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Golden Hands & Ancient Wonders search select options improvment

Would you like to improve the search and select options for neighborly help and ancient wonders?

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Improve Neighborly Help/Golden Hands and Ancient Wonder search and select option.

Regardless where a city is ranked, it be smart and advantageous to improve our search and select options.

Golden Hand Solution: Modify the golden hands button into a drop down menu of link locations which upon clicking takes you directly to that culture (all culture available in game with unlocked culture disabled). To be organized in descending order of highest culture available down.

Ancient Wonder Solution: Provide an AW button with drop down menu of a players available ancient wonders available. The drop down menu will offer every aw available in game, however, inactive aw's links would be disabled. Each link would be an address which takes you directly to that wonder for quicker donation giving.

To better enjoy the game, the solution for drop down menu's for link addresses is a simple and logical solution for everyone as it offers players the best chance of positive growth on any given basis.