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Cherrypicking Quests - early play thoughts


Is there a post for beginners to learn how the optional Quests work? If so, I missed it.

I've belatedly discovered that the dire warnings about deleting Quests aren't a big deal, and have set up my city to take advantage of Quests in the revolving queue. I think it could be particularly important to do this early in the game, especially when provinces are cheap and easy. (opportunities I missed)

Since the Quests repeat, you can decline one which isn't relevant to your game play at the moment, and keep declining until you find one which suits. So, if you're negotiating or fighting, select matching Quests. For example, if you're going to negotiate an entire Province, select the Quest which rewards you for negotiating 2-3, then as soon as it is completed, decline through a cycle until you are offered the same quest again, then negotiate more. Repeat as desired. Same for the fighting Quests...and for the "Complete a Province" quest.

Also, once there's enough production it's easy to take advantage of other quests. For quests like, "Get 2000 supplies", I've set up my workshops to produce that amount in 1 hour. So, every hour I log in, I find the 200 supplies quest, then can collect the supplies and also the 45K. Even if you can't log in frequently, this particular quest is great. Collect only 2000, stop and find the quest again, and repeat until your workshops are ready to reset! I find the "Produce 600 Goods" quest when I'm ready to collect from all my manufactures, so I can collect that reward too every 3 hours.

Same for Upgrade quests: find the appropriate one shortly before your upgrade is due to be completed.

Before, I'd been collecting taxes frequently, just because I find those bouncing coins irritating as cr**. Now they're not quite so irritating, since I'm waiting until there are 50K ready to collect so I can select the quest for the reward.

I'm sure this is a "duh" for most players, but I've only been playing about 2 weeks so this is new to me.


I'm on my 20th day (still feeling new to the game, and this is my first Innogames experience).

here are a few threads giving some experience in repeatable quests.

The quest for 50k coin works great when timed with your neighborly help once a day.