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    Your Elvenar Team

Is anyone else bored to death?


This game has gotten so slow it is beyond boring. I am doing all I can to keep everyone in my fellowship playing, but I fear I can't do enough to keep people around. Half of us have started playing another game together.

Let me explain what I do each day:

Log in for a few minutes and grab some goods.

Every 2 or 2 1/2 days I get to send out a scout.

After more than two weeks I get one more expansion on which I can place one building.

I am really really bored.


Have to agree with you on the scouting, used to be I could do 5-6 provinces a day, now if I'm lucky I get to do 1-2 guess I should count my lucky stars I'm not as advanced as you are but still I wish we could have an extra scout or two (after all the scouting does cost coins).

Deleted User - 107391

This game has gotten so slow it is beyond boring. I am doing all I can to keep everyone in my fellowship playing, but I fear I can't do enough to keep people around. Half of us have started playing another game together.

Let me explain what I do each day:

Log in for a few minutes and grab some goods.

Every 2 or 2 1/2 days I get to send out a scout.

After more than two weeks I get one more expansion on which I can place one building.

I am really really bored.

I'm not there yet, but I can see it coming.


My "game" has been reduced to sitting around and waiting for granite and copper to unlock my few remaining endgame researches. I pick up trades from the newer players and collect goods and books as they're available. I can't get the last rune I need to unlock the Martial Monastery (and NOT going to pay for yet something else that's unreachable), and even after it's unlocked, I'll be sitting around waiting for books to upgrade it. (I seem to have no trouble getting additional rules for the Crystal Lighthouse, but what good are they AFTER I no longer need them?)

I used to love this game. Now it just makes me sad.


You'll need them to upgrade the Crystal Light house when your ready to level up to 5 or 6 from what I have heard.

Deleted User - 107391

What do you do with your excess coins? I've been buying KP, which I don't need, and giving it away to anyone with Wonders. But that doesn't really keep up. Shall I delete residences?


Lol! I am hardly advanced at all. Not even halfway through the tech tree in my Elven city. I haven't died from boredom, yet. But those agonal respirations and terminal apnoea are not far off. Just burning off Diamonds and waiting to stall out. I bought them, I will use them up. And then perhaps, just for sheets and grins, I will sell off everything I have except residences and diamond Cultural builds. And let my population roam the streets in search of work, enjoying the pretty view and setting up speakeasies and dice games in the dark shadowy corners.

And then sit back to watch the show, with a nice bowl of popcorn and a delicious STEAMY cup of cocoa...


What do you do with your excess coins? I've been buying KP, which I don't need, and giving it away to anyone with Wonders. But that doesn't really keep up. Shall I delete residences?

You may want to hold off on buying KP right now...it will become more expensive and then later you'll wish you had cheap KP for the next chapter.

If you don't need the coins from residences, you can delete the roads to them and perhaps find space to build something else...


As to being bored....yes. But not due to lack of content - rather due to the elimination of active play. If "flipping" were still viable, I could engage with lower level players and help them progress...chat with fellowship members...watch TV. Instead it's just show up every 3 hours for a few minutes and then nothing - I'm virtually locked out.

I don't have enough programming skills to have opinions about speed of game development, so I'm inclined to wait patiently for content.


I'm with Bobbi, the kp gets more expensive as time goes by and you will really wish you kept them cheap. Buy goods with them. The farther you scout the more expensive negotiating gets and you need those goods! Or you can trade them and help out others in your fellowship.


Ouch. It's going to continue to rise for me too. They really need to add a feature making these Kp points we get from AW wins into packages we can store them.


Lol! I feel so tiny... only 6k on Khel and 14.5k on Aren. For now.
Mine's 284. I won't admit to the cost in goods, else I'd be the butt of some withering remarks from our DLF (dear little friend).
My friend, the remarks are only withering if you allow them to be, only bothersome if you let them bother you. I just dance, and wear steel toed boots to keep my toes intact. And wear a kevlar leisure suit to avoid scratches from the claws. I also cover myself in butter and carry lemons. Just in case...

“Everybody get outta here, there’s a lobster loose! Ohhhh, holy cow, he’s loose! Everybody get outta here – he’s vengeful! Quickly! Cover yourself with hot butter and carry lemons just in case you have to squirt him with it and so forth, to repel him! Everybody get outta here, quickly! There’s gonna be a tradegy! Oh, God! Ohhhh – Haaaah!”
Bill Murray, from National Lampoon’s Radio Hour


I'm on thin ice here in the Forum - too often in trouble for my version of steel-toed boots. I'm a Texas girl and call a spade a spade...no talent for insulting via [dim]wit. Herein misogyny is allowed, but N*zi a banned four-letter word....now, I shall bat my eyes, play "I Need a Hero", and place my token upon your lance.


Ah, I don't know if it is truly misogyny that one displays. I see it more as Misanthropy. Mixed with a healthy dose of extreme Narcissism. And perhaps a "wee" bit of Transference.
Lol! The game is indeed already boring me to tears. and I am barely halfway through the tech tree. But the dance yet holds my interest. Because I am never one to refuse a battle of wits, even if my opponent is unarmed. ;)

“Knowledge subverts love: in proportion as we penetrate our secrets, we come to loathe our kind, precisely because they resemble us.”
Emil Cioran