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    Your Elvenar Team

Search results

  1. Ember Isolte

    Fauna - Join us!

    Welcome new members M00tilda and Dragon Riley! We are currently 12/25 members and are seeking active players who have boosted Marble, Crystal, Scrolls, and/or Elixers!
  2. Ember Isolte

    Fauna - Join us!

    Thanks and welcome to our newest member, El Hefe! Fauna is still recruiting so feel free to apply or message me in game! ♥
  3. Ember Isolte

    Production Boosts in Fellowship UI (Example Pictures!)

    Ooh yes!! I agree with you Soggy! Showing the total production levels like that would be way more beneficial!
  4. Ember Isolte

    Production Boosts in Fellowship UI (Example Pictures!)

    Oh, I don't know for sure. I guess I just felt that it was polite to give the devs the benefit of doubt as if there is some code they don't want to mess with so as not to screw something up while adding UI improvements. XD
  5. Ember Isolte

    Production Boosts in Fellowship UI (Example Pictures!)

    I have 2 suggestions illustrated below that would make the Fellowship UI more helpful for everyone at a glance. This would potentially help 1) players seeking Fellowships, 2) Fellowships recruiting new members, and 3) Fellows needing a quick reminder of who might have what. ;) Suggestion 1 -...
  6. Ember Isolte

    Fauna - Join us!

    We've lost a few members since I last updated the original post at the beginning of July. The few members that left were progressing much faster than the majority of us. We have members ranging from World Rank 28,200 up to 11,800. So if you're in that range or lower, please don't be shy and apply. ♥
  7. Ember Isolte

    Fauna - Join us!

    Bump. Updated the original post at the top.
  8. Ember Isolte

    Coin Cities

    I'm on Arendyll, and just about 2 weeks after I first started playing this game, Support moved my city away from what seemed to me to be an active neighborhood. :( In my new location, I now have 14 "coin cities" to the West and South of my city and it's really disheartening to see these craters...
  9. Ember Isolte

    Fauna - Join us!

    I'll be updating the top line of the original post with which goods boosts we are still seeking new members for. :} Got 2 new recruits just today as well!
  10. Ember Isolte

    Fauna - Join us!

    We've got 2 new members since the original post! \o/ We're still looking for players boosted in Planks that are active and like to trade!
  11. Ember Isolte

    Hello Right! What's All This Then?

    Your intro was a pleasure to read. :)
  12. Ember Isolte

    Hello I like ponies.

    Hi! I'm Ember and I play a game on my iPhone that is just slightly similar to Elvenar... that involves ponies...... The My Little Pony kind of ponies...! ^.-.^ (Gameloft's My Little Pony app on iOS and Android to be specific.) So, when I saw the advertisement for Elvenar on Facebook, I had no...
  13. Ember Isolte

    Please Clarify Wiki Information Re: Production Boosts

    On the "Manufactories" wiki page under the "Production Boost" section here: https://en.wiki.elvenar.com/index.php?title=Manufactories, the text that goes along with the image below is not 100% clear that Production Boosts are, in fact, based on the North, Southwest, and Southeast hexes around a...
  14. Ember Isolte

    Fauna - Join us!

    We are currently seeking active players boosted in Planks and Marble!
  15. Ember Isolte

    Menhirok's Duty

    Nah, I'm a bit far off from the advanced Scouts. I completed the questline anyway just because *shrugs*. Thanks for the tips and the walkthrough!
  16. Ember Isolte

    Menhirok's Duty

    I am currently on the 19th quest to either Research 1 Technology -or- Upgrade a building to lvl 12 or higher.
  17. Ember Isolte

    Fauna - Join us!

    UPDATE: 23 May 2018 - Currently seeking active players (World Rank 35,000 minimum) with Boosted MARBLE, CRYSTALS, SCROLLS, and/or ELIXIRS! Currently 12/25 members. What we offer you: We visit Fellows and do Neighborly Help at minimum 3 times per week. We only offer fair Trades of 2 or 3 stars...
  18. Ember Isolte

    Menhirok's Duty

    Is this event worth it to complete if I am only in Chapter II of Research?