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Feedback Ads Feedback thread


Well-Known Member
I will say other games I play the ads are not optional and you must watch to continue playing. I am very happy they are optional. I also like that it is a free way to help support the game as I'm on a very low and fixed income and can only buy 20.00 maybe of real money maybe once or twice a year to say thank you to the devs for keeping my favorite game going. Plus if I don't want to do that I don't have to watch them. I'm not upset at all about this as long as it does stay optional and does not turn into my other game that you have zero choice to watch if you want to keep the game. You made a very good point to people that may not realize this. Thank you for this reminder that this is supporting the game by watching if you choose and would like to.
Yup! The bigger concern is why are issues from beta hitting live, why weren’t we told about the ads and hobby room before they were tested on live players, and why are the ads allowing malicious content to worm through onto player computers?

Nothing is 100% free, it has to be paid for some how. Do the ads on iDavis’ website or the Elvengems website upsetting? No, because those ads allow us to gain “free” access to the websites. Inno has to make enough money off the game to make it cover their overhead & receive profit, so they’re simply using another tactic other companies do.


Well-Known Member
OK, OK. I totally agree with you about the pop-ups being optional. I now just wait out the seconds now.

But, because we received NO information about them and I'm always wanting any "prizes" I can get...the first time it happened I actually clicked on the ad and then followed the instructions and logged onto FB....and all hell broke loose. "Trojans have invaded your computer!!! Do not touch your computer!!! Call this number!!!". Finally got wise and manually shut down my computer.

Over the years, I've come to trust Elvenar stuff completely. In this day and age of us being constantly barraged with spam advertising, I truly didn't think that Inno would stoop this low.

@Flashfyre: geez. didn't mean to upset you THAT much!!!!

Dew Spinner

Well-Known Member
OK, OK. I totally agree with you about the pop-ups being optional. I now just wait out the seconds now.

But, because we received NO information about them and I'm always wanting any "prizes" I can get...the first time it happened I actually clicked on the ad and then followed the instructions and logged onto FB....and all hell broke loose. "Trojans have invaded your computer!!! Do not touch your computer!!! Call this number!!!". Finally got wise and manually shut down my computer.

Over the years, I've come to trust Elvenar stuff completely. In this day and age of us being constantly barraged with spam advertising, I truly didn't think that Inno would stoop this low.

@Flashfyre: geez. didn't mean to upset you THAT much!!!!
In this day and age, everyone should know to never click on any ad, watch it if you want but never click on anything!


Chef, Scroll-Keeper, Buddy's #1 Fan
This is just a general PSA and NOT specifically about the ad implementation. Inno can do whatever they want to their games and players can choose to stay or leave too. But I do know we have some less techy people in our midst that may be vulnerable and may find this information useful. I have had to fix 3 computers of elderly parents of friends that fell for similar tech support scams.

Disclaimer: I'm painting with broad strokes based on 3 similar instances. I'm sure there are many more variations that exists in the wild and may or may not follow the template, but it's still good info to know.

Well... I opened an ad from the builder. First run gave me 15 min. increase seed production. Seconded run sent off an alert and my computer went bonkers. It said it detected a security risk and then it totally blocked me from doing anything. It said somethings in the line of " We have detected a threat to your computers safety. Windows had blocked access. Call Windows to release the block." I tried to get past the message but it just kept popping up. I then shut the computer down for a few minutes and came back. I will NOT open anymore of these if this is what is going on. Either it is an actual threat to my computer security or its a scam to get access to my computer.
There is some good news, if there are such things in the world of scams. Well first, that pop up is a scam. It's not from your operating system. It's obviously not supposed to be there or freeze your computer, but the malicious part doesn't happen until you call that number, at least in the ones I've encountered. That number is tied to a call center, likely in India. What seems to be going on is some of these call centers do serve legitimate business, but it's mainly a front for the shadier, illegal operation of scamming people that is the bulk of the call center's operations and revenue.

There are variations of this scam, but how you end up calling the scamming call center could be a popup claiming to be Microsoft, it could be pretending to be Amazon about problems with your order or delivery, or something along those lines. The other good-ish news is the people manning these call centers are not exactly sophisticated hackers. Know you're not up against elite dark hat hackers or anything like that. They're mostly average schmoes reading a script and the bulk of it is social engineering. Why is this important? Because this is how you diffuse that fear they're preying on. If you understand what's really going on and that they're really just a bunch of idiots, then you can call this number and totally waste their time to see how long you can get them to stay on the phone for trying to scam you. You've taken the power back and you're now messing with them. So if you're really bored, every minute you get them to stay on the phone with you is time wasted that they aren't able to successfully scam someone else.

From here, they will likely ask you to download and install a software and this software is what grants them further access to your computer. Some more good-ish news here is in the 3 instances I've encountered, this software is just a 3rd party off-the-shelf remote desktop software. This further shows these average schmoes are not really that smart or sophisticated. The remote desktop software is not necessarily shady or illegal and is even legitimate. Some companies use it for remote desktop access, like VNC. The problem is the duped person just granted remote access to a scam actor.

