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    Your Elvenar Team

Battle Sheet


Hi everyone,

Here is the link to the Battle Sheet that I rely on to help me win fights.


Aside from unit stats, my sheet has columns for average damage, a stack's damage, total damage of the same unit type, bonuses to damage, hp, hp per stack, hp per unit type, total army hp, whether yours or the enemy's, etc.

The sheet was what made me see that, although the thief has a bonus to hit against light range, it actually deals less damage than the knight, even with the archer's ability to absorb 50% of heavy melee damage. One column is mostly blank and this is where I put the enemy's and my army's numbers. The other column I frequently adjust is the SQ column which stands for # of squads. The columns are as follows:

:: INFO ::
(Type): LM (Light Melee), LR (Light Range), HR (Heavy Range), HM (Heavy Melee), and M (Mage)
IN: Initiative
MV: Movement
RNG: Strike Range

:: DAMAGE ::
Minimum Damage
MAX: Maximum Damage
AVE: Average Damage

:: UNITS ::
# of Units in a Stack
SQ: Number of Squads
ALL: Total Number of Troops

Average Damage x Number of Units
%A: 1st Special Attack Damage (what that unit has the best bonus against)
SUMA: Total Damage x 1st Special Attack Bonus
%B: 2nd Special Ability Attack Damage if any (what that unit has a good bonus against)
SUMB: Total Damage x 2nd Special Ability Attack Bonus if any

HP per Unit
HP UNIT: HP per Unit Stack
HP ALL: Total HP of same Unit Type in All Stacks
DEF1: One Stack's Effective HP vs 1st Special Ability Enemy
ALL1: All Stacks' Effective HP vs 1st Special Ability Enemy
DEF2: One Stack's Effective HP vs 2nd Special Ability Enemy if any
ALL2: All Stacks' Effective HP vs 2nd Special Ability Enemy if any

:: ETC ::
Good to use this troop based on based on special ability
OK2: Better to use this troop based on special ability
AVOID: The first entry is the one you should avoid the most based on special ability. For example: The thief and the ancient orc are both LM but the entries are sor/arc and arc/sor respectively because the of those units' special abilities.
SPECIAL ABILITY: (I changed the minus that we see in the game to a positive # when it increases your defence which means you take less damage. The negative # will apply to enemies to mean that they take more damage. A minus to strength probably means that attacks are weaker.)

COMBAT RATIO: Computes the combat difficulty ratio based on squad size and number of squads.
PROVINCE COMBOS: Who Beats What: Which combo beats which combo. Newbies should start here.
UNIT VS. UNIT: Who Beats What: Which unit beats which unit in 3 different layouts.

All unit info was taken from Elven Architect. Bonuses from Ancient Wonders are not included.

You will need to input your own squad size near the bottom for accurate calculations. Naturally, I only change this during tourneys and when my squad size goes up. Battlefield order and position as well as squad size research increases are found at the bottom.

Due to the number of entries, I suggest you hide rows or filter so you can more easily see the enemy's stats and yours.

I didn't include the # of strikebacks but you can read the generalizations in a note in the INFO cell. Exceptions are included in the last column. I also didn't include unit size but the golem, treant, and sorcerer entries in the # column are formulated to divide squad size by unit size. It works for me now since my squad size is divisible by both 3 and 4 but be aware that the game rounds down for us and rounds up for the enemy and the trader --> I am expecting violent reactions to this but, yes, based on what I've seen and my calculations, it's true.

For the OK and AVOID columns, these are not set in stone. They're based purely on special abilities but I will probably change my own copy or add a new column for the best combo. There are always things to consider such as unit stats, terrain, whether a range attacker can hit you in the first round, etc. For example, the golem may be better vs. Light Melee but he has no strikeback and has less damage and hp than the treant. Also, a unit may have bonuses against another but another unit can actually deal more damage (compare how the archer and sorceress do against heavy melee) and the benefits of Broken Valor versus killing off more of the enemy.

I'm aware of Elven Architect's Battle Simulator but I find it too tedious to have to go through so many clicks and it has only one vs one fighting. When I ran 10 scenarios that I won or knew I could win, it said that I lost every time. I prefer my battle sheet because I like to see all the info I need at a glance and, most of all, the ability to quickly change numbers and see the results and compare them with another stack's results to find a good combo of troops to use for a particular scenario. Of course, numbers aren't for everyone but I hope this sheet will be helpful to some.

