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Help How to add a Signature and an Avatar. (explained with pictures)

Sir Squirrel

Artist EXTRAORDINAIRE and Buddy Fan Club member
Edited to reflect the changes made to the forum and how too setup an Avatar and Signature after the update to the forum. (as of January 23, 2020.)

Hello everyone, I spend a fair bit of time telling members how to add an Avatar and Signature to there profile so I wanted to explain it here with some pictures to help.

Avatars (PC users)
1. The first thing is to have your Avatar downloaded to your computer. If already made for you just copy it and paste it somewhere you will be easily be able to find it (desktop or my pictures). Then go to the forum and click at the top where your screen name is and then click on the picture there (if no avatars have been added before the picture will be a question mark).


After clicking the picture, you should arrive at the Avatar profile page. Here you click the browse button and search for your Avatar on your computer.


Once you have found and opened it, click the OK button and you should be the proud owner of a new Avatar you can show off on the forums!!

Avatar (Mobile users)

It is basically the same for Tablet and mobile phone users except for the coping part. For mobile users you will need to hold your finger over the Avatar until you get a popup that will give you the option to download it to your device.


then you can browse to your gallery to find and pick it.


then click the OK button to confirm and you should also be the proud owner of a new Avatar to show off on the forums!!

I would like to add that if you are doing your own Avatar they have to be small in both size Height and width and width and in size in megabites. I try to just select the face of a character with a square selection and then resize it to 100 by 100 pixels and save it as a .jpg file.
I hope this post will help those in need of assistance in adding an Avatar to their profile. If you have any questions you can start a conversation with me by clicking on my Avatar at the left of the post and clicking start a conversation or you can post a question to my Artist corner page by clicking the link under my signature.
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Sir Squirrel

Artist EXTRAORDINAIRE and Buddy Fan Club member
Signatures (PC users)

OK now for Signatures, to start right click on your signature and pick copy image link from the list.


Then you go to your signature profile page.


Then click the insert image button and then right click and paste the link in there.


Now your signature should be showing in the signature box. Next use the alignment button to center your signature.


Lastly click on the save button at the bottom of the page to save your changes.


Now your signature should be showing under all your posts and you can show it off by posting on the forums!!

Signature (Mobile users)

The process is the same for mobile users except how you copy and paste the link. To copy the link you need to hold your finger on the link until you get a popup and then pick copy link address.


Then go to the signature page


Pick the insert image button. Then you have to hold your finger on where you want to paste the link until you get a popup that gives you the option to paste.


the signature should now be in the signature box and you should use the alignment button to center it


Then tap the save button at the bottom of the page and you are done.


You should now have a new signature you can show off on the forums!!

I hope this will help members to hook up their signatures. If you need any help you can start a conversation with me by clicking my avatar to the left of my posts and clicking on "start a conversation" or by clicking the link under my signature that will bring you to my artist corner page!


  • highlightcopy.jpg
    73 KB · Views: 431
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Hello everyone, I spend a fair bit of time telling members how to add a signature to there profile so I wanted to explain it here with some pictures to help.

1. First thing is to have your signature uploaded from your computer to the forum into a post. You can use the artists corner part of the forum for this. I will explain how to do this in the next post.

If it is already made and posted for you then you can continue to #2.

2. You have to right click and copy the signature from the post it is in.

3, Hover over the little icon at the bottom right of the page (it will look like your avatar), then click signature in the pop up menu that appears.

4. Right click and paste your signature into the box on the signature page.

5. Then click the align button and click center.

6. Last you will have to save your changes with the save changes button.

Now your Signature will automatically appear under every post you make (and have made) in the forums.
I hope this helps some people to add a signature here on the forums!
I'm trying my hand at making my own signature. I got one made on my computer, but I'm stuck there. I read your instructions but still need to figure out how to get it into a post. It keeps asking for a URL. I can't seem to just copy and paste it in there from the saved location on the computer to the post


Ok Donnyd,
edit your post my new signature, then use the upload a file button to upload it to the post.
View attachment 5895
then it will look like this
View attachment 5896
click in your post again to get the curser there then click the full image button and then post reply.
Then you can follow the other instructions in my top post on how to add it to your profile.

I forgot to add that in edit mode the upload a file button isn't readily available, you will have to click the more options button to make it show again.
View attachment 5897
Thank you so much. I did it. Mine doesn't look nearly as good as any of yours, but it is my first attempt.


In this post I will show you how to upload a picture to use as an avatar to your profile.

1. First download or copy the picture you want for an avatar to your computer (the picture can only be 200 pixels high x 200 pixels width)

2. Paste the picture to your desktop (change the name to make it easier to find if you like)

3. Then go back to the forum and hover over the little icon at the bottom right of the page, and then click avatar from the list in the window that pops up.

4. Click the browse button.

5. Find the picture you copied to your desktop, then click the open button.

6. That should upload it to the forums, so all you have to do now is click the okay button.

You are done, your picture should now be added to your profile!