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    Your Elvenar Team

Dragonstone - seeking new members or a merge

Old Man

Hi all,

Dragonstone is a US-Arendyll fellowship of 18 (of that more like 12-15 actives). We're looking for new members or better yet a merge with another small group. We'd like to keep our current perks and ranking but can give that up. Reach out if interested. We're set to autojoin.

Old Man


  • Dragonstone-5-5-24 perks.png
    Dragonstone-5-5-24 perks.png
    362.3 KB · Views: 18
  • Dragonstone-5-5-24.png
    289.8 KB · Views: 18

Old Man

Thanks to Serenity in Chaos for proposing a merge but we're just a touch too large for their space. Still looking.

Old Man