The columns I look at the most are the damage and hp columns. How quickly can I take down a stack and how quickly can they take me down? Will enough of me or them survive to deal significant damage in the next round? This sheet is best used while viewing the terrain and trying to predict enemy movement. When you normally fight the same units in more or less the same numbers in the repeating terrains (especially in tourneys), you will find that you barely need to look at this sheet because you remember the stats and setup which is why I highly recommend the tourneys as a training ground.

DISCLAIMER: I am by no means an Elvenar or battle veteran. I only started playing in mid-August and fighting in mid-Sept. Also, my level isn't high (just entered Chapter V so I have the same Chapter IV armies and units) so what works for me may not apply to higher-level players. However, all players can use this sheet to compare opposing army stats.

Many thanks to Jack Luyt and Mykan who reacted positively to what I'm trying to do.
All unit stats were taken from Elven Architect.
All Combat Ratio information was taken from Mykan's Guide to Elvenar.
All Province Combos info was compiled from Elvenar Platinum Community, Mykan's Guide to Elvenar, and comments by forum users.
Unit vs. Unit info was inspired by a comment by Dony in Beta which was shared by Mykan. I have expanded and added a lot of info to it to better see the numbers.

P.S. By the way, I don't know if anyone else has noticed but they added +2 to the armory training size. It's obvious when you build a new armory because its training size is +3 now instead of +1. Or you can just hover over your existing armory or check the Wiki page and add up the numbers and you'll see the difference. I think +2 isn't enough though, especially considering the amount of culture and population those buildings take up.
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Thank you for putting this together!! I am sure this will be a big help to everyone :)


Okay. I didn't expect an instant reply but I'm glad you appreciate it. :) I do hope it helps. Everyone, please feel free to make comments, suggestions, and especially to point out any errors I may have made. Math is not my preferred language. I'm okay at it but I prefer words. I'm sure someone could do a better job but this is the best I can come up with for now and it has already gone several modifications.


Can you share a copy that allows downloads or copies. This one has those options disabled.


Can you share a copy that allows downloads or copies. This one has those options disabled.
Hi varron,

How do I do that? I've checked the Google sheet settings and don't see an option to allow downloads even when I click More. I did create a duplicate where anyone can comment. I hope that helps. I would appreciate help with filling out the other stats, including the Humans section where the special ability column is blank.


What I would suggest is to make a copy and share that with edit privileges. That way your original is safe and the copy can be downloaded, copied etc
  • Click "file">make copy
  • share
  • anyone with the link "can edit"
you currently have it set to "view only"


Just tested it and comments aren't good enough so I've changed the settings so anyone can Edit. Do let me know if it helps.


Haha. Saw your post right after my reply. Thanks, varron!


Haha. Saw your post right after my reply. Thanks, varron!
No problem. I always enjoy the chance to over explain something in my answer and use unnecessary graphics.

I appreciate graphics even when I don't need them because I'm not good at creating them myself so it helps me to see how others are able to translate text to pictures. :)
getpaint.net is a free program for windows. If you follow a few online tutorials you'll be humming along. There are great programs for mac as well but I'm on a pc
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I appreciate graphics even when I don't need them because I'm not good at creating them myself so it helps me to see how others are able to translate text to pictures. :)


Things I've Learned:

Hit the enemy who will hit next, not the one who just hit you. Unlike the AI, don't go for the unit with the highest initiative. Definitely hit the steinling before the cannoneer since he deals much more damage. However, it's worth it to hit the enchantress due to her Weird Witchcraft but, if a knight will hit you, best to hit him first since he deals more damage and you can still take a sizeable chunk out of him despite being weakened by the enchantress. Ideally, have one archer hit the enc and another hit the knt.

Hit the enemy who deals more damage first. If it's a choice between range and melee, choose range. You can run melee around circles but not range attackers. The cannoneer's size has increased so his numbers and damage have decreased. I now fear steinlings more than cannoneers. The sword dancer is no longer good against him and he damages the sorceress quite a bit. I still hate cannoneers because they can hit me from practically anywhere despite his so-called reduced range.

