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    Your Elvenar Team

An Elvenar Caption Contest

Yogi Dave

Well-Known Member
Entry 1:

Here I am again. Hopping on one leg down the center of town kicking myself in the butt. I've got to quit taking bar bets with Capt'n Bonkers.

Yogi Dave

Well-Known Member
Entry 2:

It was on the last leg of the race that one of mine disappeared. I hate fairies. May the orcs take them.


Well-Known Member


Thanks, @AtaguS

Here is the next one.

Yogi Dave

Well-Known Member
"He was always such a good egg", Humpty's Mother tearfully said as the funeral procession slowly made it's way to the burial grounds.


Entry one

In this TV special we will reveal some of the unique techniques devised by Bobby Flay, the chef that can make an omelet without breaking the eggs.


Entry two

Scientists propose the possibility that certain early human groups should have coexisted with elephant birds, instead of causing their extinction.

Yogi Dave

Well-Known Member
The phoenix cult lovingly takes the next generation of the fire, storm, and aureate phoenixes to their place of first birth.

Gia Kei

New Member
ELF #1: Why did you give directions to the humans that would force them to take the caravan of phoenix eggs through the roughest terrain in the valley?

ELF #2: They looked like they could use the eggs-ercise.