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    Your Elvenar Team


  1. Training Cost for a Single Unit (coins)

    Hello to all, I have a question regarding the cost in coins to train a single unit. If the unit cost is different for different units in relation to weight...etc. please explain if you don't mind. I'm currently in chapter two (II). I have only analyzed my cost for training the Sword-dancer and...
  2. Add history or presets

    When fighting (especially in tournaments), every time you fight you have to go through all the 3 unit tabs and select 5 units to use. It would be nice if there was a side bar or some way to select a fighting team with one click. This could save a ton of time when fighting dozens of tournament...

    I am a new member. I love this game! One of the biggest struggles I have had is with battles. I have read and seen the number of complaints about inability to win a battle. I have complained about it myself. Now, I read how you made tournaments better, 4 instead of 8 (great idea) and a...
  4. How to choose your units in battle

    Hi, I have finally decided to get the hang of fighting. I know how the battle pentagon works and what all the info means that the game gives you when you click the units. But I still have 1 question: how do you decide which unit to use for AUTO FIGHTING when they have the same amount of swords...
  5. Enough is enough

    To all other posters here: (Also posted this on the beta-forum) Perhaps we haven't always been in agreement, but generally speaking I found that the players here have been trying to get themselves heard. And over all I've enjoyed the posts and discussions. However, player feedback seems to have...
  6. The good and the bad

    There is a lot to like about Elvenar; I happened to be looking for a web-based, turn-based kind of game that I could just kill some idle time with, and I was attracted by the elements of this game that call to mind Heroes of Might and Magic, mixed with Civilization. After spending a few days...
  7. Battle Strength

    In the update 1.17 Elvenar wrote: We have given the Army Selection Screen a major overhaul: you are now able to see easily which unit is strong against which other units. Then in update 1.18 it tells us: We are adding even more UI improvements to the Army Selection screens. Hovering a unit now...
  8. Tournament - Elixir Edition

    Hello there, please share your thoughts and ideas about upcoming tournament here. Personally I have no idea how to beat an elixir province (Human race), so any kind of advice would be helpful. I've read Mykans fighting guide but I can't understand why mortars are key unit for this one.
  9. The Sorceress Unsupreme & the Silk Tournament

    I'm very glad that treants are not ants in the current silk tourney because throwing them against dogs before in province encounters resulted in near-disasters which only goes to show that sheer numbers count. Buuuuut I feel very sad when my treants kill the enemy enchantresses because their...
  10. Completely Optional Military

    Since the devs and designers themselves have stated that fighting will always be optional in Elvenar, then I believe it should also be the case that all military research and buildings are optional as well. Quests that ask to train troops would likewise need to be replaced with something else or...
  11. Forummods are making weird decisions

    Hello forummods. Perhaps someone should explain to you some basics about being a mod: A mod is NOT supposed to actively join the discussion, unless it is as a warning to bring people back to the topic of the original post if they wander too far off topic. But a mod should be careful in closing...
  12. Battle Sheet

    Hi everyone, Here is the link to the Battle Sheet that I rely on to help me win fights. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Bulda2Rbiyz_1DPZMyLtSWGoV9lG3Z6S2VrHypBWKhc/edit#gid=0 Aside from unit stats, my sheet has columns for average damage, a stack's damage, total damage of the same...
  13. Urgent request to development team

    Hi Innogames, I've been playing elvenar for quite a while now. I'm actually playing on 4 different servers in 4 different countries. My 'main' world is the one on the dutch server, where I have finished the orc-chapter a while ago, though in one other world I just entered the fairy chapter and...
  14. Urgent request to development team

    I've been playing elvenar for a while now. I'm actually playing on 4 different servers in 4 different countries. My 'main' world is the one on the dutch server, where I have finished the orc-chapter a while ago, though in one other world I just entered the fairy chapter and in the third and...
  15. (New) Combat System from Seasoned Gamers Perspective

    Note: This is my first Elvenar Forums post. I hope that the community is receptive to my at times blunt observations and ideas without any hard core trolling. My motives are pure; I simply would love to see Combat/Battle Meta changes as I am very passionate about combat. I began to play Elvenar...
  16. dismissing units

    New troops, new squadsizes, new tactics needed. Why not add another feature: dismiss troops. My suggestion is to make it possible to dissmiss troops by selling them, per squadsize (so this will per player depend on what squadsize he has unlocked at that point). Probably for about half the...
  17. fight again button

    I'm pretty sure I posted this before, but can't seem to find it anymore. Please add a 'fight again' button that is shown after a battle is lost or surrendered and then go back to selecting new troops. It is so very annoying to have to select one unit to see the layout of the field, then...
  18. [9958] Trapped in a Tournament battle

    For more than 2 hours now I've been trapped in a battle screen from the tournament. Every time I strike the final blow to dispatch the final enemy, the game errors out and resets - Flash Player cache has been cleaned, computer rebooted - problem is on Inno's end, but support has been...
  19. Question on tournament battle damage calculation

    Hi all, I see some results in the tournament which I cannot explain with what I know of the Elvenar battle mechanics. Scenario: A full enemy squad with 65 Archer II units attacks my squad with 17 Sorceress III units (full squad was 18 units). Result: The enemy hits me for 73 damage with -90%...
  20. Battle: Troop Training Costs

    I've established, to my satisfaction, that the Cost of Goods may be usefully represented asOverall Cost = Coins + 10*Supplies + 40*Tier1 + 160*Tier2 + 640*Tier3You can review the justification at https://en.forum.elvenar.com/index.php?threads/market-value-ratio-highly-inaccurate.2296/#post-15948...