Attack the knight before the swamp monster because of that nasty reach weapon. However, you may need to wipe out a swamp monster squad or two first just to open up more room especially when you're going against lots of them. If only one knight is left or they're far apart, focus fire on one because you can wipe out that stack or dramatically reduce its numbers. When there are only a few left, I prefer to wait until all my sorceresses and/or archers can hit it because I can kill them off before they get to me. Against multiple heavy melee opponents, it's good to focus fire on the enemy whose death will give more room to move around.

Broken Valor is nifty, however archers can deal more damage. Currently, my 5 squads of 240 Archers II and 5 squads of 60 Sor I have an equal base average damage of 18,000. However, as the %A column shows, archers deal 28,800 damage compared to the sorceresses who deal 25,200. Yes the sorceress has broken valor but you might want to compare the effects of reduced damage from due to broken valor vs reduce damage due to the number of dead foes. I used the sor more before since I prefer her movement, range, and special ability but then I saw the numbers. I use her now mostly against heavy melee and heavy range. With heavy melee and mages, I use archers all the way. When I used the sor only, losses were so bad I thought I might have to surrender but archers wipe out heavy melee and mages pretty quickly and can withstand a number of hits from them. When I tried a sor/arc combo, enemies go for the archer first due to his initiative. Choosing the sor meant I sacrified all those extra damage which I needed to wipe out a troop and clear more room for movement. I used to put a golem or two vs light melee and light range but he was practically useless vs heavy melee because his low movement and attack range means he will definitely get hit.

Luring: I've survived a fair number of fights in the old and new systems by luring. I rely on it way more in the new system. It's easier to lure if your bait stays just one square away from attack range. Swamp monsters and treants are the easiest to lure. The knight not so much. In steel provinces where you go against thieves, enchantresses, knights, and swamp monsters, I position the archer who's the first to move on the side where I want enemies to go and congregate the others on the other side of the battlefield. The enemy usually goes for him first leaving the others free to claim positions with more room for escape.

If cornered by heavy melee, especially multiple heavy melee opponents (ideal if you can see this will happen in advance -- it often happened to me when going up against 1 archer and 7 stacks of knights and swamp monsters with obstacles in front of me): Position archers in front and sorceresses at the back. Archers should hit the opponents behind their attackers to avoid strikeback. Sorceresses should hit the attackers and make the archers immune or even more resistant to heavy melee. Reduce the number of attackers but don't kill them off completely so they deal less damage than an enemy unit at fuller strength who can step in and attack.


Yay! Thank you so much for that post! Visual charts and aids don't do much for me, but spelling out some helpful strategy in a way I can understand it all clearly is awesomely beneficial! :)


I'm glad you find it useful. I'll be posting more when I have time. Fixing the layout again since I added a new column and I want to put relevant columns beside each other for ease of navigation and entries.


In case anyone's interested, here are the armies of 2 Steel Provinces, both in Ring 7. There's only a town and two provinces between them. One was scouted in Chapter 4 before the new battle system and the other was scouted just today in Chapter 5 after completing Advanced Scouts research. I have the same number of provinces as in Chapter 4 which is 84 so I was considered "overscouted" in Chapter 4 but not in Chapter 5.

6110 steel, 4230 tier2 goods (scrolls & silk), 2090 magic dust, 2417 squad size

6310 tier1 goods (steel & planks), 4350 tier2 goods (scrolls & silk), 1830 magic dust, 3205

-200 tier1 goods, -120 tier2 goods, +260 tier3 goods, -788 squad size
-778 squad size / 8 encounters = -98.5 squads per encounter

Steel (scouted in Chapter 5 with Advanced Scouts)
1500 steel, 240 silk, 390 dust
410 thieves II, 137 thornrose mages, 68x2 swamp monsters II
= 683 troops, squad size 410
1100 steel, 600 scrolls, 260 dust
243 thieves II, 41 orc warriors, 41x6 swamp monsters II
= 530 troops, squad size 243
740 steel, 970 scrolls, 130 dust
297x2 thieves II, 50 orc warriors, 50x3 swamp monsters II
= 794 troops, squad size 297
370i steel, 730 scrolls, 330 dust
297x4 thieves II, 99 thornrose mages, 50 swamp monsters II
= 1337 troops, squad size 297
930 steel, 480 silk, 200 dust
297 thieves II, 99x3 thornrose mages, 50x2 swamp monsters II = 694 troops, squad size 297
370 steel, 730 scrolls
366x3 thieves II, 89 thornrose mages, 44 orc warriors, 44x2 swamp monsters II
= 1319 troops, squad size 266
480 silk, 520 dust
341x2 thieves II, 114x2 thornrose mages, 57 swamp monsters II
967 troops, squad size 341
1100 steel, 260 dust
266 thieves II, 89 thornrose mages, 44 orc warriors, 44x4 monsters II
= 487 troops, squad size 266

