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    Your Elvenar Team

Elvarian Carnival discussion

The Unbeliever

Well-Known Member
Quite true, but it seems the last event I was able to fully develop the Gingerbread house and I finished that one early as well. This one it seems everyone will be a few short of fully developing the float.
I understand the idea to get people to play the fellowship adventures but it just seems like a missed calculation if everyone is short!
Elvenar devs suck at basic math - we know this...
We went through this last year with the initial introduction of the evolving buildings & the three chocobos they introduced.
Of course, the player base went absoltuely ape-gak, (and rightly so!), at the MASSIVE "miscalculation" the devs made at the time, and gave us a bonus 24 quests that gave enough currency to get the 9 artifacts needed for 1x Lv10 birdie.

Overall, while it sucks to know that (yet again) the devs have completely fethed things up royally, at this this time the so-called 'grand prize' is hot garbage and is literally among the outright worst event buildings in the entire game!lol (ie: for seed chapters, it's the worst seed producer in the entire game by quite a not insignificant margin)

On the bright side, this event has now set the bar so damn low that pretty much anything short of a bag of steaming ork dung will look amazing come the Spring Phoenix event?! :eek: o_Oo_O
(not sure honestly if this is a net positive, or a sign of the coming apocalypse - but heresy will probably be detected at some point!?;))


Well-Known Member
On the bright side, this event has now set the bar so damn low that pretty much anything short of a bag of steaming ork dung will look amazing come the Spring Phoenix event?! :eek: o_Oo_O
(not sure honestly if this is a net positive, or a sign of the coming apocalypse - but heresy will probably be detected at some point!?;))

Since there is no poll thread for this, I'll just place my bet on the latter.

However, I still suspect the next Event to be even worse!

@InnoGames , Although, I could be proven wrong, I guess. I have become a bit keen on the whole, "let's gamble & go on luck" vibe. TY!


Chef, Scroll-Keeper, and Buddy Fan Club Member
I have to admit, I would like to know what the programmers who reviewed and approved the following three quests RIGHT IN A ROW had to drink that day: Buy 16 KP -- Gain 32 relics -- Solve 20 encounters OR buy 20 KP. I guess they expect players to bankrupt themselves daily for a week just to get through those three quests OR ... tada .... to spend diamonds.


New Member
I have to admit, I would like to know what the programmers who reviewed and approved the following three quests RIGHT IN A ROW had to drink that day: Buy 16 KP -- Gain 32 relics -- Solve 20 encounters OR buy 20 KP. I guess they expect players to bankrupt themselves daily for a week just to get through those three quests OR ... tada .... to spend diamonds.
I did not see any issue with that combination of quests.. quite an easy quest line if you ask me, I have yet to use the candies (waiting for Prince charming float). Not sure whats the issue with the questline


Well-Known Member
I have to admit, I would like to know what the programmers who reviewed and approved the following three quests RIGHT IN A ROW had to drink that day: Buy 16 KP -- Gain 32 relics -- Solve 20 encounters OR buy 20 KP. I guess they expect players to bankrupt themselves daily for a week just to get through those three quests OR ... tada .... to spend diamonds.
My issue with the "solve 20 encounters option" (had just bought the 16 KP) was that tournament encounters didn't count. I'm scouted out...if I scout anymore until the next chapter life around my city will get hard. So had to buy 36 KP in total today.


Chef, Scroll-Keeper, and Buddy Fan Club Member
I did not see any issue with that combination of quests.. quite an easy quest line if you ask me, I have yet to use the candies (waiting for Prince charming float). Not sure whats the issue with the questline
I think for people in early chapters, it would be a monumental task. It's easier for those of us who are past chapter 5 (as I'm assuming you are, based on that comment; excuse me if I err in that). I worry about the new ones starting the game.


Chef, Scroll-Keeper, and Buddy Fan Club Member
My issue with the "solve 20 encounters option" (had just bought the 16 KP) was that tournament encounters didn't count. I'm scouted out...if I scout anymore until the next chapter life around my city will get hard. So had to buy 36 KP in total today.
I didn't even think of that, AtaguS ... that bites big time!


New Member
I think for people in early chapters, it would be a monumental task. It's easier for those of us who are past chapter 5 (as I'm assuming you are, based on that comment; excuse me if I err in that). I worry about the new ones starting the game.
I think inno must balance a set of quest that is not scaling with players level and find a middle ground, that's no easy thing.. not making it a complete walkover for end game players , at the same time not completely impossible for others, over scouting has a detrimental effect if you intend on playing the game correctly, one must balance resources, gold, troops, diamonds and even provinces(that's the challenge).


