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    Your Elvenar Team

Ambassadors should not......


Well-Known Member
yeah, I accepted after 2nd map and noticed they have made the message a bit more clear. Before it was vague whether you were accepting your personal rewards or if you were accepting them for the whole group and moving to the next map.


Chef - loquacious Old Dog
I'm pretty sure it already says something like
"If you accept this you cannot return to this stage"
I think you are right. I'll have to ask our FAO to see. ("Fellowship Adventure Officer," btw). Thanks for the reminder.


Enevhar Aldarion

Oh Wise One
yeah, I accepted after 2nd map and noticed they have made the message a bit more clear. Before it was vague whether you were accepting your personal rewards or if you were accepting them for the whole group and moving to the next map.

Yes, that was changed a couple of FAs back, when they added the ability to see who had not added a badge to the stage.


Chef, Scroll-Keeper, and Buddy Fan Club Member
@Darielle Do you find that "older people" make lots of mistakes? LOL I find it funny. Yeah, I am old but I am not sure my age causes my mistakes...maybe forgetfullness but not the just misunderstanding. Also, I have lots of old people in my fellowship. We could be in big trouble if they come up with a new type of event.
I'm old too, lol, and I do think I make a "few" more mistakes than I used to. Not many more, but some.


Day and Night Trader
Why would the game be designed for mages and under to that kind of power. The archmage should be the only one with access to all those settings and options described. Strange. The plural name for Archmage is Archmagi maybe some changes need to be made that way if an Archmage has to leave unexpectedly someone can still hold on to the Fellowship. Interesting topic.
Actually our Archmage disappeared. A quick note to the site set me up as archmage quite quickly