Steel (scouted in Chapter 4; unfortunately, I didn't note the old squad sizes because I'm more concerned with number and composition of troops; the first troop entry is for the old troops and the second is for the new lineup)
1100 steel, 600 scrolls, 260 dust
OLD: 390x3 thieves II, 98 enchantresses, 65x3 swamp monsters II = 1463 troops
NEW: 390x3 thieves II, 130 thornrose mages, 65x3 swamp monsters II
= 1495 troops, squad size 390
1500 steel, 240 silk, 390 dust
OLD: 600 thieves II, 150 enchantresses, 100x2 swamp monsters II = 950 troops
NEW: 600 thieves II, 200 thornrose mages, 100x2 swamp monsters II
= 1000 troops, squad size 600
930 steel, 480 silk, 200 dust
OLD: 355x2 thieves II, 89x2 enchantresses, 59x4 swamp monsters II= 1124 troops
NEW: 355x2 thieves II, 118x2 thornrose mages, 59x4 swamp monsters II
= 1182 troops, squad size 355
370 steel, 730 scrolls
OLD: 390x3 thieves II, 98 knights, 98 enchantresses, 65x2 swamp monsters II = 1496 troops
NEW: 390x3 thieves II, 130 thornrose mages, 65 orc warriors, 65x2 swamp monsters II
= 1495 troops, squad size 390
740 steel, 970 scrolls, 130 dust
OLD: 435x2 thieves II, 109 knights, 73x3 swamp monsters II = 1198 troops
NEW: 435x2 thieves II, 73 orc warriors, 73x3 swamp monsters II
=1162 troops, squad size 435
370 steel, 730 scrolls, 330 dust
OLD: 435x2 thieves II, 109 knights, 109 enchantresses, 73x2 swamp monsters II = 1234 troops
NEW: 435x2 thieves II, 73 orc warriors, 145 thornrose mages, 73x2 swamp monsters II
= 1234 troops, squad size 435
740 steel, 360 scrolls, 130 dust
OLD: 435 thieves II, 109 knights, 109x2 enchantresses, 73x2 swamp monsters II = 762 troops
NEW: 435 thieves II, 73 orc warriors, 145x2 thornrose mages, 73x2 swamp monsters II
=944 troops, squad size 435
560 planks, 240 silk, 390 dust
OLD: 600 thieves II, 150 knights, 150 enchantresses, 100 swamp monsters II = 1000 troops
NEW: 600 thieves II, 100 orc warriors, 200 thornrose mages, 100 swamp monsters II
= 1000 troops, squad size 600

So orc warriors replaced the knights and thornrose mages replaced the enchantresses. I choose the last entry and, in the Battle Sheet, I input the relevant numbers for knights, orc warriors, enchantresses, and thornrose mages. Here are the results for their base damage and hp:
KNT1: 13,800 damage and 55,500 hp
OW1: 17,400 damage and 72,000 hp
ENC1: 11,400 damage and 22,800 hp
TRM1: 9,600 damage and 15,600 hp

So the Orc Warrior is stronger than the knight but the knight has a reach weapon. Their movement is the same but the knight has an extra square of attack range due to his lance. The thornrose mage is weaker than the enchantress in terms of damage and hp but her initiative and special ability attack bonuses are higher.

I think this is one change that works in my favor. It depends on how many thornrose mages I can reach and kill with the archers with the normally disadvantageous terrain I get.
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Almost forgot to post the e-mail messages that Jack Luyt asked me to share so Ainsley and Nomar can see them. Here are the relevant messages with a few edits for clarity:
I get why Rings 7 & 8 are hard or impossible since I've "overscouted". I had 84/70 provinces cleared in Chapter 4. I could have cleared and can still clear 6 more to get an expansion but I have to rebuild my army first (I used them up in the Wonky relics quest and the marble tourney). I would ideally like not to do so until after fulfilling Chapter 5 military techs.

