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    Your Elvenar Team

Catering/Negotiating Only Cities.


Well-Known Member
I have never heard of one. But, there are so many different FS out there that a few probably exists somewhere.

I am very quite about my catering habits in one of my FSs. They know and do not approve!


Well-Known Member
A catering city makes a lot of goods to trade but they also need a lot of goods. Does a catering city actually cause a trade imbalance in a fellowship?
Interesting question. In the beginning I did not fight at all so I developed a very large mfg base. Now I mostly fight and still have a large mfg capacity because I like helping my FS members and neighbors with goods trading. About the only effect I see is that I carry very large balances of all goods all the time. We have several members who clear our FS trades many times a day, so I see no ill effect at all on our FS members. If no one is hurting for goods then any perceived "imbalance" is just that, perceived and not of any real effect.


Buddy Fan Club member
I've never heard of a 'cater only' FS, but I don't think I've ever heard of a 'combat only' FS either.
They know and do not approve!
I find that odd. Not that I'm questioning your assertion that they do! People are odd, imo!
Why would they care? As long as you pull your weight in the areas the FS finds important, etc, why do they care how you do it? I know from your posts here that you definitely carry your own weight in tourney and spire!
We have at least one member that is cater only; they've been with us for just under 3 years, in Ch14, and are an asset to our team. They balance out the bloodthirsty fighters like me, lol! Since the majority of members are cater/fight hybrids, that's really helpful. They help other members with advice when asked and take trades as well as post same tier 2* or better trades. They carry the weight of 2 members with their average tourney score and are a huge help in FA's. We definitely feel it if they're mid-guest race chapter during an FA. That member doesn't play the Spire, but neither do several other members (it's not a requirement there).
So, I just don't get why anyone would care...

Enevhar Aldarion

Oh Wise One
In my Live city, I barely had any military buildings, until they added the Fire Phoenix to the game. That is when I saw the folly of catering and negotiating and built all the military AWs and more armories. Between that and the temp buff buildings, I never looked back. But before that, I think I catered almost everything from maybe chapter 4 or 5, until chapter 11 or 12? I can no longer remember where I was when the Phoenixes were added two years ago. Plus, fighting everything before chapter 11, when you finally research the Frogs and have all your troops available, is a lot harder than fighting after that point. So if there are Fellowships out there where everyone caters, I would bet they would all be in chapter 12 or earlier.


Well-Known Member
I see no reason why a FS should care about your play style If, as Sami says, you pull your weight it shouldn't matter to them.
I cater a lot but do Auto fight part of the time. it took me a log time to get into it but it does get pricey on goods to cater only.
I also play solo so that makes a diff.
Play as you like and enjoy the game.


Well-Known Member
Cater-only and combat-only fellowships? Who knows?
I'm cater-only, chapter nine, tourney 2K min, clear 1st level min in spire (this week into third level!).
As far as I know, cater-only does not negatively affect the fellowship I am in.
I believe I'm not the only one, and common to combo cater/combat (like normal people, haha).
Balancing use of goods for tourney and spire, while still progressing my city, is a challenge. No regrets yet.
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Well-Known Member
@lyapo1 speaking as a newbie, you can do some combat with minimal buildings. I have a barracks but don't usually have an armory, just build troops when I'm online or put up armories for overnight when it's needed for an event. I haven't built a training grounds and haven't unlocked the mercenary camp. I have a Grounds of the Orc Strategist and plan to get a Vallorian Valor as soon as I can. Doing the first few tourney rounds where you don't lose any troops or with very minimal losses is so efficient!

Sorry, I am sure you get enough nagging from your Fellowship.


Well-Known Member
@lyapo1 speaking as a newbie, you can do some combat with minimal buildings. I have a barracks but don't usually have an armory, just build troops when I'm online or put up armories for overnight when it's needed for an event. I haven't built a training grounds and haven't unlocked the mercenary camp. I have a Grounds of the Orc Strategist and plan to get a Vallorian Valor as soon as I can. Doing the first few tourney rounds where you don't lose any troops or with very minimal losses is so efficient!

Sorry, I am sure you get enough nagging from your Fellowship.
Just a heads up. You'll want armories when you get to chapter 8. Amend that: need.
They produce orcs and you'll unavoidably need that "good."
I am cater-only but have two maxed armories. So far two has been enough but I don't know how needs will evolve, so we'll see.


Well-Known Member
I have never heard of one. But, there are so many different FS out there that a few probably exists somewhere.

I am very quite about my catering habits in one of my FSs. They know and do not approve!
I have 4800 pt Tourney average, go to the Lab in spire easily every week (try to stop at HHalls since the FS doesn't go further, but can't lol) and I have been rejected by two FS's already because I won't fight. So there it is! No one believes it to be possible, I guess.


Well-Known Member
@Aritra I know I will need the Armories/Breeding Grounds in the long term, but for the moment I'm using the population and space for making goods.

Edited: Realistically I will probably want Armories before orcs because my training speeds will get much faster as I upgrade my barracks. It's only level 4 now because I'm not primarily a fighter, but as I level it up a bit the small training size would make me click it every two minutes, which is not practical. Probably sometime in chapter 4 or 5 I'll start building and leveling 2-3 armories, so I'll have a start on it when I get to Orcs.

Deborah M

Oh Wise One
I will preface this with the fact that I chose Elvenar because I did not want to battle. My first couple or few years I didn’t battle at all. Now I negotiate in the Spire & auto battle the tournament. I have never manually battled. Tried it & no thanks. I also have at least 6 cities in my fellowship who negotiate the spire & cater the tournament. I don’t see how that is anybody’s business. I would say mind your own city if anybody tried to tell me or my fellowship members what to do.


Oh Wise One
Just a heads up. You'll want armories when you get to chapter 8. Amend that: need.
They produce orcs and you'll unavoidably need that "good."
I am cater-only but have two maxed armories. So far two has been enough but I don't know how needs will evolve, so we'll see.
I think it would be possible to make enough orcs using just Orc Nests and no armories. Especially if you also have a high level Witch Hut. It would probably take 5 or 6 Orc Nests to get by with no armories.


Well-Known Member
Just a heads up. You'll want armories when you get to chapter 8. Amend that: need.
They produce orcs and you'll unavoidably need that "good."
I am cater-only but have two maxed armories. So far two has been enough but I don't know how needs will evolve, so we'll see.
I use orc nests primarily, and in my ch.11 city I have 1.4 million orcs now, with one armory only. I planned way ahead knowing it could be an issue.


Well-Known Member
@Henroo @LisaMV
I expected to need "a lot" of orcs so I have 2 maxed armories and three woodelves orc nests. My Witch Hut is also upgraded to woodelves (current chapter). I have had more than enough, but didn't know how my future needs would evolve so I wasn't in a hurry to downsize.

If I sold one armory, I could fit two more orc nests, giving me 1:5. Two orc nests for one armory has higher output and greater jigsaw flexibility. I think I'll teleport one armory, in case I change my mind (if not satisfied with orc nests) so I don't need to rebuild from scratch. Maybe I don't even need the other armory either? Hmmmm Kinda excited.
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