R Hiller · 2:48 I always won more playing in auto & now I don't win at all since the changes.....Plus my white surrender flag doesn't work.
Kathleen MacDonald Lake · 3:32 I've stopped training my troops. No way I can win. Wish I could sell back everything related to fighting. It was fun but not anymore.
Jamie Lafferty Richey · 0:00 The changes are I am now unable to win a battle and I am getting my aspirin handed to me!
Berna Figueredo · 2:16 The tournament battles are impossible to win
Amy Wench · 20:56 After the new battle system change it's become highly uneven. I destroyed all my armories and now just negotiate everything!
Rhonda Schmeltz · 0:00 its too hard!!!!!
Rosangela Rodriguez · 0:00 you have ruined the game, fix the battle system
Elisabeth Dalver · 0:00 It's a bummer it is impossible to win a single game
Heather Holley · 6:42 I cant not win a battle at all since the changes...and this is the same for basically everyone in my fellowship. Why did you make this so hard!! I love the game but this is seriously discouraging! Also, when I go to my fight screen I dont have any menus that show what units are better/worse then the other units like you are showing.
Ian Wuolle · 0:00 and if i absolutely have to watch videos or go to the forums and spend hours researching how to.... the game is not worth playing, design it so people can figure it out with regular gameplay or dont bother changing it.
Clifford Kinnett · 15:27 With the new battle system I cannot win any battles. If this setup remains unchanged I will lose interest and quit playing.
Luisa Simoes Keenan · 6:42 All I am hearing is ........ I lost trying all unites on the same battle , so it is not a question of different fighters .. come on ...
Mark Taylor · 0:00 You want to 'fix' the Battle system? Have the casualties count in a 'round 2' (or more, if needed). This way people can actually whittle-down their opponent. Otherwise, its not really a battle system at all. I can't remember the last time I won a battle, before OR after the changes. I'm never going to build that training ground - just another useless building taking up valuable space.
Case Casey · 0:00 can't win any battles at all.... game sux now
Paula Sandlin · 0:00 THE FIGHTING IS TOO HARD NOW! It would be great if you could adjust this!