Yes, I did win in the new system. Out of at least 16 province fights, I lost one and that's because I went up against 8 stacks and, I later found out, what I thought was Ring 5 was actually Ring 7 [It's one loss out of 30 now and one battle with no losses]. I could have won it with a different strategy but didn't have much of an army left and I had to save some for easier fights and the marble tourney. As for the tourney, I've lost count of how many I fought but I won all of them and I fought up to Province 9 [plus at least 10 battles resulted in no losses]. I had to cater some because I had no troops left but I fought again whenever I had the minimum. I actually haven't fought in provinces in Chapter 5 since I entered it only yesterday so my struggles vs Ring 7 happened in Chapter 4. My army strength is exactly the same which is why I'd like to research first before fighting Ring 7 again.

Even though I'd "overscouted" in Chapter 4, I did well against Ring 5 with heavier casualties in Ring 6. I've stopped scouting since I read how it reduces encounter difficulty. I do scout in a circular fashion; however, I conquer provinces in a less circular fashion since I choose those that will give me the lightest casualties since I often run out of troops. I scouted a lot before because I read somewhere that the scout shouldn't sit idle.

From what I've seen in the comments and based on my own experience (which isn't much since I used up my troops before the rollout):

Same Ring -- people say it's easy to fight (this I can't say from personal experience since I fought all those already before the new system)
1 Ring above -- people say it's doable (this I can say is very doable with very light to light losses especially if you have bonuses against everything -- I do like the marble and steel provinces now where I didn't before because I just use sor/arc or arc only or sor only against them -- golems and ents fail)
2 Rings above -- people say it's hard (still doable for me but with medium to heavy losses)
3 Rings above -- people say it's impossible (very hard to impossible for me with heavy losses)
4 Rings above -- people and I agree it's impossible
Oh, and in case you're interested, I learned these in the recent tourney.

Tournament provinces are more expensive to cater. Aside from the catering requirement for each province, provinces 2 and 3 already demanded tier 2 goods where they didn't for me before. Also, something was odd about the provinces. 3-4 provinces were numbered as closer to me but they were actually farther. Contrary to what some have posted, normal provinces have the exact same negotiation costs.

If you don't have much of an army yet (like me since I used up everything before the new battle system and what little I had were drained by the Wonky quest since I didn't have the patience to wait for the marble tourney and needed the KPs to get to Chapter 5 -- I was midway through Chapter 4 then), I highly recommend catering all the lower provinces and/or lower encounters per province. Save your troops for the harder battles or provinces. Or, if you're not much of a fighter, do the reverse. Fight the easier troops and cater the harder battles. I realized this mid-way which is too bad since I could have gone farther and I wanted to see the Province 10 enemies but I simply didn't have enough troops and I refused to cater tier3 goods for tier1. I also discovered the Ferocious Swamp Monster in Provinces 7 & 8 because I was wondering why I was losing way more troops than my computations allowed for and why they seemed to have a special ability. The normal sor/arc combo vs heavy melee where you can make the archer immune to heavy melee doesn't work vs the FSM's special ability although it does reduce the damage you take from that beastie.

NEVER use the gol/sor combo if there's heavy melee. Golems take down archers satisfyingly quickly but can take only 1-2 swipes from HM. Its limited movement and range mean it can only very rarely avoid HM. All enemies will target your sorceress because she has the higher initiative. Still go for sor or arc only or a sor/arc combo.
By the way, Broken Valor is supposed to last 2 rounds but it isn't always the case, especially if you hit the same foe with 2 sorceresses. Archers seem to be particularly resistant to it. I found this very annoying because I knew I didn't have enough troops to go as far as I wanted.


Huge apologies! Some of the formulas were changed and not by me and it was the crucial one on damage so I'm so so sorry if you lost troops due to miscalculations. I've been having strange browser and computer issues, could not sign into the forums for quite while too because it said I don't exist. Scanned and reinstalled everything. Checked formulas, compared with master file, ran tests...hopefully everything is correctly formulated now. I will check everything again as a triple precaution as soon as my eyes are refreshed.