Well-Known Member
At first I thought this was a little paranoid ... but I keep putting up '4 for 4' trades and people keep scooping them up but I don't see any others in "offers" ... if they are trolls I might as well make a profit ... I know I wouldn't mind paying '8 for 4' to clear my trade quests
I apologize. I am not a troll, just someone with a lot of goods who routinely cleans up whatever regular offers are sitting around in the trader. I should have been thinking about those quests...

That being said, if you are in a fellowship that is even marginally helpful, you should be able to get trade quests completed fairly quickly. Post in chat, set up a swap with someone. You could make the trade grossly unbalanced to keep it off the radar of others and have your buddy trade everything right back to you so no one is at a loss.

If you are not in a FS, I would suggest striking up a correspondence with a neighbor or two who can aid in these sorts of situations. It may take a little time to coordinate, but you will find benefits further down the road of reaching out to those folks.


Oh Wise One
In general, the quests that have an "or" are exactly bacuase they are trying to balance. A late chpater player should have little trouble buying 36kp, while an early chapter player can scout three new provinces in less than a day to do 20 encounters. It's the players in the middle who might get squeezed a bit, but even they should be able to buy 36KP in less than two days by helping all their neighbours.


Buddy Fan Club member
inno must balance a set of quest that is not scaling with players level and find a middle ground, that's no easy thing..

Since they manage to scale quests for resource productions (goods, troops, etc) to players level, I'm not sure why they find it so difficult to scale the 'buy kp' & 'solve x encounters' quests to players level. While I don't necessarily think early chapter cities should be able to do everything late chapter cities can, I think it's important not to discourage them too much, so maybe a bit of tweaking on those quests that have no 'or' for early chapters would be reasonable.


I have been in chapter 2 for almost the whole event. just entered chapter 3 when i did the last quest yesterday. so it can be done in early chapters. I have had the support of unfair trades though so that helps with negotiating.


Well-Known Member
A late chpater player should have little trouble buying 36kp,
In fairness, it was not a huge burden on my city to buy 36KP in a day, but I'm a penny pincher by nature so it felt steep all at once. Mostly I wish the 20 encounters could have been solved in the tournament. I wonder if spire encounters would have counted, come to think of it!


Chef, Scroll-Keeper, and Buddy Fan Club Member
I apologize. I am not a troll, just someone with a lot of goods who routinely cleans up whatever regular offers are sitting around in the trader. I should have been thinking about those quests...
Even when I was in fellowships, I relied on my neighbors for trades. (I'm taking a break from my fellowship search while visitors are here.) I just hope people will keep scooping up my trades; some of us appreciate players like you. :)

Deleted User - 4366037

It is quests like those that is the reason I never buy KP outside of quests. It allows me to quickly and cheaply pick those quests up and move on.


Chef, Scroll-Keeper, and Buddy Fan Club Member
I have been in chapter 2 for almost the whole event. just entered chapter 3 when i did the last quest yesterday. so it can be done in early chapters. I have had the support of unfair trades though so that helps with negotiating.
I never asked for or was offered such support when I was in my first couple of chapters, but I suppose that would have made a great deal of difference. Much later (c4), I was offered unbalanced trades by a high-ranking member of my fellowship, and I was so surprised that I declined most help; I don't know why. I guess I had gotten used to doing it on my own by then. I know some FS are really great about offering such perks to new players. The trick is in finding one who will/can do that. It's a boost, for sure.


Chef, Scroll-Keeper, and Buddy Fan Club Member
In fairness, it was not a huge burden on my city to buy 36KP in a day, but I'm a penny pincher by nature so it felt steep all at once. Mostly I wish the 20 encounters could have been solved in the tournament. I wonder if spire encounters would have counted, come to think of it!
That's a thought ..., someone should suggest it if it doesn't count now.


And the next day is the dwarven float, so wishing wells do not appear a second time. Looks like I will be going after the 20% Portal Profits as nothing else is worth it.
I am also sad the wishing wells do not appear as another daily prize. Only offering it on day one is some passive aggressive BS Inno!


Chef, Scroll-Keeper, and Buddy Fan Club Member
I am also sad the wishing wells do not appear as another daily prize. Only offering it on day one is some passive aggressive BS Inno!
I was offered it twice in this event so far. On day one I got it and again yesterday. The grand prizes keep rotating through a set of prizes. I don't think it was a daily prize ... I think it's part of the grand prize cycle.
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Deleted User - 3799863

I was offered it twice in this event. On day one and yesterday, as a daily prize, so I got them both. I hope it will still come up for you.

I only received it once as a daily prize (day one). Though it is also a grand prize.
Today's prize, just one 8 hr time boost, doesn't seem like the best prize to put on the weekend, when more people play.