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    Your Elvenar Team

Fellowship benefits


Okay two suggestions that would fall under this topic.

The first would be a direct trade option between fellowship members. The reason for this is because a lot of times, fellowship members will post more than generous trade offers to help out someone in particular who is needing something specific. However, on more than a few occassions, as soon as the trade is posted, a neighbor can sweep in and accept the trade. If fellowships had this option, just offering the trade to one person, this would be prevented.

Second would affect neighborly help in the fellowship. There should be an option where fellows can "select all" members. This would help greatly with the time of completing neighborly help. Everyone could select a box that would direct where the help is needed the most, and have the option to change that selection every 3 hours or something. This would give us more time to dedicate to production, helping out other world neighbors, and city growth! I realize that it only takes about 5 minutes to help your entire fellowship, but that is 5 minutes we can spend on reorganizing, battles, and other things!