Update: Ran test 5. Caught only a few errors and none in critical sections. Hopefully tomorrow's check will result in no corrections.
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Hi everyone,

Here is the link to the Battle Sheet that I rely on to help me win fights.


Aside from unit stats, my sheet has columns for average damage, a stack's damage, total damage of the same unit type, bonuses to damage, hp, hp per stack, hp per unit type, total army hp, whether yours or the enemy's, etc.

The sheet was what made me see that, although the thief has a bonus to hit against light range, it actually deals less damage than the knight, even with the archer's ability to absorb 50% of heavy melee damage. One column is mostly blank and this is where I put the enemy's and my army's numbers. The other column I frequently adjust is the SQ column which stands for # of squads.

The columns are as follows:
TY (Type): LM (Light Melee), LR (Light Range), HR (Heavy Range), HM (Heavy Melee), and M (Mage)
IN: Initiative
MV: Movement
RNG: Strike Range
:: DAMAGE ::
Minimum Damage
MAX: Maximum Damage
AVE: Average Damage
#: # of units in a stack
UNIT: Damage per Unit
%A: 1st Special Attack Damage (what that unit has the best bonus against)
%B: 2nd Special Attack Damage if any (what that unit has a good bonus against)
SQ: Number of Squads
ALL: Total Damage
%A: Total Damage x 1st Special Attack Damage
%B: Total Damage x 2nd Special Attack Damage if any
HP per unit type
HP UNIT: HP per unit stack
HP ALL: Total HP of same unit type in all stacks
OK1: Good to use this troop based on based on special ability
OK2: Better to use this troop based on special ability
AVOID: The first entry is the one you should avoid the most based on special ability. For example: The thief and the ancient orc are both LM but the entries are sor/arc and arc/sor respectively because the of those units' special abilities.

You will need to input your own squad size at the bottom for accurate calculations. Naturally, I only change this during tourneys and when my squad size goes up.

I didn't include defence bonuses because that refers to the amount of damage they can soak up from a certain enemy. I could create a column or columns for that but I like being able to see all the info I need without any scrolling. [Defence bonuses now included to see effective HP versus certain enemies and boy oh boy is there a big difference. I could do the math in my head but seeing it has quite an impact.]

I also didn't include the size of units but the golem and sorcerer entries in the # column are formulated to divide squad size and unit size. It works for me now since my squad size is divisible by both 3 and 4 but be aware that the game rounds down for us and rounds up for the enemy and the trader --> I am expecting violent reactions to this but, yes, based on what I've seen and my calculations, it's true.

For the OK and AVOID columns, these are not set in stone. They're based purely on special abilities but I will probably change my own copy or add a new column for the best combo. There are always things to consider such as unit stats, terrain, whether a range attacker can hit you in the first round, etc. For example, the golem may be better vs Light Melee but he has no strikeback and has less damage and hp than the treant. Also, a unit may have bonuses against another but another unit can actually deal more damage (compare how the archer and sorceress do against heavy melee) and the benefits of Broken Valor versus killing off more of the enemy.

I'm aware of Elven Architect's Battle Simulator but I find it too tedious to have to go through so many clicks. I prefer my battle sheet because I like to see all the info I need at a glance and, most of all, the ability to quickly change numbers and see the results and compare them with another stack's results to find a good combo of troops to use for a particular scenario. Of course, numbers aren't for everyone but I hope this sheet will be helpful to some.

The columns I look at the most are the damage and hp columns. How quickly can I take down a stack and how quickly can they take me down? Will enough of me or them survive to deal significant damage in the next round? This sheet is best used while viewing the terrain and trying to predict enemy movement. When you normally fight the same units in more or less the same numbers in the repeating terrains (especially in tourneys), you will find that you barely need to look at this sheet because you remember the stats and setup which is why I highly recommend the tourneys as a training ground.

DISCLAIMER: I am by no means an Elvenar or battle veteran. I only started playing in mid-August and fighting in mid-Sept. Also, my level isn't high (just entered Chapter V so I have the same Chapter IV armies and units) so what works for me may not apply to higher-level players. However, all players can use this sheet to compare opposing army stats.

(A lot of unit stats info came from Platinum Leaf and, of course, from the game itself.)

Many thanks to Jack Luyt and Mykan who reacted positively to what I'm trying to do.

