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    Your Elvenar Team


  1. Trade or buy Dwarven / Fairy / Orc goods

    Dear Elvenar Team, It would help players a lot, especially if they are only half way through Dwarves or Fairies in the Knowledge Tree, if we could trade for or buy granite, copper etc. You would not need to create an extra Trader (Dwarven Trader, Fairy Trader) for trading for those things...
  2. Repeatable Quests List By Chapter (Declinable/Dwarves/Elf/Fairy/Orcs)

    While i'm sure this information is buried deep in some discussion thread on here... my google / forum search foo was unable to find it which means I'm probably not the only one... So, lets use this thread to maintain a clean list of the repeatable quests per chapter. I have seeded it with the...
  3. When are we done with the Dwarves???????????

    You would think when you have unlocked the Fairy Portal, you would be done with the stupid, ugly Dwarves, but no! Just when you thnk it's safe to get rid of the Dwarven Portal, up pops some Dwarven quest! Will it ever be safe to say goodbye to the Dwarves? I have had to rebuild mines to...