Technically, the scammers didn't install it remotely by launching any hidden malicious payload or anything like that. The duped person got sweet-talked into it out of fear and therefore, it's all authorized by the owner of the computer. Then, they'll basically sweet talk the duped into all sorts of things, like log in your bank account, etc. Other variations of this is they want you to pay the tech support via gift cards. This seems very obvious and fishy to most of us that Microsoft or Amazon would never ask to be paid in gift cards, but some people are not tech savvy and just frozen by fear and therefore, can be talked into anything. These sick people at the call centers are there to exploit the vulnerable and helpless, especially the retirees (it is known they target elderly). They apparently use mules stateside to collect the gift cards and some of these mules are sometimes operating out of AirBNB temp sites (using someone else's address for the scam) and constantly moving around. Therefore, if you never call that number in the popup or never install further software at their behest, you'll at least have avoided the worst of it. You'd still want to remove the code that generated that initial popup, which is really the phishing lure to get the ball rolling.

In this day and age, everyone should know to never click on any ad, watch it if you want but never click on anything!
Malicious code can be delivered without any clicking now. It's called steganography. The extraneous stuff (payload, URL redirect, etc) can be embedded in the EXIF metadata of the image, stuck to the end of the image file, or whatever, but when loaded, the user will still see a normal image. Steganography itself is not necessarily bad either (like the remote desktop software mentioned above). Just like the internet is itself an unbiased communications protocol and how it's used is up to the people delivering or consuming the content. Some people may use steganography to get messages out while cleverly bypassing censorship and some threat actors may use it to deliver malware.

Silly Bubbles

You cant pop them all
Malicious code can be delivered without any clicking now. It's called steganography. The extraneous stuff (payload, URL redirect, etc) can be embedded in the EXIF metadata of the image, stuck to the end of the image file, or whatever, but when loaded, the user will still see a normal image. Steganography itself is not necessarily bad either (like the remote desktop software mentioned above). Just like the internet is itself an unbiased communications protocol and how it's used is up to the people delivering or consuming the content. Some people may use steganography to get messages out while cleverly bypassing censorship and some threat actors may use it to deliver malware.

I did a quick search on this and it seems that it still needs a click and a download as you mentioned there too. Is there more to it?
So far, my best protection is not to click on anything unless I'm 100% sure that it's safe and it works quite well for me. I don't have an adblock because I like supporting anyone who gives away free info, eg websites, videos.

Lemon Wren

Well-Known Member
Wow! I haven't read all the posts here because there are so many now, but I only came here to poke fun at the new game and ads.

I clicked on the little movie reel on mobile because I didn't know what it was. Watched the video and thought the concept was weirdly dark. Like, the cartoon king is constantly under threat of death unless you clear all the whatevers? Haha, such a strange mash up of happy (bright colors, cartoon king) and extortion (death), lol. Got a prize for sticking it through to the end, but I have no idea what it was and am not interested in watching ads for prizes, but that's just me. No shade for folks who want to.

Figured after watching it I wouldn't see another ad prompt but when I did get one, I watched it again, thinking it might be a second game, but no, same happy grim one. This time, however, it's an actor from a show I've heard of but, have never seen. No idea if he was the major star of it or was in one episode, but the ad seemed like a hostage video for a game. Again, no interest in playing it (thank the Maker! I don't have time for another Inno time suck, haha), but thought the ad was unintentionally hilarious.

Finally, as long as it's opt in, I'm fine with it. I'm assuming their revenue has dropped off and F2P games need income to continue. Pop ups? I'm out, but little obvious ad icons is fine with me.

Finally, finally, I buy diamonds whenever I get the 200% plus diamonds for free promo so MORE OF THAT OFFER, PLEASE. If Inno wants more cash, more frequent diamond sales works for me.


Well-Known Member
As I said to that flash guy - man, some of you guys are really mean and nasty....calling names, mis-assuming age/ignorance/etc., talking about FARTS, for god's sake.

This will probably be my last participation in the forum.


I actually like the Hobby room. Being able to increase production of resources by just watching a quick ad is a plus with me. It is not costing me diamonds or resources and if I do not want to watch the add, I don't need to click on it, or I can use the ad blocker.
I have gotten free diamonds 5 times this week just watching the adds. And it takes 5-10 seconds to watch before it gives you the prize. I only hope all the complaining does not result in Inno pulling the ads, because I find them very beneficial.


Chef, Scroll-Keeper, and Buddy Fan Club Member
I actually like some of the ads. I've played about 20-25 so far and I've gotten 18 diamonds twice.

The only time I hate them is when they freeze up, which has happened in about 10-15 percent of the cases. Then I have to reload. I'm glad that doesn't take too long, since it can be a pain. But I do think the diamonds are worth it.

One other time that scared me was when I clicked on a Buddhist retreat ad and suddenly got a flashing ad that said "YOUR COMPUTER HAS BEEN COMPROMISED!" Baloney, but I did a quick scan just in case. It was stupid, but it taught me not to click on any ads. I just wait the 4-10 seconds and am done with them.