By the way, I don't know if anyone else has noticed but they added +2 to the armory training size. It's obvious when you build a new armory because its training size is +3 now instead of +1. Or you can just hover over your existing armory or check the Wiki page and add up the numbers and you'll see the difference. I think +2 isn't enough though, especially considering the amount of culture and population those buildings take up.

That's it for now since I have to go somewhere but I'll be back.

Sounds like you and I started playing around the same time but you are faster. lol I am just starting Chapter IV and a task just came up to fight and win 3 encounters. HAHA! A large laugh! lol I lost my bottom, shall we say. lol I do not understand these battles or anything to do with them and the creatures/humans/elves etc. when it comes to how to win a battle. I used to use auto when the squad size was smaller than mine and managed to win some. lol I just wanted to say that this was very kind of you to take the time to create and explain the whole chart. I truly appreciate it and will be passing it to my two Fellowships in my two Cities. I've climbed the ladder from #25 to #8 in both worlds and am Ambassador in both. I feel very luck and honored by these two wonderful Fellowships so much so that I come to the forums and read everything I can and pass it along. I will be passing this along with your name for the credit. Thank you so much!! I can't express it enough how much I appreciate it. I just hope that maybe someone in one of my Fellowships can explain it all to me so I can understand too. lol Just teasing you. It's very informative and had to have taken awhile to do it all.

I have one more little hint for you. It's better to not let anyone edit or change what you type, and we all can still copy it or share it by link of the page. I just highlighted it and right click and chose copy and it was easy. I feel you might keep having problems like the one below that you mention/or above depending on where this comment goes lol if you allow other's to edit. Just my opinion.

Again, thank you so much! You can bet I will be following this thread as long as you continue posting.

My sincerest regards,
Blue Porchers


Glad you find it helpful, @blueporchers. I still need to input some stats (finally finished the humans yesterday) but I got overwhelmed by all the new units I saw in Elven Architect so I'm taking a break from it for now and taking care of my somewhat neglected city. I will get back to it when I'm less overwhelmed (verifying stats and checking each formula is tiring). I'm not even preparing that much for the Halloween Event because I'm working on quests to get as much as I can out of the wholesaler before the dynamic version hits in less than 2 weeks. I super prepared for the event last week and it didn't happen which caused me to backslide a bit but it's all good.

Yeah, the master sheet is locked but a few people did know the password to the throwaway account so I changed it and that solved the problem. Out of curiosity, I ran 10 scenarios that I won and that I know I can win in Elven Architect's Battle Simulator and it says that I lose every time. Haha! I guess it's limited because it's only one unit vs. another but I do like their round-per-round breakdown. I'm trying to see if I can do something similar in a separate sheet but that will require a lot of thinking and testing.

Happy gaming! :)


Glad you find it helpful, @blueporchers. I still need to input some stats (finally finished the humans yesterday) but I got overwhelmed by all the new units I saw in Elven Architect so I'm taking a break from it for now and taking care of my somewhat neglected city. I will get back to it when I'm less overwhelmed (verifying stats and checking each formula is tiring). I'm not even preparing that much for the Halloween Event because I'm working on quests to get as much as I can out of the wholesaler before the dynamic version hits in less than 2 weeks. I super prepared for the event last week and it didn't happen which caused me to backslide a bit but it's all good.

Yeah, the master sheet is locked but a few people did know the password to the throwaway account so I changed it and that solved the problem. Out of curiosity, I ran 10 scenarios that I won and that I know I can win in Elven Architect's Battle Simulator and it says that I lose every time. Haha! I guess it's limited because it's only one unit vs. another but I do like their round-per-round breakdown. I'm trying to see if I can do something similar in a separate sheet but that will require a lot of thinking and testing.

Happy gaming! :)

Awe, thank you so much! I know you have to be so overwhelmed and overworked. lol It takes a lot of work and thinking and I'm just happy that you did it for us all. You go catch up because I know about missing our cities. I just was gone for two weeks and about went through withdrawals. lol Yes, I have to cities and it takes a lot todo. You go work on your's and have fun!


I'm struggling to understand everything, but at least now I see there's some kind of method to the madness. Thanks for taking the time to help people like me. I'll be coming back to this post as well as referring others. Keep up the good work.