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Bad planning for daily quests in Events

Deleted User - 4263769

Some of these quests I have no words for... I am only trying to get my chicken to level 8 and then I will wait for the FA. Not worth it, not even for my chapter 4 city.


Some of these quests I have no words for... I am only trying to get my chicken to level 8 and then I will wait for the FA. Not worth it, not even for my chapter 4 city.
I'm with you, friend! Last event was seeming the same. Seems like the more we bitch, the harder they make it.

Enevhar Aldarion

Oh Wise One
If you think that's bad, wait til #74,,,collect 16 relics. This is on a day when there is no tournament so you needs to craft(do not collect prior to the quest being unlocked)as my as you can and/or have some scouted territory available. Maybe 1 or 2 in a help chest. With luck, all 3 help chests.

Eh, if someone is waiting for #74 to unlock tomorrow evening, then there is no problem waiting until the tournament starts again on Tuesday, at which point there will still be over 12 hours left in the event. And there would still be plenty of time to do the final quest right after that. But I know a lot of us are impatient and will probably burn through a bunch of world map encounters to get those relics right away instead. lol

Deleted User - 849281086

Some of these quests I have no words for... I am only trying to get my chicken to level 8 and then I will wait for the FA. Not worth it, not even for my chapter 4 city.

"my chicken" hahaha

wait... chapter 4? How many cities do you people have? cuz i know in yer case the city i know of is way higher than chapter 4.

and i wonder how many cities until you officially have a country


Well-Known Member
is it bad planning or deliberate? perhaps they WANT to make that difficult and see that you've scouted and saved spots to hunt, or are willing to use time boosts to expedite scouting.
i'm far more miffed with the total botch job on the Lava Eggs.

Enevhar Aldarion

Oh Wise One
i'm far more miffed with the total botch job on the Lava Eggs.

And yet, if they did not allow outside sites to publish the Beta information, almost no one outside of the Beta players would have known that the first 11 daily prizes were shifted around. And every single event has the disclaimer that things may change from Beta to Live. Usually this is just a tweak to a quest or two, but sometimes it is something more major. I guess Inno taught everyone who follows the Beta information a lesson with this. And that may have been their intention with the change.


Well-Known Member
no, they just screwed up. Lava Eggs for half a day and Eggshell Pavillion 3x.
they admitted as such on their FB page and said it would come back. I see no evidence yet that it will. Today was a prime opportunity to put it in. AKP is available as a consolation prize any other day.

Enevhar Aldarion

Oh Wise One
no, they just screwed up. Lava Eggs for half a day and Eggshell Pavillion 3x.
they admitted as such on their FB page and said it would come back. I see no evidence yet that it will. Today was a prime opportunity to put it in. AKP is available as a consolation prize any other day.

No, I saw that too, and the person posting about the daily prizes seemed to have no clue things had been switched, as they were going by the Beta list and not the revised Live list. That is all on Inno for not keeping their social media person up to date.


Mathematician par Excellence
And yet, if they did not allow outside sites to publish the Beta information, almost no one outside of the Beta players would have known that the first 11 daily prizes were shifted around. And every single event has the disclaimer that things may change from Beta to Live. Usually this is just a tweak to a quest or two, but sometimes it is something more major. I guess Inno taught everyone who follows the Beta information a lesson with this. And that may have been their intention with the change.
Players have been asking for a good mana daily all year, so without Beta knowledge they still would have been disappointed, just less specific about it.


Scroll-Keeper, Keys to the Gems
I still say they should put Lava Egg in the bonus half day at the end. Just think: those who are asleep or at work will be mad. Those who've spent all their essence will be mad. Those who saved for a marginal mana building will be thrilled. All that drama should be hard to resist.

Rocce Sqirl

Active Member
Aaaand here it is again. In the daily quests #12 and #19 the challenge is "Solve 10 Encounters and/or Solve 10 Spire Encounters." Both #12 and #19 happen on Saturday. The Spire is not available on Saturday.
Inno, would it have been so hard to just look at the damn calendar and swap #12 with #11 or #13? Swap #19 with #18 or #20? it is simply stupid bad planning to offer a quest on a day it is physically impossible!
My simple suggestion ... when an event gets to the daily challenges, NEVER put a challenge on a day when it cannot be accomplished.


Well-Known Member
Inno, would it have been so hard to just look at the damn calendar
This implies that they did not look at the calendar. This happens every event. It is deliberate. Do the other thing or wait. Just going to guess that doing the other thing results in additional diamond sales.

Rocce Sqirl

Active Member
I choose not to believe it is deliberate. I could be wrong, but I do not tend to a cynical view. It's a game, something we do for fun, and having been on the organizational side of other fun pursuits I also believe the folks at Inno do it because they enjoy doing it. They have talents to apply to any number of pursuits and occupations. They chose this. So I don't believe it is a venal device to sell more diamonds, which they normally do by offering deals that entice players to purchase ... in the pursuit of fun. More likely it is simple carelessness, not paying attention, basic human (or elven?) response to the effort of putting the Event challenge together. "Here's the list, looks good, let's do it," without looking at the quest that happened on Monday or Thursday in Beta landing on Saturday in Real Worlds.

Enevhar Aldarion

Oh Wise One
If either part of the OR can be done on the day the quest is released, there is no reason to change it. Besides, the daily quest unlocks at 8pm eastern time, so on a Saturday evening, that just means waiting until Sunday morning for the Spire, and still finishing the quest several hours before the Sunday daily quest can be unlocked.


Well-Known Member
Why don't regular players, who know what to except in events, keep extra scouted provinces ready just for this? If I mess up and don't have something ready when I need it, that is my fault. This game is supposed to have some challenge to it.
On the note of preparing ahead...
always keep a cache of time boosters ;)
All lengths -- always at the ready -- for any occasion
(those babies are more valuable to me than PP spells, lol)
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