I particularly like the ads in the building hut. They are certainly helping with bracelets, which are the bane of my existence. (Much worse than coins.) I have 16 level 32 planks that currently churn out nearly 10K each per hour, and that's not nearly enough. So any advantage ... even just 500 or 600 per leveled factory, is good enough to make the ads worth it.

Deleted User - 1759441

Over the years I have pumped more than enough hard currency into this game and Inno's coffers to put a few of their kids through college. And now they expect us to endure a barrage of 30 second gotta haves. I was contemplating a little down time in the near future but now I'm thinking along the lines of retirement. This down right sucks.

i will simply go to customer service and ask for them to delete account. i will not keep going the wrong way this game expects. i pay about $20 a month to play, i will quit and play another game. most REAL GAMES cost less than $20. I have games like wow, FF, LOTRO with maps waiting to be played. This game, i would delete. maybe its the built in play or quit as everything rots in this game. they steal 10% of all you most important items every day...


Well-Known Member
i will simply go to customer service and ask for them to delete account. i will not keep going the wrong way this game expects. i pay about $20 a month to play, i will quit and play another game. most REAL GAMES cost less than $20. I have games like wow, FF, LOTRO with maps waiting to be played. This game, i would delete. maybe its the built in play or quit as everything rots in this game. they steal 10% of all you most important items every day...
I'm not sure what "real game" you're referring to. Any Nintendo Switch, PS4/PS5 Xbox game typically costs $30+ upfront, but there's no updates or new content. Games like Final Fantasy require you to pay a monthly fee of like $10-$15, but that's required of every player to maintain their game. I

Inno doesn't make any purchase required AND they are not making the ads a requirement (as of yet...). It's another method of revenue for the people that want to play for free.
Last edited:

hvariidh gwendrot

Well-Known Member
again seems folks are a bit niave, ads now are at beach head level and if there's no resistence then they move in, longer and must watch ads will be coming, as inno will get less money from members that have paid to "help" keep (insert word of choice here, ****) like this from being in the game, less people are playing and more are quitting, players should be a bit less pavlovian and stop just accepting what they get when inno rings a bell


Well-Known Member
again seems folks are a bit niave, ads now are at beach head level and if there's no resistence then they move in, longer and must watch ads will be coming, as inno will get less money from members that have paid to "help" keep (insert word of choice here, ****) like this from being in the game, less people are playing and more are quitting, players should be a bit less pavlovian and stop just accepting what they get when inno rings a bell
No, we are not naïve. The ads are not mandatory and if I ever receive them, they'll just be ignored. I'll still continue purchasing diamonds. The ads won't take over this paying customer, despite how small my monthly contributions are. Would you rather they turn into a game like Final Fantasy where they charge $10-$15 every month? If Inno got their crap together and charged a small monthly fee, would they lose more players than by implementing ads? All factors to consider.

My issue isn't with the ads, my issue is with the issues bleeding from beta to the live server, us not being properly informed of the updates, etc. I find issue with the mistreatment of their customer base.


Well-Known Member
again seems folks are a bit niave, ads now are at beach head level and if there's no resistence then they move in, longer and must watch ads will be coming, as inno will get less money from members that have paid to "help" keep (insert word of choice here, ****) like this from being in the game, less people are playing and more are quitting, players should be a bit less pavlovian and stop just accepting what they get when inno rings a bell
So what is your alternative, and exactly what form do you think this resistance is going to/should take? I don't know that anybody is as naive as you seem to think, perhaps some of us are just a bit less jaded. You are not the only one who understands that the ads could become much more intrusive, and most of the comments on here acknowledge that. As the ads are now, I find them unobtrusive and they do not interfere with my game play. If that changes in the future, I will reevaluate. But I have played other games where the ads were much more intrusive.

But, if the choice is between keeping the game with some ads or losing the game, which is the lesser of two evils?

The bottom line is that the entire online gaming industry is retrenching following rapid expansion during COVID, and INNO is not immune to the challenges the industry is facing.

I just don't believe in panicking over this change, or assigning malicious motivations to INNO. Are they trying to make money? Of course, they are a business. Are they deliberately trying to alienate their player base? Of course not, that would be a losing proposition, and they are a business.

My issue isn't with the ads, my issue is with the issues bleeding from beta to the live server, us not being properly informed of the updates, etc. I find issue with the mistreatment of their customer base.

I agree that this is frustrating, but I do not believe it is deliberate. It is a product of the significant layoffs they recently executed. Eventually, it will smooth out, as workloads are shifted and/or they recover sufficiently to increase the employee base again.


Well-Known Member
I agree that this is frustrating, but I do not believe it is deliberate. It is a product of the significant layoffs they recently executed. Eventually, it will smooth out, as workloads are shifted and/or they recover sufficiently to increase the employee base again.
I definitely hope so! I've loved playing this game, I'm only a year in and reached Ch9 so far. I'd love to keep playing for the long-term


Well-Known Member
We are all just going to have to ride out the storm for a little bit! Think of all the poor people who lost their jobs, they are way worse off than us.
I 1000% feel for those that lost jobs. However, I don't compare people's situations, because people's hardships should not be compared. All we see on the forum is surface level with people. Unless you form a friendship, you have no idea what people are actually going through. (you is generalized, not you specifically).