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    Your Elvenar Team

neighborly help

  1. Invoker

    Neighborly Help - Graphic Effect

    Hello, When doing neighborly help there is a quite annoying graphical effect floating in front of the buttons, please see the attached image. The current effect are blocking the view of the buttons and also when trying to read what the players wants help with (city name text). Could this be...
  2. OIM20

    Coin mines 'listed' in Neighbors tab

    Access details: Version: v1.154.6-(16e2eef) - html5 (2022-06-20 17:38) World: Elcysandir Browser: Firefox 101.0.1 (64-bit) OS: Win 11 64 Home Screen resolution: 2560 x 1600 Account name: OIM20 :elf: Reproducibility: 5/5 - happens always Situation: So, in the opposite of the green > brown > green...
  3. HonuMoana

    Neighborly Help Supplies Count for Production

    Greetings, It doesn't seem right that the supply rewards from Neighborly Help don't count as "production" for events and such. The Neighborly Help requires that the player actively do something to earn those rewards. That seems like production, and not just a gain. Furthermore, it would seem to...
  4. Neighborly Help

    Any chance the PC version can have a Neighborly Help interface like the Mobile version? When when you click on a neighbor in the World Map, it pulls up that small interface so you can choose to Help them easier? It's a PITA to have to go into their city each time and find "the best" building to...
  5. BlueBlade

    Neighborly Help on Computers

    Is it possible to make World Map neighborly help on computers faster like it is on the mobile apps? Some people don't play or have a mobile device to play Elvenar. Frankly, it takes a LONG time to do neighborly help on the World Map if you have a medium to large city for computer users. Is this...
  6. Knights of the Nine (seeking 1 person)

    you can check our fellowship stats here: http://www.elvenstats.com/fellowship/us2/11589 Just like many fellowships, we have quite a bit of turnover, but we do have a strong core of friends who make up the leadership. As a fellowship, we are prioritizing tournament players over anything else...
  7. New Spell Idea - NH reset

    I'm one of those people who like to do Neighborly Help (NH) nearly every day. But sometimes i miss the start of the NH reset and it just keeps pushing the time back.. eventually over the week(s) i'm forced to stop so i can let it roll over to the next day and start over at a more convenient...
  8. Tanis-Wulf

    Notifications Filter Options

    I would like to suggest that we be given a way to filter our notifications. For some players like myself who process a LARGE amount of trades (of which we don't care to be notified of each and every one of them) it would be super great to have the configurable option to NOT see trade...
  9. Neighborly help

    I have two suggestions for neighborly help. The first is to allow neighborly help for Ancient Wonders - one handshake = 1 kp added to the AW. The other suggestion is to modify the pop-up that appears when you scroll over a cultural item. Instead of "This will increase culture for the next 8...
  10. Little Green House in Notifications

    Game version: v1.25.3-(9cc3a0622) (2017-03-20 16:10) Game world: Khelonaar Browser + version: Chrome Flash Player version: Operating System: Windows 10 Screen resolution: Account name: Floripa80 Humans or Elves: Elves Reproducibility: 2/5 Current situation: When discovered...
  11. [12946] Neighborly help hands don't turn golden.

    Game version: v1.23.7-(9bca234) (2017-02-28 15:16) Game world: Khelonaar Browser + version: Chrome Flash Player version: Operating System: Windows 10 Screen resolution: Account name: Floripa80 Humans or Elves: Elves Reproducibility: 2/5 Current situation: 2 of my FS fellows gave me...
  12. Culture & Neighbor Help

    With many of the buildings being from events and quests their culture and or pop is based on the chapter they received it but you can't tell if it's worth clicking on more than others. Even with the culture within the research if you're not in that chapter it can be hard to know which item is...
  13. Friends List

    This would really affect a lot of stuff- communication, trading, etc... but not on a large scale, at least not at the beginning. I think there's been a post about this before, but I'd really like to see a friends list in this game, even if it's a tiny one- say, 5 people max. I started playing...
  14. Golden Hands & Ancient Wonders search select options improvment

    Improve Neighborly Help/Golden Hands and Ancient Wonder search and select option. Regardless where a city is ranked, it be smart and advantageous to improve our search and select options. Golden Hand Solution: Modify the golden hands button into a drop down menu of link locations which upon...
  15. notifications visible on all screens

    Can the icon for the notifications be made to appear on every screen? I mean, with the size of my map I can't make the full rounds anymore everyday, that takes over an hour. So I visit the players in my FS, and then look at my notifications to see who visited me so I can visit them in return...
  16. Flags

    Could one please add the possibility to place some red and green flags on the map? When I'm making my rounds I want to be able to place a green flag on players who are active and returning the neighbourly help, so that if I'm ina hurry and can't do the whole map I can quickly scan for the...
  17. builder help-does it work?

    Can anyone tell me what exactly is supposed to be the effect of motivating the builders (i.e. giving the neighbourly help to them) When people help my builders I really see no difference at all in production times at all. Not with the buildings they are already working on, nor with new ones. My...
  18. List of available Relics negotiation according to the current status of possible resources available

    List of available Relics negotiation according to the current status of possible resources available. Hello! Firstly, I would like to apologize in bad English and impossibility to find the right word for some names and terms, I am Croatian. It would be good to have some buttons where we can...
  19. Neighborly/Guild Help Interface Overhaul

    So I have been playing Elvenar for a little bit now, but I mostly play Forge of Empires. One of the reasons I prefer Forge of Empires is that I am able to aid my neighbors and guild members without having to visit each person. I can, and there are benefits to visiting each one that don't apply...
  20. Poor Fellows

    We are looking for a couple of players. With silk and Gems as boosts. We would prefer someone in their third or even second tier. No points requirement for joining or maintaining membership. NO diamond purchases necessary, but not forbidden, either. We do require 4-5 Neighborly Visits a week...