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    Your Elvenar Team

Search results

  1. An Open Letter to the developers of Elvenar:

    An Open Letter to the developers of Elvenar: In considering the changes which have come fast and furious in this game which I have enjoyed playing for over two years, and poured a great amount of money into as well, I find myself at a crossroads of whether to continue playing it or not. I am...
  2. Diamond Prices

    I sent the following email to support over the excessive price increase for purchasing diamonds which has just occurred. While the prices have not changed the amount of diamonds you get for each dollar amount has been reduced, which in effect is a price increase. I think we should all let them...
  3. Constructs Data

    Has anyone done an analysis of how much of each good is required for the chapter? This would include research, quests, and upgrades. I know in previous chapters this has been done and I just wonder if there is anything else available in addition to Gems and Wiki. Thank you for taking the time to...
  4. Mermaids’ Paradise

    I see from the write up that the Mermaids’ Paradise if fully evolved to level 10 in Amuni gives 3 AWKP instants. My question is, "How many actual AWKP is it?" Is it one 1/2/3 AWKP instant (1 or 2 or 3 AWKP) or is it 1/2/3 of the 3 AWKP (3 or 6 or 9 AWKP)? Or is it some other value? I am...
  5. New Backdrop

    I just saw the new background on the live servers. It is beautiful! Preparing for the new mini-event and the placement of the Spire no doubt. However, my grid shows part of my possible building areas hanging in midair! OOPS. Also with the new layout it looks like there could be new rows of...
  6. Scout or Builder

    I would like to suggest that you have as an event prize a "spell", or some symbol, which would allow you to have a 1 use extra builder or scout. I know that upon occasion I would really have liked to have either one of them.