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    Your Elvenar Team

ancient wonders

  1. InfinitiQX80

    Ancient Wonders

    Which Ancient Wonders should I build first? (I searched for 5 minutes in the forum but had no luck. Maybe I didn't ask the right question.) Another user advised, in order: Mountain Halls Dwarven Bulwark Heroes' Forge Blooming Trader Guild Martial Monastery Prosperity Towers I have Dwarven...
  2. Ancient Wonder Improvement Idea

    Over the years as an AM, I've heard many players complain that they wish they had enough room to build all the AWs. I've also heard many express the wish that the perimeter of their city could look more magnificent with the addition of each AW they build--not just those early few. As more...
  3. Ancient Wonders Changes

    I have two suggestions for the ancient wonders, one for changing the game mechanics, and the other for a graphical change. 1 - Removal of Wonder levels in Tournament and Spire formula. (There is no official information about this, but the difference in difficulty is noticeable for those who...
  4. Ancient Wonders

    Which of the Ancient Wonders produce the best results? I have the Golden Abyss and Tomb of Secrets but thinking of replacing the Tomb of Secrets with something else. Any suggestions?
  5. EyeScream

    Golden Abyss Upgrade after 30

    Hello there, I searched google first and did not see any forum posts for this so I figured I would ask. Is there any purpose to upgrading the golden abyss after level 30? I noticed that the elven architect page shows that the ranking points go up, but when you are in game and look at the...
  6. Mobile Ancient Wonders View

    When I open my list of Ancient Wonders on the mobile app, it would be helpful to be able to see the level of each Ancient Wonder at a glance. When you view another player's Anicent Wonder list, it displays the level of each Wonder on the main list page. I would like my own list to look the...
  7. Arkadia

    Ch16 Ancient Wonders...anything exciting?

    Not at all excited about these AWs.... am I missing something? I see the bug was finally fixed, but still... :p o_O gaining 60 ranking points after a 10 chest tournament with a level 12 Tournament Arena..... gaining ranking period...:eek: same with the Spire Library..... any reason to build...
  8. Which is better for tournaments: +troops/3hr or +strength?

    I was about to unlock the Shrine of the Shrewdy Shrooms on my main (I don't yet have Needles of the Tempest), and I began to ask myself whether it was better to have the +troops/3hr or the +strength in regards to tournaments. On one hand, you would have more troops to regularly throw at your...
  9. Elcysandir Multi-Fellowship Ancient Wonder KP Swap Chains

    Elcysandir Multi-Fellowship Ancient Wonder KP Swap Chains As you know many Fellowship-exclusive swap chains have only a few active participants; which is why we created these Multi-Fellowship Ancient Wonder KP Swap Chains. Participation in a swap chain helps you earn AW chests; these contain...
  10. Ancient Wonders - are they worth it?

    Greetings! I began playing recently, and am just now getting into Stage II of progress - I've just unlocked the Ancient Wonders, and begun using runes to unlock the various buildings. At first glance, my initial impression of the Golden Abyss and Tome of Secrets is... underwhelming. For the...
  11. Ancient Wonders question

    So... with the Ancient Wonders having been changed, does anyone know when the Wiki is going to reflect the changes? Because it doesn't appear to have been changed yet. And in the meantime, can anyone confirm that the amount of Goods reward for neighborly help on a level 2 Crystal Lighthouse is...
  12. stargatehorizon

    Ancient Wonders KP

    It would be nice to have some sort of auto-buyer and notifications for allocating KP to Ancient Wonders, along with some sort of management screen. For example, I put 2 KP into SuzyQ's Golden Abyss. I do other things for a while and in the meantime JonnyB puts 5 KP into SuzyQ's Golden Abyss...
  13. Neighborly help

    I have two suggestions for neighborly help. The first is to allow neighborly help for Ancient Wonders - one handshake = 1 kp added to the AW. The other suggestion is to modify the pop-up that appears when you scroll over a cultural item. Instead of "This will increase culture for the next 8...
  14. Changes to Ancient Wonders

    So i watched the march episode, and they talked briefly about how they are going to change how the ancient wonders work. All i truly know from what they said is that they will be changing based upon what level you are in the tech tree and i would like to see a chart or list like they have on...
  15. Cerberus training time not affected by Needles

    I recently built the Needles of the Tempest and, while they're affecting the training time of all my barracks units, they're not affecting the training time of the only Training Grounds unit I have a use for. Is this normal or yet another bug? If it IS normal, then I think it's grossly unfair...
  16. Suggestions for navigation

    1. Ancient Wonder - bring up the runes window first. I don't need to know the information in that window every time it is brought up so I don't need it to be brought up first. I am always wanting to place runes. I am placing runes much more often than I am adding knowledge points. 2...
  17. AW on cliff on Felyndral

    OK...on Elcysandir the representations of the AW's have been removed months ago from the cliff at th back of the city. On my dutch world that has happened as well. Now I just looked in on my testworld on Felyndral and there they still are visible (no, not my city, I don't have any, but I looked...
  18. Golden Hands & Ancient Wonders search select options improvment

    Improve Neighborly Help/Golden Hands and Ancient Wonder search and select option. Regardless where a city is ranked, it be smart and advantageous to improve our search and select options. Golden Hand Solution: Modify the golden hands button into a drop down menu of link locations which upon...
  19. Rune Prizes When Contributing to AWs

    I know that some AWs award runes (or rune shards) to only the top contributor of KPs, while other AWs will award runes (or rune shards) or KP to to the top 3 (or more?) contributors. I'm not certain which ones are which, sorry - I just know some are different than others. I have been...
  20. Cliff symbols do no longer shortcut to Ancient Wonders

    No idea whether this is by purpose or by accident, but I noticed that it's no longer possible to just click on the image of an Ancient Wonder in a player's city and get taken there. This means that if I want to help a fellow-member or a neighbour by donating KP's to their wonders I have to...